Ananga Ranga

15th or 16th century Indian sex manual
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Ananga Ranga
AuthorKalyana malla
Publication date
15th or 16th century
Publication placeIndia

The Ananga Ranga (Hindi: अनंगरंग, lit. 'Stage of Love or Stage of the Bodiless One') or Kamaledhiplava (Hindi: कमलेधिप्लव, lit.'Boat in the Sea of Love') is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century.[1][2] The translators of the manuscript describes the objective [3] of the manuscript in their book is not to encourage chambering and wantonness, but simply and in all sincerity to prevent the separation of husband and wife.

The poet wrote the work for the amusement of Lad Khan, son of Ahmed Khan Lodi. He was related to the Lodi dynasty, which from 1451 to 1526 ruled from Delhi.[4][5] Later commentators have said it is aimed specifically at preventing the separation of a husband and wife. This work is often compared to the Kama Sutra, on which it draws.


Ananga Ranga was translated and published into English under Kama Shastra Society in the year 1885 [6][7] under the editorship of Sir Richard Francis Burton and after his death, the manuscript of the translation with notes were burnt by his wife Isabel Burton in the weeks following his death.[8][9]

The translators describe the objective of the manuscript as - "It is true that no joy in the world of mortals can compare with that derived from the knowledge of the creator. Second, however, and subordinate only, to this are the satisfaction and pleasure arising from the possession of a beautiful woman. Men, it is true, marry for the sake of undisturbed congress, as well as for love and comfort, and often they obtain handsome and attractive wives. But they do not give them plenary contentment, nor do they themselves thoroughly enjoy their charms.

The reason for this is that they are completely ignorant of the Kama Shastra, and they disregard the differences between the various types of women, viewing them only from an animal standpoint. Such men must be regarded as foolish and unintelligent, and this book was written with the intention of preventing lives and loves from being squandered in the same way, and the benefits to be gained from its study are outlined in the following verses.:

"The man who knoweth the Art of Love, and who understandeth the thorough and varied enjoyment of women;

As advancing age cooleth his passions, he learneth to think of his Creator, to study religious subjects, and to acquire divine knowledge:

Hence he is freed from further transmigration of souls; and when the tale of his days is duly told, he goeth direct with his wife to the Svarga (heaven)."

Kalyanamalla[10], Ananga Ranga


The contents of the chapters of Burton's translation of the Ananga Ranga are as follows:

Chapter I

Chapter I covers four sections describing classes of Women. [11]

Section I: Of the Four Orders of Women

Divided into classes of temperament and the same correspond with the four different phases of Moksha, or Release from further Transmigration.

Orders of Women
Order Moksha Type
The Padmini Sayujyata or Khadgini
The Chitrini Samipyata
The Shankhini Sarupata
The Hastini Salokata

Section II: Personal Peculiarities of the Four Classes

This section describes the signs, symptoms and bodily features of the four classes/orders of the Women.

Peculiarities of Women
Order Yoni Type Kama-Salila
The Padmini Opening Lotus Bud Newly Burst Lily
The Chitrini Thin Hairs about Yoni, Soft Mons Veneris Hot, Perfumes like Honey
The Shankhini Ever Moist, Hairy Cleft Salty
The Hastini No Description - Irrelevant Abundant, Flows from the Elephant's Temples

Section III: The days of greatest enjoyment for the Four Classes

The arch-poet proceeds in this section with a table of the days of greatest enjoyment of the four classes/orders of the Women.

Days (Lunar) of Enjoyment of Women
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Order of Women

1st Day


2nd Day


4th Day


5th Day

The Padmini

6th Day


8th Day


10th Day


12th day

The Chitrini

3rd day


7th day


11th day


13th day

The Shankhini

9th day


14th day


Full Moon


New Moon

The Hastini

Section IV: Of the Hours which Give the Highest Enjoyment

The arch-poet explains in this section with a table of the hours of greatest enjoyment of the four classes/orders of the Women. The following tables, then, show the Pahar, or watch of the night and day, during which the four classes of women derive the greatest pleasure.

Regulating the Night Hours
1st Pahar

6-9 p.m.

2nd Pahar

9-12 p.m.

3rd Pahar

12-3 a.m.

4th Pahar

3-6 a.m.

" " " The Padmini
The Chitrini " " "
" " The Shankhini "
The Hastini The Hastini The Hastini The Hastini
Regulating the Day Hours
1st Pahar

6-9 a.m.

2nd Pahar

9-12 a.m.

3rd Pahar

12-3 p.m.

4th Pahar

3-6 p.m.

The Padmini The Padmini The Padmini The Padmini
" The Hastini The Hastini "

- The Padmini, for instance, takes no satisfaction in night congress; indeed, she is thoroughly averse to it. She is like Surya Kamala (day-lotus) which opens its eyes to the sunlight, so she is satisfied even by a boy-husband in the bright hours. - The Chitrini and the Shankhini are like the Chandra Kamala, or night-lotus, that expands to the rays of the moon. The Chitrini and the Shankhini derive no satisfaction from day congress. - The Hastini, who is the coarsest, ignores all these delicate distinctions.

- the Ditto or Iteration Mark: used by the poet & translators - Burton Richard F., Arbuthnot F. F. is confusing as there is no above row value to copy. - There are a few Indian, and Hindi translations, and interpretations of these Ditto-Marks. These interpretations may be controversial not inline to the original script/text.

Chapter II: the Various Seats of Passion in Women

Kalyanamalla describes that the passion resides in different parts and members of the woman's person and that by applying to these the necessary Chandrakala, or preparatory attouchements, great comfort and pleasure are experienced by both husband and wife.[12]

Passion resides in the woman's right side during the Shuklapksha, the first or light fortnight of the lunar month, from the new moon to full, including the fifteenth day. The reverse is the case on the dark fortnight, including its first day, and lasting from the full to the new moon.

Day-wise Places of Body for Attouchements
Shuklapaksha Day Krishnapaksha Day Place Touches Types
15th First Head and Hair Hold hair, &caress the head and finger-tips
14th Second Right eye Kiss and Fondle
13th Third Lower Lip Kiss, Bite and Chew Softly
12th Fourth Right Cheek Kiss, Bite and Chew Softly
11th Fifth Throat Scratch gently with nails
10th 6th Side Scratch Gently with Nails
9th 7th Breasts Hold in hands and Gently Knead
8th 8th All Bosom Tap Softly with base of fist
7th 9th Navel Pat softly with open palm
6th 10th Nates Hold, squeeze and tap with fist
5th 11th Yoni Work with friction of Linga
Fourth 12th Knee Press with application of knee and fill-up with finger
Third 13th Calf of leg Press with application of calf and fill-up with finger
Second 14th Foot Press with toe, and thrust with finger
First 15th Big Toe Press with toe, and thrust with finger

The shifting is supposed to take place by the action of light and darkness, otherwise, the site of passion would be one and the same. The husband must continue his action till he sees the body-hair bristle, and hears the Sitkara. Thus he will know that the paroxysm has taken place, and the beloved one is thoroughly satisfied.

