List of Sicariidae species

This page lists all described species of the spider family Sicariidae accepted by the World Spider Catalog as of December 2020[update]:[1]


Hexophthalma sp.

Hexophthalma Karsch, 1879

  • H. albospinosa (Purcell, 1908) — Namibia, South Africa
  • H. binfordae Lotz, 2018 — Namibia
  • H. damarensis (Lawrence, 1928) — Namibia
  • H. dolichocephala (Lawrence, 1928) — Namibia
  • H. goanikontesensis Lotz, 2018 — Namibia
  • H. hahni (Karsch, 1878) (type) — Namibia, South Africa
  • H. leroyi Lotz, 2018 — South Africa
  • H. spatulata (Pocock, 1900) — South Africa


Desert recluse
(Loxosceles deserta)
Chilean recluse spider
(Loxosceles laeta)
Brown recluse
(Loxosceles reclusa)

Loxosceles Heineken & Lowe, 1832

  • L. accepta Chamberlin, 1920 — Peru
  • L. adelaida Gertsch, 1967 — Brazil
  • L. alamosa Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. alicea Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. amazonica Gertsch, 1967 — Peru, Brazil
  • L. anomala (Mello-Leitão, 1917) — Brazil
  • L. apachea Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA, Mexico
  • L. aphrasta Wang, 1994 — China
  • L. aranea Gertsch, 1973 — Mexico
  • L. arizonica Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940 — USA
  • L. aurea Gertsch, 1973 — Mexico
  • L. baja Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. barbara Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. belli Gertsch, 1973 — Mexico
  • L. bentejui Planas & Ribera, 2015 — Canary Is.
  • L. bergeri Strand, 1906 — Namibia
  • L. bettyae Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. blancasi Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. blanda Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA
  • L. boneti Gertsch, 1958 — Mexico, El Salvador
  • L. candela Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. carabobensis González-Sponga, 2010 — Venezuela
  • L. cardosoi Bertani, von Schimonsky & Gallão, 2018 — Brazil
  • L. caribbaea Gertsch, 1958 — Greater Antilles
  • L. carinhanha Bertani, von Schimonsky & Gallão, 2018 — Brazil
  • L. carmena Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. cederbergensis Lotz, 2017 — South Africa
  • L. chapadensis Bertani, Fukushima & Nagahama, 2010 — Brazil
  • L. chinateca Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. colima Gertsch, 1958 — Mexico
  • L. conococha Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. coquimbo Gertsch, 1967 — Chile
  • L. corozalensis González-Sponga, 2010 — Venezuela
  • L. coyote Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. cubana Gertsch, 1958 — Cuba, Bahama Is., Hispaniola
  • L. cubiroensis González-Sponga, 2010 — Venezuela
  • L. curimaguensis González-Sponga, 2010 — Venezuela
  • L. dejagerae Lotz, 2017 — South Africa
  • L. deserta Gertsch, 1973 — USA, Mexico
  • L. devia Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940 — USA, Mexico
  • L. diaguita Brescovit, Taucare-Ríos, Magalhaes & Santos, 2017 — Chile
  • L. ericsoni Bertani, von Schimonsky & Gallão, 2018 — Brazil
  • L. fontainei Millot, 1941 — Guinea
  • L. foutadjalloni Millot, 1941 — Guinea
  • L. francisca Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. frizzelli Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. gaucho Gertsch, 1967 — Brazil. Introduced to Tunisia
  • L. gloria Gertsch, 1967 — Ecuador, Peru
  • L. griffinae Lotz, 2017 — Namibia
  • L. guajira Cala-Riquelme, Gutiérrez-Estrada & Flórez, 2015 — Colombia
  • L. guatemala Gertsch, 1973 — Guatemala
  • L. guayota Planas & Ribera, 2015 — Canary Is.
  • L. haddadi Lotz, 2017 — South Africa
  • L. harrietae Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. herreri Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. hirsuta Mello-Leitão, 1931 — Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
  • L. huasteca Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. hupalupa Planas & Ribera, 2015 — Canary Is.
  • L. immodesta (Mello-Leitão, 1917) — Brazil
  • L. inca Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. insula Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. intermedia Mello-Leitão, 1934 — Brazil, Argentina
  • L. irishi Lotz, 2017 — Namibia
  • L. jaca Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. jamaica Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Jamaica
  • L. jarmila Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Jamaica
  • L. julia Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. kaiba Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA
  • L. karstica Bertani, von Schimonsky & Gallão, 2018 — Brazil
  • L. lacroixi Millot, 1941 — Ivory Coast
  • L. lacta Wang, 1994 — China
  • L. laeta (Nicolet, 1849) — South America. Introduced to USA, Finland, Australia
  • L. lawrencei Caporiacco, 1955 — Venezuela, Trinidad, Curaçao
  • L. lutea Keyserling, 1877 — Colombia, Ecuador
  • L. luteola Gertsch, 1973 — Mexico
  • L. mahan Planas & Ribera, 2015 — Canary Is.
  • L. maisi Sánchez-Ruiz & Brescovit, 2013 — Cuba
  • L. makapanensis Lotz, 2017 — South Africa
