Historical exchange rates of Argentine currency

Part of Argentina's economic history

The following table contains the monthly historical exchange rate of the different currencies of Argentina, expressed in Argentine currency units per United States dollar. The exchange rate at the end of each month is expressed in:

  • From January 1914 to December 1969: Pesos Moneda Nacional
  • From January 1970 to May 1983: Pesos Ley 18188
  • From June 1983 to May 1985: Peso Argentino
  • From June 1985 to December 1991: Australes
  • From January 1992: pesos
USD to Argentine Peso exchange rates, 1976 - 1991
USD to Argentine Peso exchange rate, 1991 - 2022
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1914 2.3693 2.3750 2.3512 2.3602 2.3682 2.3682 2.3659
1915 2.3636 2.3661 2.3795 2.3800 2.3815 2.3893 2.4055 2.4502 2.4489 2.4173 2.4143 2.3957
1916 2.3850 2.3732 2.3600 2.3614 2.3711 2.3743 2.4002 2.4152 2.3766 2.3361 2.3161 2.2761
1917 2.2893 2.2750 2.3014 2.3425 2.3095 2.2818 2.2959 2.3232 2.3325 2.2877 2.1918 2.1455
1918 2.2455 2.2855 2.2732 2.2475 2.2241 2.2377 2.2527 2.2564 2.2443 2.2364 2.2350 2.2223
1919 2.2323 2.2336 2.2527 2.2723 2.2611 2.3118 2.3516 2.3725 2.3616 2.3611 2.3305 2.3205
1920 2.3209 2.3155 2.3170 2.3295 2.3575 2.3830 2.4961 2.6407 2.7141 2.8145 2.9898 2.9282
1921 2.8966 2.8614 2.9327 3.1205 3.2268 3.3048 3.4541 3.4118 3.2589 3.1141 3.0866 3.0273
1922 2.9398 2.7550 2.7441 2.8157 2.7568 2.7730 2.7745 2.7668 2.8030 2.7870 2.7559 2.6525
1923 2.6805 2.6955 2.6984 2.7380 2.7845 2.8212 2.9273 3.0582 3.0348 3.0864 3.1986 3.1414
1924 3.0816 2.9684 2.9727 3.0439 3.0420 3.0722 3.0623 2.9577 2.8368 2.7177 2.6555 2.5682
1925 2.4934 2.5159 2.5361 2.6189 2.5168 2.4911 2.4770 2.4789 2.4766 2.4330 2.4061 2.4125
1926 2.4134 2.4395 2.5184 2.5023 2.4923 2.4805 2.4670 2.4734 2.4636 2.4509 2.4602 2.4355
1927 2.4225 2.3950 2.3650 2.3611 2.3614 2.3557 2.3539 2.3452 2.3407 2.3402 2.3441 2.3409
1928 2.3429 2.3418 2.3398 2.3418 2.3523 2.3491 2.3691 2.3743 2.3800 2.3793 2.3732 2.3768
1929 2.3750 2.3764 2.3809 2.3791 2.3834 2.3880 2.3841 2.3823 2.3839 2.3934 2.4207 2.4457
1930 2.4945 2.6386 2.6623 2.5745 2.6068 2.7016 2.7784 2.7614 2.7886 2.9218 2.9120 3.0216
1931 3.2655 3.1539 2.9089 2.9930 3.2232 3.2370 3.2609 3.5284 3.8155 4.2636 3.8975 3.8863
1932 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863 3.8863
1933 3.8863 3.8863 3.9191 3.7655 3.3614 3.2227 2.8443 2.8786 2.7555 2.6639 2.4973 3.2079
1934 3.2528 3.3117 3.3565 3.3227 3.4132 3.4444 3.4560 3.4080 3.4314 3.4517 3.4217 3.4527
1935 3.4735 3.4731 3.5375 3.4972 3.4702 3.4401 3.4306 3.4233 3.4488 3.4652 3.4530 3.4504
1936 3.4257 3.3994 3.4173 3.4359 3.4159 3.3872 3.3935 3.3888 3.3627 3.4587 3.4673 3.3098