- Kalyana malla describes the manipulation of the places of various kinds and types of Women more specifically on the fortnight for the highest pleasure and satisfaction.

Section I: Manipulations of the Padmini

Following are the lunar day based manipulation for the Padmini woman.

Manipulations of the Padmini
Member / Seat Pratipada

1st day


2nd day


4th day


5th day

Throat Hug with force " " "
Cheek Kiss & Scratch Kiss & Scratch " "
Hair " " " Stroke slowly with right hand
Waist Apply nails & scratch " Scratch gently "
Breast " " Scratch gently "
Back Scratch & tap with fist " " "
Bosom " Press with nails Squeeze & knead Press & rub
Side Scratch & press with nails " " "
Thigh " Scratch & press with nail " "
Belly Scratch & press with nails " " "
Arm " " Jerk suddenly & twitch "
Lip Bite softly Kiss Bite softly & suck Bite softly
Nipple " " " Kiss & Pinch softly & rub with thumb & forefinger
Space between eyes Kiss " " "
Foot " Scratch & press with nails " "

Section II: Manipulation of the Chitrini

Following are the lunar day based manipulation for the Chitrini woman.

Manipulations of the Chitrini
Member/Seat Shasti

6th day


8th day


10th day


12th day

Yoni " Insert Linga Rub & Scratch with left hand "
Lower Lip Kiss " " Bite gently
Throat Embrace Clasp Firmly with hands Scratch & Pass fingers over it Embrace Firmly
Waist Scratch and press with nails " Pass left hand over it & rub "
Navel " Pinch with Nails & Fingers " "
Lip " Bite Quickly & Repeatedly " "
Breast " Hold in Hand Pass left hand over it & rub "
Ear " " Cares with left hand Set nails on it
Thigh " " Rub with left hand "
Middle of Body " " Pass left hand over it & rub "
Back " " Pass left hand over it & tap with fist "
Nates " " " "
Forehead " " Kiss Strongly "
Chest " " " Kiss & Pat
Eye " " " Do something to close eyes quickly
Hair " " " Pull gently

- Kalyana malla describes the manipulation of the places of Chitrini Women however the various translators have been confused about what process on the nates to be followed.

Section III: Manipulation of the Shankhini

Following are the lunar day based manipulation for the Shankhini woman.

Manipulations of the Shankhini
Member / Seat Tritiya

3rd day


7th day


11th day


13th day

Body generally Twist it about Embrace firmly Claps with force "
Lower Lip Bite " " "
Arm ? " " "
Breasts Scratch roughly till marks are left " " Squeeze till she makes Sitkara
Belly " Scratch & press with nails " "
Chest " Press with nails & cares " "
Throat " Scratch & press with nails " "
Ear " Press with nails " "
Foot " Press to leave nail marks " "
Mouth " Kiss " "
Yoni " Apply Linga with force Apply Lings as it were in a bowl "
Lip " " Kiss & Suck "
Inch below head " " " Write upon it as it were with nails
Lower edge of Yoni ? " " "

- Kalyana malla describes the manipulation of the places of various kinds for Shankhini Women however the translators Sir Richard Francis Burton, have been concerned about the process/action specified and hence marked question mark (?) for the limbs like biting arm, applying linga with force below head, scratch roughly lower edge of yoni till marks are left.

Section IV: Manipulation of the Hastini

Following are the lunar day-based manipulation for the Hastini woman.

Manipulations of the Hastini
Member / Seat Navami

9th day


14th day


Full Moon


No Moon

Yoni Thrust violently with Linga or even rub hard with hand Scratch, press in till her waist bends " Manipulate & pull open like flower
Navel Rub & frequently pass hand over " " "
Lip Kiss & Suck " Kiss in various ways Kiss in various ways
Side Press with fingers & scratch very softly " " "
Breast Rub, Twist, squeeze, & make it small " Pull hard Scratch & leave marks
Chest " " Scratch & leave marks "
Nipple " " Kiss, rub with thumb & fore-finger Pass hand over it, rub with thumb & fore-finger
Body Generally " " Embrace in various ways Embrace in various ways
Eye " Kiss Kiss Kiss
Armpit " Kiss Scratch & tickle Scratch & tickle

Chapter III: Of the Different Kinds of Men and Women

This chapter covers overall 4 sections describing the different kinds of Men & Women.[13]

Section I: Men

There are three kinds of men, namely, the Shasha or the Hare-man; the Vrishabha or Bull-man, and the Ashwa or Horse-Man. These are based on the length of the erected linga of the men:

Kinds of Men
Man Type Linga Length Kama Salila Type
Shasha or Hare Man Six Fingers Not Offensive
Vrishabha or Bull-man Nine Fingers Ever Ready
Ashwa or Horse-Man Twelve Fingers Copius, Salty, Goat-Like

Section II: Women

The four orders of women, Padmini, Chitrini, Shankhini, and Hastini, may be subdivided into three kinds, according to the depth and extent of the Yoni. These are the Mrigi, also called Harini, the Deer-woman ;the Vadava or Ashvini, Mare-woman ; and the Karini, or Elephant-woman.

Kinds of Women
Type of Woman Yoni Depth Kama Salila
Mrigi, or Deer-woman Six Fingers Pleasant, Perfume of the Lotus-flower
Vadava or Mare-woman Nine Fingers Pleasant, Perfumed like the Lotus
Karini, or Elephant-woman Twelve Fingers Abundant, Flows from the Elephant's Temples

Section III: Of Congress

Men and women, being, according to the above measurements, of three several divisions, it results that there are nine conditions under which congress takes place. The arch-poet describes these nines into Samana, Uchha, Nichha, Ati-uchha, and Anti-nichh, categorised as, respectively, entitled Uttama, the best ; Madhyama, the middling ; and Kanishtha, the worst.

Types & Categories of Congress based on couple
Dimensional Name - Man Dimensional Name - Woman Congress Type Congress Category
Shasha Mrigi Uttama Samana
Shasha Vadva Madhyama Nichha
Shasha Karini Kanishtha Anti-Nichha
Vrishabha Mrigi Madhyama Uchha
Vrishabha Vadva Uttama Samana
Vrishabha Karini Kanishtha Nichha
Ashva Mrigi Kanishtha Anti-Uchha
Ashva Vadva Madhyama Uchha
Ashva Karini Uttama Samana

The Poet describes that the proportion of enjoyment arises from the exact adaptation of the Linga, especially when the diameter agrees with the extension, and when the vigour of tension enables the husband to turn his mind towards the usual arts which bring women under subjection; rather than the length of the Linga.

