Extreme trans-Neptunian object

Solar system objects beyond the other known trans-Neptunian objects
The orbits of Sedna, 2012 VP113, Leleākūhonua, and other very distant objects along with the predicted orbit of Planet Nine[A]

An extreme trans-Neptunian object (ETNO) is a trans-Neptunian object orbiting the Sun well beyond Neptune (30 AU) in the outermost region of the Solar System. An ETNO has a large semi-major axis of at least 150–250 AU.[1][2] The orbits of ETNOs are much less affected by the known giant planets than all other known trans-Neptunian objects. They may, however, be influenced by gravitational interactions with a hypothetical Planet Nine, shepherding these objects into similar types of orbits.[1] The known ETNOs exhibit a highly statistically significant asymmetry between the distributions of object pairs with small ascending and descending nodal distances that might be indicative of a response to external perturbations.[3][4]

ETNOs can be divided into three different subgroups. The scattered ETNOs (or extreme scattered disc objects, ESDOs) have perihelia around 38–45 AU and an exceptionally high eccentricity of more than 0.85. As with the regular scattered disc objects, they were likely formed as result of gravitational scattering by Neptune and still interact with the giant planets. The detached ETNOs (or extreme detached disc objects, EDDOs), with perihelia approximately between 40–45 and 50–60 AU, are less affected by Neptune than the scattered ETNOs, but are still relatively close to Neptune. The sednoid or inner Oort cloud objects, with perihelia beyond 50–60 AU, are too far from Neptune to be strongly influenced by it.[1]


Among the extreme trans-Neptunian objects are the sednoids, four objects with an outstandingly high perihelion: Sedna, 2012 VP113, Leleākūhonua and 2021 RR205. Sedna and 2012 VP113 are distant detached objects with perihelia greater than 70 AU. Their high perihelia keep them at a sufficient distance to avoid significant gravitational perturbations from Neptune. Previous explanations for the high perihelion of Sedna include a close encounter with an unknown planet on a distant orbit and a distant encounter with a random star or a member of the Sun's birth cluster that passed near the Solar System.[5][6][7]

Most distant objects from the Sun

The chart above plots trans-Neptunian objects with a perihelion beyond Neptune (30 AU). While regular TNOs are located in the bottom left of the plot, an ETNO has a semi-major axis greater than 150–250 AU. They can be grouped by their perihelia into three distinct populations:[1]   scattered ETNOs or ESDOs (38–45 AU)
  detached ETNOs or EDDOs (40–45 to 50–60 AU)
  Sednoids or inner Oort cloud objects (beyond 50–60 AU)

Notable discoveries

Trujillo and Sheppard discoveries

Extreme trans-Neptunian objects discovered by astronomers Chad Trujillo and Scott S. Sheppard include:

  • 2013 FT28, Longitude of perihelion aligned with Planet Nine, but well within the proposed orbit of Planet Nine, where computer modeling suggests it would be safe from gravitational kicks.[8]
  • 2014 SR349, appears to be anti-aligned with Planet Nine.[8]
  • 2014 FE72, an object with an orbit so extreme that it reaches about 3,000 AU from the Sun in a massively-elongated ellipse – at this distance its orbit is influenced by the galactic tide and other stars.[9][10][11][12]

Outer Solar System Origins Survey

The Outer Solar System Origins Survey has discovered more extreme trans-Neptunian objects, including:[13]

  • 2013 SY99, which has a lower inclination than many of the objects, and which was discussed by Michele Bannister at a March 2016 lecture hosted by the SETI Institute and later at an October 2016 AAS conference.[14][15]
  • 2015 KG163, which has an orientation similar to 2013 FT28 but has a larger semi-major axis that may result in its orbit crossing Planet Nine's.
  • 2015 RX245, which fits with the other anti-aligned objects.
  • 2015 GT50, which is in neither the anti-aligned nor the aligned groups; instead, its orbit's orientation is at a right angle to that of the proposed Planet Nine. Its argument of perihelion is also outside the cluster of arguments of perihelion.

Since early 2016, ten more extreme trans-Neptunian objects have been discovered with orbits that have a perihelion greater than 30 AU and a semi-major axis greater than 250 AU bringing the total to sixteen (see table below for a complete list). Most TNOs have perihelia significantly beyond Neptune, which orbits 30 AU from the Sun.[16][17] Generally, TNOs with perihelia smaller than 36 AU experience strong encounters with Neptune.[18][19] Most of the ETNOs are relatively small, but currently relatively bright because they are near their closest distance to the Sun in their elliptical orbits. These are also included in the orbital diagrams and tables below.

