1859 in Belgium

  • 1858
  • 1857
  • 1856

  • 1860
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  • 1830s
  • 1840s
  • 1850s
  • 1860s
  • 1870s
See also:Other events of 1859
List of years in Belgium
Map of north-western Germany with Belgium and the Netherlands (1859)

Events in the year 1859 in Belgium.


Monarch: Leopold I
Head of government: Charles Rogier


  • Fabrique d'armes Émile et Léon Nagant established in Liège
  • Railway line from Namur to Arlon completed
  • 18 April – Five-year commercial treaty with France (1854) extended for two more years.[1]
  • 14 June – Partial legislative elections
  • 19 July – Auguste Orts replaces Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen as speaker of the Chamber of Representatives.
  • 9 August – Modeste Decroix (in religion Fr François) and Louis-Joseph Miroux (in religion Br François), both of Scourmont Priory, condemned to twenty years and ten years hard labour respectively on multiple counts of sexual assault.[2]
  • 31 August – Belgian Chamber of Representatives votes to fortify Antwerp as a National Redoubt.[3]
  • 3 November – Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Catholic University of Leuven.[4]
  • 24 November – Breve of Pope Pius IX congratulating the Catholic University of Leuven on its twenty-fifth anniversary.

Art and architecture

Alfred Stevens, Will you come out with me, Fido? (1859)
  • Alfred Stevens, Will you come out with me, Fido?


  • Almanach de poche de Bruxelles (Brussels, Tircher)[5]
  • Annales de pomologie belge et étrangère, vol. 7.[6][7]
  • Annuaire de l'Académie royale de Belgique, vol. 25[8]
  • Annuaire de la noblesse de Belgique, vol. 13, edited by Isidore de Stein d'Altenstein[9]
  • Annuaire statistique et historique belge, vol. 6, edited by Auguste Scheler[10]
  • La Belgique, 8[11]
  • La Belgique Horticole, vol. 9.[12]
  • Bibliographie de la Belgique, ou Catalogue général de l'imprimerie et de la librairie belges, vol. 22 (Brussels, Charles Muquardt)[13]
  • Bulletins de l'Académie royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles (Brussels, Hayez).[14]
  • Bulletin et annales de l'Académie d'archéologie de Belgique, vol. 6[15]
  • Collection de précis historiques, vol. 8, edited by Edouard Terwecoren S.J.[16]
  • Journal de l'armée belge, vol. 17[17]
  • Journal d'horticulture pratique de la Belgique[18]
  • Le Moniteur Belge [19]
  • Recueil consulaire contenant les rapports commerciaux[20]
  • Recueil des lois et arrêtés royaux de la Belgique, vol. 11[21]
Reports and monographs
  • XIVe exposition nationale et triennale de Gand. Salon de 1859. Notice sur les tableaux et objets d'arts, exposés à l'ancienne église des PP. Dominicains (Ghent, Vanderhaeghen)[22]
  • Charles Bormann, The Shrapnel Shell in England and in Belgium with Some Reflections on the Use of this Projectile in the Late Crimean War; a Historico-technical Sketch (Brussels, Librarie européenne)[23]
  • Jules Malou, La question monétaire (Brussels, 1859)
  • Edmond Speelman, Belgium Marianum: Histoire du culte de Marie en Belgique y compris l'ancien territoire de Lille, de Douai, de Cambrai, etc.: calendrier belge de la Sainte Vierge (Pairs and Tournai, Casterman)[24]
  • Jean Stecher, Flamands et Wallons (Liège, F. Renard)[25]




  1. ^ C. Pety de Thozée, Système commercial de la Belgique, vol. 2 (Brussels, Bruylant-Christophe, 1875), p. 26.
  2. ^ "Cour d'Assises du Hainaut", Gazette des Tribunaux, 15-16 August 1859. [1]
  3. ^ Joseph Irving, The Annals of Our Time (London and New York, 1871), p. 556.
  4. ^ Souvenir du XXVe anniversaire de la fondation de l'Université catholique (Leuven, 1860) On Google Books
  5. ^ On Google Books
  6. ^ On Wikisource (French)
  7. ^ On Google Books
  8. ^ On Google Books in one binding with vol. 24.
  9. ^ On Google Books
  10. ^ On Google Books
  11. ^ On Google Books
  12. ^ On Google Books
  13. ^ On Google Books
  14. ^ On Google Books
  15. ^ On Google Books in one binding with vol. 5
  16. ^ On Google Books
  17. ^ On Google Books
  18. ^ On Google Books
  19. ^ January, February, March-April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December on Google Books.
  20. ^ On Google Books
  21. ^ On Google Books
  22. ^ On Google Books
  23. ^ On Google Books
  24. ^ On Google Books
  25. ^ On Google Books
  26. ^ On Google Books
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