Section IV: Of other minor distinctions in Congress

The Poet further explains various distinctions in the congress as follows.

There are three forms of Vissrishti, or the emission of Kama Salila, both in men and women, viewed with respect to length or shortness of time:

  1. Chirasambhava-vissrishti – occupies great length of time.
  2. Madhyasambhava-vissrishti - accomplished within moderate period.
  3. Shighrasambhava-vissrishti - takes short time to finish.

Then, Kalyana malla further describes that there are three degrees of Vega, that is to say, force of carnal desire, resulting from mental or vital energy and acting upon men and women.

  1. Chanda-vega - furious appetite or impulse; the highest capacity.
  2. Madhyama-vega - or moderate desires.
  3. Manda-vega - slow or cold concupiscence the lowest capacity.

Then there are three Kriyas, acts or processes that bring on the orgasm in men and women these are:

  1. Chirodaya-kriya - is applied to the efforts which continue long before they bear any result.
  2. Madhyodaya-kriya - those which act in moderate time.
  3. Laghudaya-kriya - the shortest.

Altogether we have twenty-seven kinds of congress, which, by multiplying the nine species (women & men) give grand total of two hundred and forty-three (9x3x9=243).

Chapter IV: Description of the General Qualities, Characteristics, Temperaments, Etc., of Women

The arch-poet Kalyana malla in this chapter describes the peculiarities of the Women by various periods/phases known as four Avasthas of life; three types of Remperments; nine types based on their previous state (life) existence known as the Satvas; three routinely behaviors, and many characteristics, qualities.[14]

Section I: Qualities attached to the Age

This section describes the qualities attached to various age groups.

The following table will show the peculiarities of women according to the four periods of life during which she is open to love.

It may be premised that she is called Kanyá from birth to the age of eight years, which is the time of Balyavastha, or childhood; and Gaurí, after the white goddess Parvati, from that period to her eleventh year; Taru̐nyavastha, when she becomes marriageable then follow Yavavastha, young-womanhood, and Vreuddhavastha, old-womanhood.

Showing qualities attached to the several Ages
Age Name Regarding art of Love Preferred Congress Type How Subjected
11-16 Years Bálá Fit In Darkness By Flowers, Small Presents, Gifts of Betel,

and so forth

16-30 Years Taru̐ni Fit In Light By Gifts of - Dresses, Pearls & Ornaments
30-55 Years Praudhá Fit ? Both in Darkness & Light By Attention, Politeness, Kindness & Love
Beyond 55 Years Vriddhá Unfit Becomes Sick & Infirm By Flattery

- It is very interesting that the original author has marked a question mark “?” against the age group 30–55 years, despite it being the fertile period of the Women. None of the several international and Indian translations have so far been able to describe any point of view on this question mark.

- In the Indian Society, generally, the Women were married during early twenties, and would have given birth to few Children. The upbringing of Children requires a good amount of energy, effort and attention.

This may be one of the reasons that the Poet has marked a ‘question mark'.[citation needed]

Section II: Women by Temperaments

Further observe that there are three temperaments of women, as shown by the following characteristics:

Characteristics of Women by Temperaments
Temperament Temperament Appearance Yoni Congress
Kapha Lymphatic or Phlegmatic Diathesis Bright Eyes, Teeth, Nails, Youthful Cool, Hard, Fleshy, Delicate Best Temperament for Congress
Pitta Bilious Diathesis Flaccid & Pendant Bosom & Nates, Sour Perspiration Hot, and Relaxed Cannot endure Longer
Vataa Windy temperament Black Nails, Eyes, Gluttony mind, harsh laugh Rough as Cow Tongue Hardly Satisfied

Section III: Women by Sattva or Guna

Furthermore, women require to be considered in connection with the previous state of their existence; the Satva known as Guna, or disposition inherited from former life, and which influences their worldly natures.

Shastras mention that Women are born with inherent qualities of mind and character, based on their previous birth. Following table describes brief Sattvas:

Types of Women by Sattva or Guna
Sattva Type Origin Characteristics
Devasatva Strí Belongs to Gods, Pious Cheerful & lively, pure bodied, clean, clever, wealthy, sweet speaker, good working, never displeased
Gandharvasarva Strí Of the Ghandarva Heavenly Minstrels, beautifully shaped, peaceful mind, delighted in purity, skillful-artful, passion of live.
Yakshasatva Strí Of the Yakshas Large breasts, champa like skin, fond of flesh and liquor, devoid of shame and decency, passionate, every ready
Munushyasatva Strí Of the Humans Delights in pleasure of friendship & hospitality, Respectable, Honest, free & clean mind, religious
Pisachasatva Strí Of the Demons Short, dark, hot, wrinkled forehead, unclean, greedy, fond of forbidden things, however is enjoyed good, ever ready
Nagasatva Strí Of the Snakes Women Always in hurry & confusion, drowsy eyes, yawns over and again, deep-drawn respirations, lives in doubt & suspicion
Kakasatva Strí Of the Crow rolls eyes, wants food throughout the day, silly, unreasonable, unhappy, spoils everything she touches
Vanarasatva Strí Of Money Women Rubs eyes throughout the day, grinds & chatters with teeth, lively, active, mercurial.
Kharasatva Strí Off the Ass Unclean, speaks awkwardly, crooked mind, pleases no-one.
- The subject of the Satvas is one requiring careful study, for the characteristics are ever varying, and only experience can determine the class to which women be longed in the former life, and which has coloured their bodies and minds in this state of existence.

Section IV: Women by Routinely Behaviors

Further, the women are of three types based on bodies and mind:

Section V: Characteristics of Women

The author Kalyana malla, in this section describes various characteristics of Women.

Fifteen signs and symptoms of the amorous woman:

Eight signs of indifference to be noted in womankind:

Six principal causes deviation from the right way by woman, and to fall into the society of profligates:

Fifteen principal causes which make women unhappy:

Twelve periods of the greatest desire for congress, and at the same time are most easily satisfied:

- At such times women are easily subjected to men.

Section VI: Kinds of Príti

The arch-poet furthermore requests to learn that there are four kinds of the Prít or love-tie connecting men and women:

Moreover, the Poet tell that being Colder desires and slower to rouse than Man, woman is not easily satisfied by a single act of congress; needs prolonged embraces, and if denied to her, she feels aggrieved. At the second act, however, her passion is thoroughly aroused, she finds orgasm more violent and thoroughly contented. This is exactly reverse to the Man. First being violent, second languid and disinclined for the third act.