Malena Rice and Gregory Laughlin applied a targeted shift-stacking search algorithm to analyze data from TESS sectors 18 and 19 looking for candidate outer Solar System objects.[20] Their search recovered known ETNOs like Sedna and produced 17 new outer Solar System body candidates located at geocentric distances in the range 80–200 AU, that need follow-up observations with ground-based telescope resources for confirmation. Early results from a survey with WHT aimed at recovering these distant TNO candidates have failed to confirm two of them.[21][22]


The extreme trans-Neptunian object orbits
Orbits of extreme trans-Neptunian objects and Planet Nine
Close up view of 13 TNO current positions
Close up of extreme trans-Neptunian objects' and planets' orbits
6 original and 10 additional TNO object orbits with current positions near their perihelion in purple

Extreme trans-Neptunian objects with perihelion greater than 30 AU and a semi-major axis greater than 250 AU[23][24][25]
Object Barycentric Orbit (JD 2459600.5)[B] Orbital plane Body

Eccent. Argum.

ω (°)
i (°)
Longitude of Hv Current

☊ or Ω (°)
ϖ=ω+Ω (°)
Sedna Stable 11,400 485 76.3 893 84.5 0.84 311.3 11.9 144.2 95.6 1.3 20.7 1,000
Alicanto Stable 5,900 327 47.3 608 48.1 0.86 326.7 25.6 66.0 32.7 6.5 23.5 200
2007 TG422 Unstable 11,260 502 35.6 969 38.5 0.93 285.6 18.6 112.9 38.4 6.5 22.5 200
Leleākūhonua Stable 35,300 1,090 65.2 2,110 78.0 0.94 117.8 11.7 300.8 58.5 5.5 24.6 220
2010 GB174 Stable 6,600 342 48.6 636 73.1 0.86 347.1 21.6 130.9 118.0 6.5 25.2 200
2012 VP113 Stable 4,300 261 80.4 443 84.0 0.69 293.6 24.1 90.7 24.3 4.0 23.3 600
2013 FL28 ? 6,780 358 32.2 684 33.4 0.91 225.1 15.8 294.4 159.5 (*) 8.0 23.4 100
2013 FT28 Metastable 5,050 305 43.4 566 55.2 0.86 40.8 17.4 217.7 258.5 (*) 6.7 24.2 200
2013 RF98 Unstable 6,900 370 36.1 705 37.6 0.90 311.6 29.6 67.6 19.2 8.7 24.6 70
2013 RA109 ? 9,950 463 46.0 880 47.4 0.90 262.9 12.4 104.8 7.6 6.1 23.1 200
2013 SY99 Metastable 19,800 733 50.0 1,420 57.9 0.93 32.2 4.2 29.5 61.7 6.7 24.5 250
2013 SL102 Unstable 5,590 326 38.1 614 39.3 0.88 265.4 6.5 94.6 0.0 (*) 7.0 23.2 140
2014 FE72 Unstable 92,400 2,040 36.1 4,050 64.0 0.98 133.9 20.6 336.8 110.7 6.2 24.3 200
2014 SX403 ? 7,180 370 35.5 710 45.1 0.90 174.7 42.9 149.2 323.9 (*) 7.1 23.8 130
2014 SR349 Stable 5,160 312 47.7 576 54.8 0.85 340.8 18.0 34.9 15.6 6.7 24.2 200
2014 TU115 ? 6,140 335 35.0 636 35.3 0.90 225.3 23.5 192.3 57.7 7.9 23.5 90
2014 WB556 Metastable? 4,900 288 42.7 534 46.6 0.85 235.3 24.2 114.7 350.0 (*) 7.3 24.2 150
2015 BP519[29] ? 9,500 433 35.2 831 51.4 0.92 348.2 54.1 135.0 123.3 (*) 4.5 21.7 550[30]
2015 DY248 ? 5,400 309 34.0 585 34.4 0.89 244.6 12.9 273.1 157.7 (*) 8.3 23.9 100
2015 DM319
Unstable? 4,620 278 39.5 516 41.7 0.86 43.4 6.8 166.0 209.4 (*) 8.7 25.0 80?
2015 GT50 Unstable 5,510 314 38.5 589 42.9 0.88 129.3 8.8 46.1 175.4 (*) 8.5 24.9 80
2015 KG163 Unstable 22,840 805 40.5 1,570 40.5 0.95 32.3 14.0 219.1 251.4 (*) 8.2 24.4 100
2015 RX245 Metastable 8,920 421 45.7 796 59.9 0.89 64.8 12.1 8.6 73.4 6.2 24.1 250
2016 SA59 ? 3,830 250 39.1 451 42.3 0.84 200.3 21.5 174.7 15.0 7.8 24.2 90
2016 SD106 ? 6,550 350 42.7 658 44.5 0.88 162.9 4.8 219.4 22.3 6.7 23.4 160
2018 VM35 Stable 4,500 252 45.0 459 54.8 0.82 302.9 8.5 192.4 135.3 (*) 7.7 25.2 140
2019 EU5 ? 42,600 1,220 46.8 2,400 81.1 0.96 109.2 18.2 109.2 218.4 (*) 6.4 25.6 180
2020 MQ53 ? 21,395 770 55.6 1,486 0.93 18.6 73.4 287.1 305.7 (*) 8.6 70
2021 DK18 ? 21,400 770 44.4 1,500 66.3 0.94 234.8 15.4 322.3 197.0 (*) 6.8 25.1 180
2021 RR205 ? 31,200 992 55.5 1,930 60.0 0.94 208.6 7.6 108.3 316.9 (*) 6.8 24.6 180
Ideal elements
under hypothesis
>250 >30 >0.5 10~30 2~120
Planet Nine
8,000–22,000 400–800 ~200 ~1,000 ~1,000? 0.2–0.5 ~150 15–25 91±15 241±15 >22.5 ~40,000
  • (*) longitude of perihelion, ϖ, outside expected range;
  •    are the objects included in the original study by Trujillo and Sheppard (2014).[32]
  •    has been added in the 2016 study by Brown and Batygin.[18][33][34]
  • All other objects have been announced later.