1937 3.3058 3.3289 3.3303 3.2983 3.2950 3.2908 3.3121 3.3164 3.3389 3.3482 3.3782 3.4044
1938 3.4198 3.7606 3.9035 3.9026 3.8238 3.8395 3.8444 3.8759 3.9543 3.9823 4.2855 4.3964
1939 4.3661 4.3525 4.3435 4.3252 4.3209 4.3214 4.3235 4.3310 4.2779 4.2651 4.3127 4.3937
1940 4.3952 4.3042 4.2805 4.3514 4.4167 4.5497 4.6033 4.4400 4.3091 4.2654 4.2616 4.2423
1941 4.2335 4.2459 4.3283 4.2771 4.2209 4.2206 4.2129 4.2044 4.2314 4.2419 4.1956 4.2165
1942 4.2340 4.2382 4.2284 4.2262 4.2464 4.2561 4.2305 4.2175 4.2253 4.2174 4.2339 4.2401
1943 4.2421 4.2307 4.1963 4.0924 4.0009 3.9892 3.9904 3.9991 3.9997 3.9981 3.9966 3.9912
1944 3.9899 3.9940 4.0152 4.0181 4.0293 4.0277 4.0489 4.0424 4.0294 4.0330 4.0269 4.0407
1945 4.17 4.09 4.02 4.05 4.07 4.07 4.03 4.00 4.01 4.12 4.16 4.15
1946 4.22 4.19 4.19 4.17 4.12 4.09 4.13 4.10 4.14 4.13 4.17 4.21
1947 4.20 4.18 4.16 4.15 4.19 4.19 4.32 4.58 4.61 4.65 4.49 4.48
1948 4.51 4.44 4.44 4.59 5.10 5.63 6.01 6.54 7.16 8.87 8.53 8.50
1949 9.84 9.06 9.06 9.56 10.01 9.56 9.36 9.81 11.88 13.02 15.21 15.86
1950 15.20 14.80 13.90 13.75 13.95 13.74 15.50 17.25 18.05 19.65 19.55 16.50
1951 16.85 15.50 18.20 19.50 25.50 24.10 24.50 28.60 29.50 27.90 27.75 27.00
1952 28.60 26.50 24.50 25.00 23.10 21.25 21.50 20.40 19.80 20.50 21.00 23.15
1953 23.25 22.75 22.85 23.75 23.80 23.60 23.85 21.95 22.75 22.25 19.80 20.10
1954 22.25 22.60 23.25 25.00 26.00 25.50 26.15 26.25 26.50 26.50 26.95 26.70
1955 27.85 28.10 28.40 29.50 31.85 33.25 30.75 31.50 27.00 29.15 32.50 36.00
1956 40.50 42.85 40.50 37.80 35.20 32.60 30.20 32.50 30.80 32.10 34.90 36.55
1957 37.40 36.70 40.50 37.00 40.25 40.75 42.50 43.85 43.00 39.25 37.00 37.20
1958 37.25 38.25 40.50 42.00 42.30 42.10 42.50 46.50 54.25 73.50 71.50 70.50
1959 65.30 68.70 68.40 80.80 88.80 84.90 86.00 83.50 82.50 82.30 83.10 83.30
1960 82.90 82.70 82.90 83.40 82.80 82.50 82.60 82.60 83.00 82.70 82.85 82.65
1961 82.75 82.60 82.90 83.50 82.80 82.60 82.75 83.50 83.25 83.45 83.30 84.20
1962 83.55 83.40 83.80 99.50 112.50 133.00 118.40 126.30 128.80 139.60 148.40 134.10
1963 134.40 135.20 140.30 137.20 138.80 139.00 134.00 134.60 149.60 146.80 140.80 132.50
1964 134.25 130.90 138.25 142.70 140.40 156.55 174.15 169.35 161.22 166.05 179.41 192.89
1965 215.00 223.38 217.88 227.00 248.00 276.20 285.71 272.34 258.18 233.07 225.00 233.90
1966 247.37 238.16 228.88 222.78 234.90 238.29 224.65 227.98 247.35 256.18 266.78 270.60
1967 282.22 295.77 345.24 348.18 348.75 349.25 350.00 349.75 349.75 349.50 349.50 350.00
1968 350.00 350.00 349.75 349.50 350.00 349.50 349.50 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00