The woman, as long as she is young and strong, are not the full as real and urgent as those of the man. The custom of society and the shame of the sex may compel her to conceal them and even to boast that they do not exist; yet the man who has studied the Art of Love is never deceived by this cunning.

Section VII: Kinds of Yoni The poet, feels it necessary to understand description of the Yoni; it being of four kinds.

Kalyana mall describes the internal organs of the Yoní as below:

Chapter V: Characteristics of the Women of Various Lands

After dividing the women into many different classes, the poet points out that one should consider the women with references to the dwelling lands.[15]

The lands described in this chapter are from the lands during 11th and 12th AD from the Rati-Rahasya of the kokkoka Pandit, which is known as Arya-varttá, which is “the tract between the Himalaya and the Vindhya ranges, from the Eastern Sea (Bay of Bengal) to the Western Sea (Arabian Sea)".

Kalyana malla explains that only by study and experience of women in different countries that the wise man learns to classify them according to their characteristics to discern the Chandrakalas, or preparatory attouchments, which best suit races as well as individuals, and thus to endear himself to womankind.

Chapter VI: Useful Medicines

On useful Medicines, Prayogas (external applications), Prescriptions, Recipes, Remedies, Cosmetics, Charms, Magic, Unguents and Spells. [16]

Kalyana malla explains that the most useful drugs and simples, the receipts and prescriptions which have been handed down by learned men for the comfort of the married, and for the benefit of the world.

Section I : Paroxysmal Excitement

To induce paroxysmal excitement the manuscript covers two methods in conjunction induce excitement in woman and to delay orgasm in men. One of man's chief duties in this life is to learn to withhold himself as much as possible, and, at the same time, to hasten the enjoyment of his partner.

Hastening the paroxysm of the woman The book has 7 prescriptions for hastening the paroxysm of the woman which includes various herbs and ingredients as:

Black pepper-corns, thorn-apple (Dhatura or Dhotara, datura stramonium) seeds, long pepper pod (Pinpalli, the Piper longum), Lodhora bark (the symplocos racemosa, the morinda citrifolia), white honey, old Gur (jaggery), Tamarind-pod bean, Aniseed powder, ghee, brute borax, Agasta-tree leaves, camphor, purified quicksilver, Sindura (red lead, minium, cinnabar, or red sulphuret of mercury), Rui seeds, and Jai tree leaves (Jasminum auriculatum).

Some of these could be toxic and poisonous in nature. One should understand these with an expert ayurvedic consultant before applying the ointments / Lepas prepared from these ingredients. One should be careful before following these prescriptions today.

Delay the orgasm of the man The book describes 8 prescriptions for delaying orgasm of the man from the learned, wise men which includes various herbs and ingredients as:

Lajjalu or sensitive plant (mimosa pudica), cow-milk, Panjadhari-nivarung juice (5 leaves cactus), root of Rui (gigantic swallow root), safflower-seed oil (Kardai Carthamus tinctorius), Kang or white panic (P. italicum), lotus flower filaments, Sishu bark (the blackwood tree, dalbergia sissoo), camphor, purified quicksilver, White Tal-makhana (barleria longifolia), Saptaparna (echides scholaris), white Anvalli (emblic myrobalan), Banyan tree (ficus indica), and Karanj (galedupa arborea).

Section II : Vajikarana or aphrodisiacs

To increase libido, sexual desire, sexual attraction, sexual pleasure, or sexual behavior.

Kalyana Malla explains that the wise discovered aphrodisiacs with the view of restoring physical strength and vigor. The old wise recorded that it is evident that the recipes given above are of no use to an impotent or to very weak person it is, therefore, necessary also to know the remedies which comfort the heart and excite desire, at the same time giving power of satisfying them. The author describes eight prescriptions of Vajikarana / aphrodisiac describing the following ingredients:

Loha-bhasma, liquorice juice, clarified butter, honey, Kante-shevati juice (rosa glandulifera), milk, sugar, White Tal-makhana seeds, Deva-bhat seed (wild rice, growing near tanks and swamps), Moh tree inner bark (bassia latifolia), Urid (Mung or phaseolus radiata or P. mungo), Kuili (Cow-itch, or dolichos pruriens), Kanta-gokhru (Caltrops, the Tribulus lanuginosus), Kakri, or cucumber, Chikana hedysarum lagopodioides, Lechi, Laghu-shatavari (asparagus racemosus), bark of the Anvali (the emblic myrobalm, an astringent nut; phyllanthus emblica), and Bhiiya-Kohali juice (the solanum Jacquini, prickly plant).

Section III : Genitals Rejuvenation

This section covers methods for enlargement & hardening of the Linga along with narrowing & tightening of Yoni for greater extent of the pleasure from the congress.

Prescriptions for thickening & enlarging the member: The poet says that when the Linga is soft or small, it is quite incapable of satisfying the wife, and of inducing her to love and to be subject to the husband. Hence it is necessary to offer recipes for thickening and enlarging that member, making it sound and strong, hard and lusty. The poet prescribes six prescriptions containing below ingredients for application of Lepa:

Chikana (hedysarum lago podioides), Lechi, Kosht (costus specicosus or Arabicus), Vekhand (orris root), Gajapimpali (pothos officinalis), Askhand (physalis flexuosa), Kanher-root (oleander, nerium odorum), Rakta-bol (myrrh), Manashil (red sulphurate of arsenic), Costus arabicus, aniseed, borax, sesamum oil, Saindhava (rock salt), pepper, costus, Ringani-root (prickly nightshade), Aghara-filaments (achyranthes aspera), Askhand (physalisflexuosa), barley, Urid (phaselus mungo), long pepper, white Shiras (a kind of mustard), Til (Jingilee or sesamum), Bibva or marking nuts (semicarpus anacardium), black salt,1 and lotus-flower leaves, Lodra-bark (symplocos racemose/ morinda citri folia) Hirakas (copperas, green vitrol or sulphate of iron), Dorli fruit (solanum macrorrhizon), pomegranate, and bitter oil (of the mustard, sinapis dichotoma).