The most extreme case is that of 2015 BP519, nicknamed Caju, which has both the highest inclination[35] and the farthest nodal distance; these properties make it a probable outlier within this population.[2]


  1. ^ The three sednoids (pink) along with the red-colored extreme trans-Neptunian object (ETNO) orbits are suspected to be aligned with the hypothetical Planet Nine while the blue-colored ETNO orbits are anti-aligned. The highly elongated orbits colored brown include centaurs and damocloids with large aphelion distances over 200 AU.
  2. ^ Given the orbital eccentricity of these objects, different epochs can generate quite different heliocentric unperturbed two-body best-fit solutions to the semi-major axis and orbital period. For objects at such high eccentricity, the Sun's barycenter is more stable than heliocentric values. Barycentric values better account for the changing position of Jupiter over Jupiter's 12 year orbit. As an example, 2007 TG422 has an epoch 2012 heliocentric period of ~13,500 years,[26] yet an epoch 2020 heliocentric period of ~10,800 years.[27] The barycentric solution is a much more stable ~11,300 years.


  1. ^ a b c d Sheppard, Scott S.; Trujillo, Chadwick A.; Tholen, David J.; Kaib, Nathan (2019). "A New High Perihelion Trans-Plutonian Inner Oort Cloud Object: 2015 TG387". The Astronomical Journal. 157 (4): 139. arXiv:1810.00013. Bibcode:2019AJ....157..139S. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab0895. S2CID 119071596.
  2. ^ a b de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl (12 September 2018). "A Fruit of a Different Kind: 2015 BP519 as an Outlier among the Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects". Research Notes of the AAS. 2 (3): 167. arXiv:1809.02571. Bibcode:2018RNAAS...2..167D. doi:10.3847/2515-5172/aadfec. S2CID 119433944.
  3. ^ de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl (1 September 2021). "Peculiar orbits and asymmetries in extreme trans-Neptunian space". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 506 (1): 633–649. arXiv:2106.08369. Bibcode:2021MNRAS.506..633D. doi:10.1093/mnras/stab1756.
  4. ^ de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl (1 May 2022). "Twisted extreme trans-Neptunian orbital parameter space: statistically significant asymmetries confirmed". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters. 512 (1): L6–L10. arXiv:2202.01693. Bibcode:2022MNRAS.512L...6D. doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slac012.
  5. ^ Wall, Mike (24 August 2011). "A Conversation With Pluto's Killer: Q & A With Astronomer Mike Brown". Space.com. Retrieved 7 February 2016.
  6. ^ Brown, Michael E.; Trujillo, Chadwick; Rabinowitz, David (2004). "Discovery of a Candidate Inner Oort Cloud Planetoid". The Astrophysical Journal. 617 (1): 645–649. arXiv:astro-ph/0404456. Bibcode:2004ApJ...617..645B. doi:10.1086/422095. S2CID 7738201.
  7. ^ Brown, Michael E. (28 October 2010). "There's something out there – part 2". Mike Brown's Planets. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  8. ^ a b "Objects beyond Neptune provide fresh evidence for Planet Nine". 2016-10-25. The new evidence leaves astronomer Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., "probably 90% sure there's a planet out there." But others say the clues are sparse and unconvincing. "I give it about a 1% chance of turning out to be real," says astronomer JJ Kavelaars, of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria, Canada.
  10. ^ "Extreme New Objects Found At The Edge of The Solar System". 30 August 2016.
  11. ^ "The Search for Planet Nine: New Finds Boost Case for Distant World". Space.com. 29 August 2016.
  13. ^ Shankman, Cory; et al. (2017). "OSSOS VI. Striking Biases in the detection of large semimajor axis Trans-Neptunian Objects". The Astronomical Journal. 154 (4): 50. arXiv:1706.05348. Bibcode:2017AJ....154...50S. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aa7aed. hdl:10150/625487. S2CID 3535702.