1969 350.00 349.75 349.50 350.25 351.75 352.00 351.25 351.75 351.75 351.50 351.50 352.25
1970 3.4975 3.5000 3.4850 3.4950 3.5125 4.0100 4.0100 4.0075 4.0175 4.1650 4.2900 4.3350
1971 4.2750 4.1750 4.3350 4.6350 4.8050 5.2550 5.3750 5.8050 6.9050 8.8500 9.7750 9.4000
1972 10.15 10.35 10.00 10.15 11.95 11.75 11.20 13.00 13.70 12.00 11.88 11.25
1973 12.13 11.45 11.43 12.50 12.50 10.88 10.10 10.95 11.10 10.60 10.58 11.20
1974 11.90 12.30 12.40 13.30 14.40 14.90 16.60 17.55 18.70 20.05 20.90 22.00
1975 22.65 23.45 28.35 36.45 47.00 53.00 66.50 76.00 110.00 142.50 132.50 127.50
1976 196.00 270.00 325.00 255.00 245.00 247.50 250.00 263.00 247.00 245.50 273.00 276.00
1977 297.50 332.50 342.50 364.50 372.50 390.00 411.50 437.50 468.50 510.50 550.50 599.50
1978 636.50 679.50 717.50 759.50 765.50 783.50 797.50 832.50 861.50 911.50 956.50 998.00
1979 1,048.50 1,098.50 1,151.50 1,202.50 1,257.50 1,310.50 1,365.50 1,414.50 1,463.50 1,515.50 1,567.50 1,611.50
1980 1,659.50 1,698.50 1,745.50 1,782.50 1,819.50 1,854.50 1,872.50 1,910.50 1,932.50 1,946.50 1,972.50 1,997.50
1981 2,038.50 2,267.50 2,485.50 3,200 3,625 7,050 7,200 7,300 7,590 9,050 11,100 10,400
1982 10,300 10,000 11,850 14,800 21,250 24,250 38,500 49,000 47,500 55,000 63,500 68,000
1983 69,250 80,000 93,250 93,500 98,500 11.50 14.75 19.30 25.90 24.10 24.15 25.65
1984 35.25 44.85 52.85 58.40 65.65 73.65 82.25 108.50 121.80 139.25 180.50 205.00
1985 266.00 356.00 464.00 557.50 673.00 0.855 0.950 0.950 0.900 0.930 0.865 0.875
1986 0.885 0.865 0.925 0.910 0.890 0.880 0.925 1.165 1.213 1.265 1.425 1.668
1987 1.613 1.720 2.035 2.070 2.060 2.145 2.553 3.083 3.625 4.045 4.36 5.10
1988 5.50 6.18 6.48 7.35 9.21 11.32 12.65 14.40 14.96 15.08 15.60 16.41
1989 17.72 28.20 41.00 65.00 167 470 665 665 650 723 920 1,350
1990 1,870 4,150 4,875 4,925 5,005 5,310 5,465 6,305 5,730 5,570 5,170 5,820
1991 7,120 9,720 9,630 9,833 9,923 9,993 9,973 9,973 9,903 9,913 9,909 10,028
1992 0.9905 0.9899 0.9934 0.9895 0.9895 0.9915 0.9919 0.9910 0.9911 0.9911 0.9928 0.9916
1993 0.9991 0.9991 0.9997 0.9978 1.0001 0.9983 0.9996 1.0013 1.0013 0.9991 0.9975 0.9984
1994 0.9984 1.0015 1.0011 0.9986 0.9985 0.9974 0.9984 0.9991 0.9993 0.9990 0.9999 1.0014
1995 1.0006 1.0017 1.0009 1.0011 0.9986 0.9989 0.9994 0.9984 0.9989 1.0003 0.9992 1.0016
1996 0.9992 0.9998 0.9997 0.9995 1.0000 1.0006 1.0012 1.0001 1.0002 0.9995 0.9989 1.0005
1997 0.9985 0.9993 0.9994 0.9995 0.9993 1.0005 0.9998 0.9996 0.9995 1.0022 1.0007 1.0014
1998 0.9988 0.9989 1.0007 1.0001 0.9997 0.9997 1.0002 1.0019 1.0001 1.0035 0.9999 1.0010
1999 1.0003 0.9999 0.9987 0.9994 1.0014 1.0049 0.9997 1.0004 0.9990 1.0000 1.0070 1.0014
2000 0.9996 0.9987 0.9991 0.9987 1.0009 0.9984 0.9990 0.9986 0.9989 0.9999 1.0004 1.0014