Prescriptions for narrowing, contracting and hardening the Yoni As women advance in years, and especially after childbirth, certain enlargement takes place, followed by softness and flaccidity of the part. Hence it is necessary to give prescriptions for rendering it small and hard, thereby increasing the enjoyment of the husband, especially when he is in the flower of life. Here are the ingredients of the seven prescriptions for narrowing and closing the Yoni:

Lotus, stalk as well as blossom, milk, fir bark (pinus deodaru), turmeric, Daru-halad, (zedoary), Tal-makhana seeds & juice, Triphala, Dhavati-flower, (grislea tomentosa), Jambhuli (rose-apple tree), Sanvari-tree (silk cotton-tree, bombax heptaphyllum), honey, Karu-bhonpali (bitter white pompion, or pumpkin, curcubita lagenaria), 'Askhand-shoots, Chikana, Onva (or Ajvini, kind of dill or bishop's weed), blue lotus, Vala, or Khaskhas (andropogon muricata), and Moh-tree (bassia latifolia) bark.

Section IV : Genital Cleansing & Body Pile Removal

This section describes recipes for cleansing & perfuming the genitals of man and woman, and hair-removal around the house of Smara/Love. One recipe in fact claims that the hair will not grow ever.

Perfuming the member To remove certain inconveniences, and to supply their place with good qualities. perfuming the member, which will be given in two recipes containing following ingredients:

Shiras (a kind of mustard) and the extract from the Jai, or Jasmine flower, pine (pinus deodaru), sesamum oil, Shegwa, or tree horse-radish (guilandina moringa), pomegranate bark, bitter Nim-tree bark (melia azadiracht indica), and yellow Champak flowers (michelia champaca).

Removing and destroying the body-pile The poet describes three Recipes for removing and destroying the body-pile (poil amatoire) containing highly toxic compounds. An ointment / Lepa prepared from these toxic compounds is supposed to be applied to the house of Smara / house of love so that the hairs around will fall:

Lead Oxide, Bitter Oil, calcined conch-shell powder, banana juice, Harital (orpiment, yellow arsenic, or sulphuret of arsenic), Palasha wood (butea frondosa), and plantain-tree juice.

Section V : Menses’ Management

This section addresses the abortion, suddenly stopped Menses and Abnormal uterine bleeding.

Remedies for regularizing menses Kalyana malla explains two recipes which are essentially prepared by old wise men for the monthly ailment, which is suddenly arrested, either by accident or disease, great evils result:

Pingavi, or Karad-kangoni Leaves (a scandent shrub, the heart-pea, celastrus panicolata), Jasvad (shoe-flower,) Tandul (rice), Durva (Doob-grass, bent grass, or agrestis linearis), and pine-wood (P. deodaru).

- Note: these can cause an abortion in case of pregnant woman.

Remedies for Controlling Abnormal uterine bleeding The poet describes that it is judged necessary to abate the immoderate appearance of the menses (Abnormal uterine bleeding), the two remedies containing following will be found efficacious:

Hirada-dal (bark of yellow, or chebulic myrobalans), bitter Nim-bark, Anwal-katbi bark (dried myrobalans), Kapitya-fruit, (the elephant-apple, wood-apple or feroni), Chiva (small bamboo).

Section VI : Family Planning

This section addresses the complete life cycle of Family Planning from Preparation to conceive till voluntarily avoiding pregnancy.

The manuscript explains the family planning in greater detail and prescribes the recipes/prescriptions for helping manage the family plan. The phases of the family planning explained in the manuscript are as follows:

 - जय मन्मथ मथमथ बहि: लिंबालकखोदरं मुंचमुंचलघुलघु

Section VII : Cosmetics

This section covers the cosmetics recommendations for looking good so that there is greater attraction between the Man and Woman.

Cosmetics therapies are prescribed for beatification of the Man and Woman. These are classified into:


Thickening & beautifying hair: four therapies are prescribed for the hair beautification which are to be applied to the hairs. It is assumed that these are to be followed till the results/outcome are achieved unless specified, and may require these to be periodically followed. Some of these medications may result into violation of laws such as Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act:

Obtaining Good Black Colour: four therapies are prescribed for the hair beautification to get good black colour which are to be applied to the hairs. It is assumed that these are to be followed till the results/outcome are achieved unless specified and may require these to be periodically followed.

Whitening & Bleaching the Hair: at times white colored hairs looks beautiful for certain personalities exhibiting various other characteristics. For bleaching to white color, there is a recipe to achieve it.

Renewing the hair of the head:

Skin Cleaning & De-Tanning

It often happens that eruptions break out and leave black spots upon the face, greatly marring its comeliness.

Skin Cleansing: The following, therefore, are valuable prescriptions for clearing the skin:

Skin De-tanning: The following two recipes of de-tanning will remove the black colour of the epidermis and restore it to its original lighter tint:

Breast Enlargement & Hardening

It often happens that the breast turns flaccid, soft/tender, and lumpy causing discomfort and unattractiveness in women.

Breast Enlargement: The two following are useful recipes for enlarging the breasts of women:

Raising and Hardening Pendulous Bosoms: The following three recipes are invaluable for raising and hardening pendulous bosoms.

Chapter VII: Treating of Vashikaran

This chapter describes the technique used for Vashikaran.[17]

Vashikarana is the art by which man or woman is rendered submissive and obedient to the fascinator, who for that purpose uses certain drugs and charms. And first the magic "Talaka". The translators note that the reader will find this chapter interesting on account of the various abominations which it contains. The underlying idea appears to be that if any secretion of the body, the fouler the better, can be secretly administered to person of either sex, the result is the subjection of the patient to the adhibitor.

Vátsyáyana rishi has described an extensive commentary on the Vashikaran or the science of seduction and possession.

Referring Vátsyáyana, the poet explains 3 prescriptions of Tilak to be applied on forehead for attracting women, and 4 prescription of Anjana for attracting men. In addition to this, the chapter describes three (3) more powerful prescriptions to reduce other persons to submission.

Then the author describes 5 charms (2 processes and 3 prescriptions) to master a woman or man. The chapter describes 2 incense to make the world submissive. One of the most important Chinta-Mani-Dhupa.

Kameshwara, Chamunda mantra for subjecting woman, Kameshwara mantra for subduing Padmini woman, Madanastra for subduing Chitrini woman, 2 mantras for subduing Shankhini woman. There are specific ingredients and rituals specified along with the mantras to be chanted for various sets of repetition.

Chapter VIII: Of Different Signs in Men and Women

This chapter describes characteristics, attributes, guna of bridge, bridegroom, and their family/social behavior for considering a suitable match for the marriage. [18]

Section I: Characteristics of a Suitable Bride

Characteristics of a woman

The characteristics of woman whom we should take to wife, are as follows.

Such girl is truly fitted for marriage; and let sensible man hasten to take her, by performing the ceremonies which are commanded in the Holy Law.

Marks & distinguished body features

The poet insists that one needs to be learned the marks whereby beauty and good shape of body are distinguished.

Such girl, especially if her temper be good, her nature kindly, her sleep short, and her mind and body not inclined to laziness, should at once be married by the wise man.