  14. ^ SETI Institute (18 March 2016). "Exploring the outer Solar System: now in vivid colour - Michele Bannister (SETI Talks)". YouTube. 28:17. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  15. ^ Bannister, Michele T.; et al. (2016). "A new high-perihelion a ~700 AU object in the distant Solar System". American Astronomical Society, DPS Meeting #48, Id. 113.08. 48: 113.08. Bibcode:2016DPS....4811308B.
  16. ^ Hand, Eric (20 January 2016). "Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto". Science. doi:10.1126/science.aae0237. Retrieved 20 January 2016.
  17. ^ Grush, Loren (20 January 2016). "Our solar system may have a ninth planet after all — but not all evidence is in (We still haven't seen it yet)". The Verge. Retrieved 18 July 2016. The statistics do sound promising, at first. The researchers say there's a 1 in 15,000 chance that the movements of these objects are coincidental and don't indicate a planetary presence at all. ... 'When we usually consider something as clinched and air tight, it usually has odds with a much lower probability of failure than what they have,' says Sara Seager, a planetary scientist at MIT. For a study to be a slam dunk, the odds of failure are usually 1 in 1,744,278 . ... But researchers often publish before they get the slam-dunk odds, in order to avoid getting scooped by a competing team, Seager says. Most outside experts agree that the researchers' models are strong. And Neptune was originally detected in a similar fashion — by researching observed anomalies in the movement of Uranus. Additionally, the idea of a large planet at such a distance from the Sun isn't actually that unlikely, according to Bruce Macintosh, a planetary scientist at Stanford University.
  18. ^ a b Batygin, Konstantin; Brown, Michael E. (2016). "Evidence for a distant giant planet in the Solar system". The Astronomical Journal. 151 (2): 22. arXiv:1601.05438. Bibcode:2016AJ....151...22B. doi:10.3847/0004-6256/151/2/22. S2CID 2701020.
  19. ^ Koponyás, Barbara (10 April 2010). "Near-Earth asteroids and the Kozai mechanism" (PDF). 5th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop in Vienna. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  20. ^ Rice, Malena; Laughlin, Gregory (December 2020). "Exploring Trans-Neptunian Space with TESS: A Targeted Shift-stacking Search for Planet Nine and Distant TNOs in the Galactic Plane". The Planetary Science Journal. 1 (3): 81 (18 pp.). arXiv:2010.13791. Bibcode:2020PSJ.....1...81R. doi:10.3847/PSJ/abc42c. S2CID 225075671.
  21. ^ de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos; de la Fuente Marcos, Raúl; Vaduvescu, Ovidiu; Stanescu, Malin (June 2022). "Distant trans-Neptunian object candidates from NASA's TESS mission scrutinized: fainter than predicted or false positives?". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters. 513 (1): L78–L82. arXiv:2204.02230. Bibcode:2022MNRAS.513L..78D. doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slac036.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  22. ^ "Distant Trans-Neptunian Object Candidates: Fainter Than Predicted or False Positives?". 20 May 2022.
  23. ^ Horizons output. "Barycentric Osculating Orbital Elements". Retrieved 4 February 2020. (Solution using the Solar System Barycenter and barycentric coordinates. (Type the target body's name, then select Ephemeris Type:Elements and Center:@0) In the second pane "PR=" can be found, which gives the orbital period in days (For Sedna as an example, the value 4.16E+06 is displayed, which is ~11400 Julian years).
  24. ^ "MPC list of q > 30 and a > 250". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 5 February 2020.
