International Standard Version

Genesis 1:1–3
In the beginning, God created the universe. When the earth was yet unformed and desolate, with the surface of the ocean depths shrouded in darkness, and while the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters, God said, "Let there be light!" So there was light.
John 3:16
"For this is how God loved the world: He gave his uniquely existing Son so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.
The Bible in English

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The International Standard Version or ISV is an English translation of the Bible for which translation was complete and published electronically in 2011.

The texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been used to provide a textual apparatus for understanding the Old Testament.[1]



The translation aims to be central between a literal translation and an idiomatic translation, a philosophy the ISV translation team call "literal-idiomatic" (p. xliii of the ISV Introduction). A distinctive feature of the ISV is that biblical poetry is translated into English metrical rhyme.[2]

Release numbers

The Holy Bible: International Standard Version (ISV) is being produced with identifying release numbers and build sequence identifiers so as to provide tracking of improvements and additions to the text. The current release is Release 2.0.[3] According to the ISV foundation website, a 3.0 build is not expected to be completed until 2021 at the earliest.[4]

See also


  1. ^ Bible Gateway, Version Information, accessed 5 June 2017
  2. ^ Dewey, David (2004). A User's Guide to Bible Translations : Making the Most of Different Versions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. p. 197. ISBN 0-83083273-4.
  3. ^ Bible Gateway, Copyright Information, accessed 5 June 2017
  4. ^ "Policy on Version and Build Updates". International Standard Version foundation. Retrieved 12 October 2019.
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