Following are the signs of Woman
Not suitable body features for a girl

Following are the signs if one observes should consider not suitable:

Such girl, especially if her disposition be irascible and temper violent if she eats and sleep much if she be always vexed, troubled and distressed; if her disposition be restless and fidgety, if she has little understanding in worldly matters if she be destitute of shame and if her natural disposition be wicked, should be carefully avoided, under all circumstances, by the wise.

Woman which may be subdued easily

Whose deportment shows signs of immodesty. Widow. Highly accomplished in singing, in playing musical instruments, and in similar pleasant arts. Fond of conversation. Woman steeped in poverty. Wife of an imbecile or an impotent person. Wife of fat and tun-bellied man. Wife of cruel and wicked man. Wife of one who is shorter than herself. Wife of an old man. Wife of very ugly man. Woman accustomed to stand in the doorway and to stare at passersby. Women of variable disposition. Barren woman, especially if she and her husband desire the blessing of issue. Woman who brags and boasts. The woman who has long been separated from her husband and deprived of her natural refreshment. The woman who has never learned the real delight of carnal copulation; and the woman whose mind remains girlish.

Signs of Enamored Woman

The signs and symptoms by which we are to know when women are enamored are as follows:

And furthermore, the woman who exhibit flirting, makes friends with our friend, sings sweet air who passes her hands frequently over her breasts and her arms who cracks her fingers who yawns and sighs though we call and summon her, unless in her most becoming dress; who throws flowers and similar articles upon us who pretexting various things, often goes into and comes forth from the house and finally, whose face, hands and feet break into perspiration when she casually sees us that woman showing any such signs and symptoms, is enamored of us.

The author hints that if such a maiden found to an unmarried man it is strongly excited by passion all we have to do, if versed in the art of love, is to send an able go-between/messenger.

Section II: Characteristics of a suitable Man

Kalyana malla says that the man should be tried and tested as if Gold is tested in four ways.

Characteristics of a Man

Following Characteristics should be evaluated in a Man.

Now, any person who combines these twenty-one qualities is deservedly reputed an excellent man. In addition to this, the father of the bridge should consider the following characteristics in the prospective Son-in-Law:

Such man is described by celebrated poets as fit person to whom the daughter should be given in marriage. Following defects/blemishes should be looked upon in the man:

Following are the characteristics of a man based on body features

Section III: Sámudrika-lakshana

This chapter also explains the Sámudrika-lakshana or chiromantic signs / palmistry for identifying bride or groom having longer life and hard-working. The bridegroom's palmistry should be considered first.

Every perfect hand and foot consist of five members, namely the Angushtha (thumb), the Tarjani (forefinger), the Madhyama (middle-finger), the Anamika (ring-finger), and the Kanishthika (little finger).

Section V: Social Behavior

This section describes and warns the readers that there are severe consequences of immoral relationships. It is recommended to adhere to holy and social guidelines.

Relationship with wife of others

There are seven kinds of troubles which result from having intercourse with the wife of another man. This section narrates stories from various scriptures to place an emphasis on acceptable social behavior. This section describes various issues and troubles arising from immoral relationships.

Prohibited relationships: The author of this book strongly warns and commands his readers to avoid thinking of sexual relations with following types of women as deadly sins.

Places where sexual enjoyment should be avoided

The following are the places where woman should not be enjoyed. These more appear from religious faith such as places of worship, in front of elderly/guru/powerful men, avoiding public places, roads, highways, near river, in castle, in prison, forest, in relatives/someone else house, cremation ground. Etc.

The following are the times when women are not to be enjoyed

By day, unless their class and temperament require coition during the light hours. during or at the Sankranti-parvani, that is to say, when the sun or planet passes from one side of the zodiac to another. During the Sharad, or cold season, (October to November.). During the Grishma, or hot season1 (June to July). In the Amavasya (the last, the thirtieth, or the new moon day of the Hindu month), unless the Love-shastra specify the contrary. During the periods when the man's body suffers from fever. During the time of "Vrata," any self-imposed religious observance, with obligation to carry it out. In the evening time, and, when wearied with wayfarer. The consequences of congress at such epochs are as disastrous as if the act took place in prohibited spot.

The following is the situation have described as being best fitted for sexual acts

Choose the largest, and finest, and the airiest room in the house, purify it thoroughly with whitewash, and decorate its spacious and beautiful walls with pictures and other objects upon which the eye may dwell with delight. Place musical instruments, especially the pipe and the lute; with refreshments, as cocoanut, betel-leaf, and milk, useful for retaining and restoring vigour; bottles of rose water and various essences, fans and chauris for cooling the air, and books containing amorous songs, and gladdening the glance with illustrations of love-postures.

Splendid Divalgiri, or wall lights, should gleam around the hall, reflected by hundred mirrors, whilst both man and woman should contend against any reserve, or false shame, giving themselves up in complete nakedness to unrestrained voluptuousness, upon high and handsome bedstead, raised on tall legs, furnished with many pillows, and covered by rich chatra, or canopy the sheets being besprinkled with flowers and the coverlet scented by burning luscious incense, such as aloes and other fragrant woods. In such place, let the man, ascending the throne of love, enjoy the woman in ease and comfort, gratifying his and her every wish and every whim.

Lakshanas of Premroga in Men & Women

This section narrates the stories of Pururavas and Urvashi, Ravana etc. and recommends that when man has allowed himself to be carried away captive of desire, he must consult physician, and the books of medicine which treat upon the subject.

Chapter IX: Treating of External Enjoyments

Chapter X: Treating of Internal Enjoyments in Its Various Forms

Appendix I: Astrology in Connection With Marriage

This section describes the use of astrology for matchmaking of the bride and bridegroom; for a very long sustainable, happy, and joyful marriage. The effect resulting from the consonance and dissonance, amity, and hospitality, between the stars (and destinies) of couple proposed to be bride and bridegroom shall be understood.

Having ascertained that the houses (kula), the family names (gotra), and the individual dispositions (Svabhava), of the postulants are free from inherent blemish. Their Gunas (qualities or requisites) must be determined from the zodiacal signs and the asterisms presiding over their birth. The Gunas, number in total thirty-six, of which at least nineteen are requisite for prosperous match and thence upwards, the fruit resulting from their influence is proportioned to their number.

Section I: Zodiacal Structure

When the zodiacal sign of a person's birth-time and place is known, then the presiding planet, the vashyas / genus (or nature) and the caste (in theory not in practice) by zodiacal characteristics are known.

The Planet Lords – In Indian astrology, for each zodiac sign, there is a lord defined and the person born under the sign exhibits the characteristics associated with the planet.