  25. ^ Batygin, Konstantin; Brown, Michael E. (2021). "Injection of Inner Oort Cloud Objects into the Distant Kuiper Belt by Planet Nine". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 910 (2): L20. arXiv:2104.05799. Bibcode:2021ApJ...910L..20B. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/abee1f.
  26. ^ "JPL Small-Body Database Browser". 13 December 2012. Archived from the original on 13 December 2012.
  27. ^ Chamberlin, Alan. "JPL Small-Body Database Browser". ssd.jpl.nasa.gov.
  28. ^ Relative to hypothetical Planet Nine, Batygin, Konstantin; Adams, Fred C.; Brown, Michael E.; Becker, Juliette C. (2019). "The planet nine hypothesis". Physics Reports. 805: 1–53. arXiv:1902.10103. Bibcode:2019PhR...805....1B. doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2019.01.009. S2CID 119248548.
  29. ^ Becker, Juliette (2017). Evaluating the Dynamical Stability of Outer Solar System Objects in the Presence of Planet Nine. DPS49. American Astronomical Society. Retrieved 14 March 2018.
  30. ^ Lovett, Richard A. (16 December 2017). "The hidden hand – Could a bizarre hidden planet be manipulating the solar system". New Scientist International. No. 3156. p. 41. Retrieved 14 March 2018.
  31. ^ Bannister, Michelle T.; et al. (2018). "OSSOS. VII. 800+ Trans-Neptunian Objects — The complete data release". The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 236 (1): 18. arXiv:1805.11740. Bibcode:2018ApJS..236...18B. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/aab77a. hdl:10150/628551. S2CID 119078596.
  32. ^ Trujillo, Chadwick A.; Sheppard, Scott S. (2014). "A Sedna-like body with a perihelion of 80 astronomical units" (PDF). Nature. 507 (7493): 471–474. Bibcode:2014Natur.507..471T. doi:10.1038/nature13156. PMID 24670765. S2CID 4393431. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-12-16. Retrieved 2018-12-12.
  33. ^ "Where is Planet Nine?". The Search for Planet Nine (Blog). 20 January 2016. Archived from the original on 30 January 2016.
  34. ^ Witze, Alexandra (2016). "Evidence grows for giant planet on fringes of Solar System". Nature. 529 (7586): 266–7. Bibcode:2016Natur.529..266W. doi:10.1038/529266a. PMID 26791699.Open access icon
  35. ^ Becker, J. C.; et al. (DES Collaboration) (2018). "Discovery and Dynamical Analysis of an Extreme Trans-Neptunian Object with a High Orbital Inclination". The Astronomical Journal. 156 (2): 81. arXiv:1805.05355. Bibcode:2018AJ....156...81B. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/aad042. S2CID 55163842.
  • Known extreme outer solar system objects, Scott Sheppard, Carnegie Science Center
  • Hunt for Ninth Planet Reveals New Extremely Distant Solar System Objects, Scott Sheppard, Carnegie Science Center
  • List of Known Trans-Neptunian Objects (including ESDOs and EDDOs), Robert Johnston, Johnston's Archive
  • v
  • t
  • e
Extreme trans-Neptunian objects
Most distant
objects (in 2017)
  • (136199) Eris
  • 2014 UZ224
  • (225088) Gonggong
  • 2013 FS28
  • (90377) Sedna
  • 2006 QH181
  • 2014 FC69
  • 2012 VP113
  • (532037) 2013 FY27
  • 2010 GB174
  • 2014 FJ72
  • 2012 FH84
  • 2011 GM89
  • 2015 GR50
  • 2015 GP50
  • 2013 FQ28
  • 2013 UJ15
  • 2014 FL72
  • (523794) 2015 RR245
  • 2014 SG350
  • (620074) 2013 AT183
  • 2015 RX245
  • 2014 SU349
  • 2014 FE72
  • 2014 SV349
  • (148209) 2000 CR105
  • (528381) 2008 ST291
  • 2014 FM72
  • 2014 FF72
  • (612584) 2003 QX113
  • 2015 KH162
  • (505478) 2013 UT15
  • 2014 FL70
  • 2013 SY99
  • 2014 FH72
Aphelion > 1000 AU
  • (87269) 2000 OO67
  • 2007 DA61
  • 2013 AZ60
  • 2002 RN109
  • 2013 SY99
  • (308933) 2006 SQ372
  • 2015 KG163
  • 2013 BL76
  • 2005 VX3
  • 2012 DR30
  • 2014 FE72
  • 2017 MB7
Perihelion > 47 AU
  • 2012 VP113
  • (90377) Sedna
  • 2014 FZ71
  • 2014 FC72
  • (612911) 2004 XR190
  • 2015 FJ345
  • 2013 SY99
  • 2010 GB174
  • 2014 SR349
  • (474640) Alicanto
  • (541132) Leleākūhonua
Related articles
  • v
  • t
  • e
TNO classes
Dwarf planets (moons)
  • v
  • t
  • e

