Arta FM

ARTA FM is a Syrian community radio station. It was established on 6 July 2013 in Amudah. A multi-ethnic Syrian team in several cities in al-Hasakah and Aleppo is producing radio programs in Kurdish, Syriac, Arabic and Armenian. A with Arta FM allied radio station, Jin FM, produces a program for women.[1] As of 2013, the Radio had about 45 employees. It is supported by the US government and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.[2]

ARTA FM has five 500W FM transmitters in the Syrian cities Amudah, Qamishli, Al-Malikiyah (Derik), Ras al-Ayn (Sere Kaniyê) and Ayn al-Arab (Kobani).

  • ARTA FM - live stream
  • ARTA FM - Facebook page, with information and audio files of the daily programs.
  • ARTA FM - SoundCloud page, with audio files of the daily programs

Notes and sources

  1. ^ "About ARTA FM" (PDF). Arta FM. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-03-09. Retrieved 4 April 2020.
  2. ^ Amuda (2013-09-27). "Naher Osten: Ein syrisches Wunschkonzert im Radio". DIE WELT. Retrieved 2020-04-04.


  • Al Jazeera (2015). "الإذاعات السوريّة.. الصوت في مواجهة الموت"
  • Checks&Balances (2014). "A Voice for Tolerance, a Voice for Hope" Archived 2015-01-20 at the Wayback Machine
  • International Press Institute (2014). "Ban on Syrian station's news reports lifted"
  • WDR TV (2014).. "Kurdisches Radio für die Region Kobane2"
  • Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (2014). "Wir alle haben gehofft, dass der Terror endlich bekämpft wird"
  • Newsweek (2013). "Mike Giglio: The Battle For Syria's Hearts And Minds-And Ears"
  • BBC World Service (2013). "Interview with Siruan H. Hossein, Director of ARTA FM" Soundcloud
  • Die Welt (2013). "Peter Steinbach: Ein syrisches Wunschkonzert im Radio"
  • Syria Untold (2013). "First Kurdish Radio Breaks the Sphere of Arabic Hegemony in Syria"