Zodiacal Signs, Lords & Attributes
Zodiacal Sign Presiding Planet Vashya / Genus Varna / Caste
Mesha / Aries Mangal / Mars Chatushpada / Quadrupeds Kshatriya
Vrishabha / Taurus Shukra / Venus Chatushpada / Quadrupeds Vaishya
Mithuna / Gemini Bhudha / Mercury Nara / Human Shudra
Karka / Cancer Chandra / Moon Insect Brahman
Sinha / Leo Surya / Sun Vanachara / Wild Kshatriya
Kanya / Virgo Budha / Mercury Nara / Human Vaishya
Tula / Libra Shukra / Venus Nara / Human Shudra
Vrishchik / Scorpio Mangal / Mars Insect Brahman
Dhanu / Sagittarius Guru / Jupiter Man-Horse Kshatriya
Makara / Capricornus Shani / Saturn Warer-Man Vaishya
Kumbha / Aquarius Shani / Saturn Nara / Human Shudra
Meena / Pisces Guru / Jupiter Jalachar / Aquatic Animal Brahman

Section II: Nakshatra & Characteristics

This section describes the group and class to which a person belongs when the asterism (Nakshatra, or lunar mansion) of his/her birth-time is known, together with his/her Nadi, or hour of twenty-four minutes. The twenty-seven asterisms are classed under three heads of gods of men and of demons (Rakshasas), and the asterism determines to which the querent belongs. Moreover, each asterism is divided into four quarters, and of these nine make one zodiacal sign. The name-letter used in that quarter stands for that quarter.

Nakshatras & Attributes
Nakshatras / Asterisms Gana / Group Yoni / Class Nadi Charan / Quarter-I- Mulakshar / Name, Zodiac Charan / Quarter-II- Mulakshar / Name, Zodiac Charan / Quarter-III- Mulakshar / Name, Zodiac Charan / Quarter-IV- Mulakshar / Name, Zodiac
Ashvini Deva / God Ashwa / Horse Adi चू Choo - Aries चे Che - Aries चो Cho - Aries ल la - Aries
Bharani Manushya / Human Gaja / Elephant Madhya ली lee- Aries लू loo - Aries ले le - Aries लो lo - Aries
Krittika Rakshasa / Demon Mendha/ Ram Antya अ a - Aries इ I - Taurus उ u - Taurus ए E - Taurus
Rohini Manushya / Human Sarp / Snake Antya ओ O - Taurus वा Va - Taurus वी vee - Taurus वू Voo - Taurus
Mriga Deva / God Sarp / Snake Madhya वे Ve - Taurus वो Vo - Taurus का Ka - Gemini की Kee - Gemini
Ardra Manushya / Human Shwan / Dog Adi कु Ku - Gemini घ Gha -Gemini ड़ Da - Gemini छ़ Chha - Gemini
Punarvasu Deva / God Marjar / Cat Adi के Ke - Gemini को Ko - Gemini हा Ha - Gemini ही Hee - Cancer
Pushya Deva / God Mendha/ Ram Madhya हू Hoo - Cancer हे He - Cancer हो Ho - Cancer डा Da - Cancer
Ashlesha Rakshasa / Demon Marjar / Cat Antya डी Dee - Cancer डू Doo - Cancer डे De - Cancer डो Do - Cancer
Magha Rakshasa / Demon Mushak / Rat Antya मा Ma - Leo मी Mee - Leo मू Moo - Leo मे Me - Leo
Purva-Phalguni Manushya / Human Mushak / Rat Madhya मो Mo - Leo टा Taa - Leo टी Tee - Leo टू Too - Leo
Uttara-Phalguni Manushya / Human Gau / Cow Adi टे Te - Leo टो To - Virgo पा Paa - Virgo पी Pee - Virgo
Hasta Deva / God Mahish / Buffalo Adi पू Poo - Virgo ष SHa - Virgo ण Na - Virgo ठ THa - Virgo
Chitra Rakshasa / Demon Vyghra / Tiger Madhya पे Pe - Virgo पो Po - Virgo रा Ra - Libra री Ree - Libra
Swati Deva / God Mahish / Buffalo Antya रु Roo - Libra रे Re - Libra रो Ro - Libra ता ta - Libra
Vishakha Rakshasa / Demon Vyghra / Tiger Antya ती tee - Libra तू too - Libra ते te - Libra तो to - Scorpio
Anuradha Deva / God Mrig / Deer Madhya ती tee - Scorpio तू too - Scorpio ते te - Scorpio तो to - Scorpio
Jyestha Rakshasa / Demon Mrig / Deer Adi नो No - Scorpio या Ya - Scorpio यी Yee - Scorpio यू Yoo - Scorpio
Moola Rakshasa / Demon Shwan / Dog Adi ये Ye - Sagittarius यो Yo - Sagittarius भा Bha - Sagittarius भी Bhee - Sagittarius
Purv-Ashada Manushya / Human Vanar / Monkey Madhya भू BHoo - Sagittarius ध DHa - Sagittarius फ Fa - Sagittarius ढ DHa - Sagittarius
Uttara -Ashada Manushya / Human Nakul / Mongoose Antya भे Bhe - Sagittarius भो BHo - Capricorn जा Ja - Capricorn जी Jee - Capricorn
Shravan Deva / God Vanar / Monkey Antya खी KHee - Capricorn खू KHoo - Capricorn खे KHe- Capricorn खो KHo - Capricorn
Dhanishta Rakshasa / Demon Simha / Lion Madhya गा gaa - Capricorn गी gee - Capricorn गू goo - Aquarius गे ge - Aquarius
Shata-Taraka Rakshasa / Demon Ashwa / Horse Adi गो Go - Aquarius सा Saa - Aquarius सी See - Aquarius सू Soo- Aquarius
Purva-Bhadrapada Manushya / Human Simha / Lion Adi से Se - Aquarius सो So - Aquarius दा da - Aquarius दी dee- Pisces
Uttara-Bhadrapada Manushya / Human Gau / Cow Madhya से Se - Pisces सो So - Pisces दा da - Pisces दी dee- Pisces
Revati Deva / God Gaja / Elephant Antya से Se - Pisces सो So - Pisces दा da - Pisces दी dee- Pisces

Section III Guna / Characteristics Structure

The astrological method of Guna Milan follows an Ashta-Kuta i.e. eight heads forming total 36 Guna, these are as:

AshtaKoota Structure
AshtaKoota Structure

Section IV Guna / Characteristics Rules & Exceptions

Following are the rules, and exceptions associated with the Ashta-Koota matchmaking.