Asteroid belt
  • Huya
  • Ixion
  • 2001 QF298
  • 2002 VR128
  • 2002 XV93
  • 2003 AZ84
  • 2003 UZ413
  • 2003 VS2
  • 2007 JH43
  • 2017 OF69
  • 2002 WC19
  • Chaos
  • Salacia
  • Varda
  • Varuna
  • 1998 SN165
  • 2002 AW197
  • 2002 CY248
  • 2002 KX14
  • 2002 MS4
  • 2002 UX25
  • 2003 QW90
  • 2004 GV9
  • 2004 NT33
  • 2004 PF115
  • 2004 TY364
  • 2004 UX10
  • 2005 RN43
  • 2005 UQ513
  • 2010 FX86
Other KBOs
  • 1999 CD158
  • 1999 DE9
  • 2000 YW134
  • 2002 XW93
  • 2010 JO179
  • 2010 VK201
  • 2011 FW62
  • 2011 GM27
  • 2013 FZ27
  • 2014 UM33
  • 2015 AM281
  • 2015 RR245
Scattered disc
  • Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà
  • Dziewanna
  • 1996 GQ21
  • 1996 TL66
  • 2001 UR163
  • 2002 TC302
  • 2004 XA192
  • 2005 QU182
  • 2005 RM43
  • 2006 QH181
  • 2008 OG19
  • 2010 KZ39
  • 2010 RE64
  • 2010 RF43
  • 2010 JO179
  • 2010 TJ
  • 2010 VZ98
  • 2013 FY27
  • 2014 AN55
  • 2014 EZ51
  • 2014 UZ224
  • 2014 WK509
  • 2015 KH162
  • 2015 RR245
  • 2017 FO161
  • 2018 AG37
  • 2018 VG18
  • 2021 DR15
  • 2021 LL37
Detached objects
  • 2003 FY128
  • 2003 QX113
  • 2004 XR190
  • 2005 TB190
  • 2007 JJ43
  • 2008 ST291
  • 2012 VP113
  • Category
  • v
  • t
  • e
The Sun, the planets, their moons, and several trans-Neptunian objectsThe SunMercuryVenusThe MoonEarthMarsPhobos and DeimosCeresThe main asteroid beltJupiterMoons of JupiterRings of JupiterSaturnMoons of SaturnRings of SaturnUranusMoons of UranusRings of UranusNeptuneMoons of NeptuneRings of NeptunePlutoMoons of PlutoHaumeaMoons of HaumeaMakemakeS/2015 (136472) 1The Kuiper BeltErisDysnomiaThe Scattered DiscThe Hills CloudThe Oort Cloud
Planets and

Solar System  Local Interstellar Cloud  Local Bubble  Gould Belt  Orion Arm  Milky Way  Milky Way subgroup  Local Group Local Sheet Virgo Supercluster Laniakea Supercluster  Local Hole  Observable universe  Universe
Each arrow () may be read as "within" or "part of".