2001 0.9992 0.9996 1.0009 1.0001 0.9994 1.0010 1.0290 0.9974 0.9989 1.0029 1.0038 1.0099
2002 1.400 2.150 2.950 2.975 3.600 3.850 3.690 3.610 3.740 3.515 3.620 3.405
2003 3.265 3.168 3.075 2.905 2.832 2.815 2.793 2.928 2.922 2.860 2.880 2.963
2004 2.898 2.934 2.900 2.834 2.920 2.961 2.955 3.015 2.998 2.970 2.954 2.972
2005 2.947 2.916 2.925 2.901 2.892 2.883 2.869 2.889 2.912 2.965 2.967 3.014
2006 3.045 3.069 3.076 3.067 3.053 3.081 3.082 3.078 3.100 3.099 3.076 3.060
2007 3.085 3.103 3.101 3.091 3.081 3.079 3.110 3.153 3.148 3.161 3.135 3.141
2008 3.144 3.158 3.155 3.167 3.152 3.044 3.022 3.034 3.083 3.235 3.332 3.425
2009 3.463 3.511 3.653 3.692 3.727 3.769 3.809 3.839 3.843 3.827 3.811 3.806
2010 3.805 3.852 3.863 3.875 3.902 3.926 3.935 3.937 3.951 3.957 3.968 3.977
2011 3.981 4.022 4.037 4.066 4.084 4.096 4.128 4.169 4.205 4.221 4.260 4.288
2012 4.320 4.348 4.356 4.397 4.449 4.497 4.552 4.610 4.670 4.730 4.797 4.881
2013 4.948 5.009 5.087 5.153 5.236 5.330 5.440 5.581 5.737 5.848 6.012 6.338
2014 7.055 7.862 7.926 8.001 8.039 8.127 8.159 8.317 8.419 8.479 8.514 8.551
2015 8.600 8.684 8.780 8.866 8.948 9.043 9.140 9.242 9.365 9.486 9.628 12.961
2016 13.611 14.797 14.909 14.421 14.132 14.102 14.910 14.842 15.088 15.184 15.343 15.843
2017 15.893 15.577 15.527 15.344 15.695 16.089 17.150 17.425 17.231 17.459 17.493 17.723
2018 19.344 20.148 20.543 20.530 24.223 27.246 28.266 30.879 39.391 38.075 37.485 38.840
2019 38.430 39.428 42.542 44.354 46.089 44.955 43.750 54.650 58.790 61.403 63.013 63.012
2020 62.984 63.581 65.200 67.872 70.048 72.521 75.324 77.489 79.431 83.132 85.485 88.182
2021 91.474 93.998 96.635 98.526 99.613 100.62 101.62 102.57 103.78 104.77 105.83 107.48
2022 109.48 111.95 114.92 118.70 123.20 127.99 135.21 142.29 150.42 159.42 169.15 179.98
2023 189.61 199.09 210.34 223.62 241.49 260.95 279.59 337.29 366.88 367.42 371.66 687.36
2024 863.96 880.60 895.13 911.85 927.37 942.20

The value of one current peso is 10,000,000,000,000 (trillion) pesos moneda nacional (m$n), the currency in use from 1881 to 1969.

It's also equal, as of late June 2024, to four quadrillion 1914-era pesos with the U.S. dollar as reference – an average annual depreciation relative to the dollar of 28% (i.e. an annual increase of the value of the dollar of 39%).

Argentina Inflation
  Year over Year inflation
  M2 money supply increases Year over Year
  Month over Month inflation

See also

  • iconMoney portal


  • Información Económica al Día: Dinero y Bancos, Ministerio de Economía de la República Argentina average monthly exchange rates (in Spanish)
  • BCRA – Banco Central de la República Argentina (in Spanish)