Varna Matching

When bridegroom is of a Superior or same varna than the bride, 1 Guna is allotted. The Varna superiority is as follows:

- this has nothing to do with the cast based classification of the society.

Vashya Matching

If the bride and bridegroom belong to the same group the full two Guna are allotted. Where bride's Vashya is controllable to bridegroom's Vashya, one point is given. Where bride's vashya is Bhakshya (eatable) to bridegroom's vashya, 1⁄2 point is given. For example, human or Dwipad signs can control all other signs except Leo, and for them Jalachar signs are Bhakshya (eatable). Refer below table:

Bride-Bridegroom Human Chatushpad Jalachar Vanachar Keet
Human 2 0 0 1/2 0
Chatushpad 1 2 1 1/2 1
Jalachar 1/2 1 2 1 1
Vanachar 0 0 0 2 0
Keet 1 1 1 0 2
Tara / Nakshatra Matching

The Tara matching is done by counting the Nakshatras from each other.

  1. Count from bridegroom's Nakshatra to bride's Nakshatra and divide it by 9, if the remainder is 3, 5 or 7 then Tara is malefic, otherwise benefic. 1 1⁄2 point is given for benefic Tara and nil point for malefic Tara.
  2. Similarly count from bride's Nakshatra to bridegroom's Nakshatra and divide it by 9, find out the remainder. If it is 3, 5 or 7 no point is given otherwise 1 1⁄2 point is given.
  3. If on both counting, a beneficial Tara is obtained, full 3 points are given. For one benefic Tara 1 1⁄2 point is given and for both malefic Tara, no point is given.
Yoni Matching

There are 14 yonis based upon 27 Nakshatras. There is an extra nakshtra not counted in general; its name is Abhijit. The translator didn't highlight this aspect. Two Nakshatra represent one Yoni. Yonis of bride and bridegroom should not be inimical to each other. Refer below table:

Yoni Koota
Bride/ Bridegroom Ashwa Gaja Mesha Sarpa Shwan Marjara Mushak Gau Mahish Vyaghra Mriga Vanar Nakul Simha
Ashwa 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 0 1 3 3 2 1
Gaja 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 0
Mesha 2 3 4 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 0 3 1
Sarpa 3 3 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 2
Shwan 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 1
Marjara 2 2 2 1 2 4 0 2 2 1 3 3 2 1
Mushak 2 2 1 1 1 0 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
Gau 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 0 3 2 2 1
Mahish 0 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 1
Vyaghra 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 1
Mriga 3 2 2 2 0 3 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 1
Vanar 3 3 0 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 4 3 2
Nakul 2 2 3 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 2
Simha 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 4
Graha Maitri koota

This is very important because if the Moon rashis and the rashi lords are same or they are friends then there are good chances for a successful marriage between two unknown persons. Table for Natural Friendship of Planets:

Graha Maitri
Bride-Bridegroom Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Sun 5 5 5 4 5 0 0
Moon 5 5 4 1 4 1/2 1/2
Mars 5 4 5 1/2 5 3 1/2
Mercury 4 1 5 4 5 0 0
Jupiter 5 4 5 1/2 5 1/2 3
Venus 0 1/2 3 5 1/2 5 5
Saturn 0 1/2 1/2 4 3 5 5
Gana Koota

The three Gana are important for the match. A zero Guna for Gana Koota is not considered suitable for marriage. The Deva Gana represents Satvta; Manushya Gana represents Rajas and Rakshasha Gana represents Tamas guna. Following table describes the Guna for Gana Koota:

Gana Koota
Bride - Bridegroom Deva Manushya Rakshasa
Deva 6 5 1
Manushya 6 6 0
Rakshasa 0 0 6

In Bhakoota matching, Guna are allocated based on the zodiac sign of bride and bridegroom. Bhakoota has 0 and maximum 7 Guna. A high Bhakoota Guna indicates a good match and the helps the couple avoid health, financial, conception related problems.

Bride-Bridegroom Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Aries 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0
Taurus 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7
Gemini 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7
Cancer 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0
Leo 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7 0
Virgo 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0 7
Libra 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0 0
Scorpio 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7 0
Sagittarius 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 7 7
Capricorn 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 0
Aquarius 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7 0
Pisces 0 7 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 0 7
Nadi Koota

Nadi is very essential for the Ashta-Koota or Guna-Melan. Nadi defines the health aspect and the procreation by the couple. The basis of marriage is procreation. Hence, any dosha or non-recommended matches are strictly prohibited. The Nadi Koota has eight (8) Guna. If bride & bridegroom nadis are different, then full eight Guna are allotted else none. The astrology doesn't recommend marriage with same nadis other than prescribed exceptions. Following are the types of Nadis doshas:

Exceptions in the Nadi Dosha: following are the exceptions with the nadi-dosha:

  1. Rohini and Purva Bhadrapada
  2. Magha and Rohini
  3. Punarvasu and Ashwini
  4. Uttara Ashadha and Swati

Appendix II: (considers a variety of alchemical recipes, either potentially lethal, or completely ineffective, or both)

This section describes how to prepare the metals for Rasayana or Medicinal purposes. This covers overall six recipes.

- These recipes may sound interesting and tempting however may be lethal and deadly. One should exercise caution.


  1. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. p. 14. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  2. ^ Frayser, S.G.; Whitby, T.J. (1995). Studies in Human Sexuality: A Selected Guide. Libraries Unlimited. p. 143. ISBN 9781563081316. Retrieved 13 September 2015.
  3. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1964). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Medical Press of New York. p. 11. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  4. ^ Dwarka Prasad Shastri (2005). अनङ्गरङ्ग - Anangrang of Mahakavi Kalyan Malla. Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy. p. sholk 2. ISBN 812180180X. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  5. ^ Introduction to the History of Sex Manuals by Kamashastra. Archived 12 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ Arbuthnot, F. F.; Richard F., Burton (1885). Ananga-Ranga. London & Benaras: Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. p. 6.
  7. ^ Burton, Richard F., (transl.): Ananga Ranga Cosmopoli, Kama Shastra Society., retrieved 16 June 2023
  8. ^ Thomas, Wright (19 February 2010). The Life of Sir Richard Burton. Project Gutenberg. pp. Chapter XXXVIII.
  9. ^ "Life of Sir Richard Francis Burton".
  10. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 20–21. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  11. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 22–29. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  12. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 29–35. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  13. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 36–45. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  14. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 45–54. Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  15. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 54–59. Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  16. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 59–89. Retrieved 25 June 2023.
  17. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 90–98. Retrieved 19 June 2023.
  18. ^ Burton Richard F.; Arbuthnot F. F. (1885). Ananga Ranga (PDF). Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares. pp. 98–118. Retrieved 16 June 2023.
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