  • L. malintzi Valdez-Mondragón, Cortez-Roldán, Juárez-Sánchez & Solís-Catalán, 2018 — Mexico
  • L. manuela Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. maraisi Lotz, 2017 — Namibia
  • L. martha Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA
  • L. meruensis Tullgren, 1910 — Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania
  • L. misteca Gertsch, 1958 — Mexico
  • L. mogote Sánchez-Ruiz & Brescovit, 2013 — Cuba
  • L. mrazig Ribera & Planas, 2009 — Tunisia
  • L. mulege Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. muriciensis Fukushima, de Andrade & Bertani, 2017 — Brazil
  • L. nahuana Gertsch, 1958 — Mexico
  • L. neuvillei Simon, 1909 — Ethiopia, Somalia, East Africa
  • L. niedeguidonae de Andrade, Bertani, Nagahama & Barbosa, 2012 — Brazil
  • L. olivaresi González-Sponga, 2010 — Venezuela
  • L. olmea Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. pallalla Brescovit, Taucare-Ríos, Magalhaes & Santos, 2017 — Chile
  • L. palma Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA, Mexico
  • L. panama Gertsch, 1958 — Panama
  • L. parramae Newlands, 1981 — South Africa
  • L. persica Ribera & Zamani, 2017 — Iran
  • L. pilosa Purcell, 1908 — Namibia, South Africa
  • L. piura Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. pucara Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. puortoi Martins, Knysak & Bertani, 2002 — Brazil
  • L. reclusa Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940 — North America
  • L. rica Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Costa Rica
  • L. rosana Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. rothi Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. rufescens (Dufour, 1820) (type) — Southern Europe, northern Africa to Iran. Introduced to USA, Mexico, Macaronesia, South Africa, India, China, Japan, Korea, Laos, Thailand, Australia, Hawaii
  • L. rufipes (Lucas, 1834) — Guatemala, Panama, Colombia. Introduced to West Africa
  • L. russelli Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA
  • L. sabina Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — USA
  • L. sansebastianensis González-Sponga, 2010 — Venezuela
  • L. seri Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. similis Moenkhaus, 1898 — Brazil
  • L. simillima Lawrence, 1927 — Southern Africa
  • L. smithi Simon, 1897 — Ethiopia, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania
  • L. sonora Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. spadicea Simon, 1907 — Peru, Bolivia, Argentina
  • L. speluncarum Simon, 1893 — South Africa
  • L. spinulosa Purcell, 1904 — South Africa
  • L. surca Gertsch, 1967 — Peru, Chile
  • L. taeniopalpis Simon, 1907 — Ecuador
  • L. taino Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Bahama Is., Jamaica, Hispaniola
  • L. tazarte Planas & Ribera, 2015 — Canary Is.
  • L. tehuana Gertsch, 1958 — Mexico
  • L. tenango Gertsch, 1973 — Mexico
  • L. tenochtitlan Valdez-Mondragón & Navarro-Rodríguez, 2019 — Mexico
  • L. teresa Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. tibicena Planas & Ribera, 2015 — Canary Is.
  • L. tlacolula Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Mexico
  • L. tolantongo Navarro-Rodríguez & Valdez-Mondragón, 2020 — Mexico
  • L. troglobia Souza & Ferreira, 2018 — Brazil
  • L. valdosa Gertsch, 1973 — Mexico
  • L. vallenar Brescovit, Taucare-Ríos, Magalhaes & Santos, 2017 — Chile
  • L. variegata Simon, 1897 — Paraguay, Argentina
  • L. virgo Gertsch & Ennik, 1983 — Virgin Is.
  • L. vonwredei Newlands, 1980 — Namibia
  • L. weyrauchi Gertsch, 1967 — Peru
  • L. willianilsoni Fukushima, de Andrade & Bertani, 2017 — Brazil
  • L. yucatana Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938 — Mexico, Belize, Guatemala
  • L. zapoteca Gertsch, 1958 — Mexico
  • L. aculicaput Wunderlich, 2004
  • L. defecta Wunderlich, 1988
  • L. deformis Wunderlich, 1988


Sicarius levi, female

Sicarius Walckenaer, 1847

  • S. andinus Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2017 — Peru
  • S. boliviensis Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2017 — Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay
  • S. cariri Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2013 — Brazil
  • S. crustosus (Nicolet, 1849) — Chile
  • S. diadorim Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2013 — Brazil
  • S. fumosus (Nicolet, 1849) — Chile
  • S. gracilis (Keyserling, 1880) — Ecuador, Peru
  • S. jequitinhonha Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2017 — Brazil
  • S. lanuginosus (Nicolet, 1849) — Chile
  • S. levii Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2017 — Chile, Argentina
  • S. mapuche Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2017 — Argentina
  • S. ornatus Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2013 — Brazil
  • S. peruensis (Keyserling, 1880) — Peru
  • S. rugosus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899) — El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica
  • S. rupestris (Holmberg, 1881) — Argentina
  • S. saci Magalhaes, Brescovit & Santos, 2017 — Brazil
  • S. thomisoides Walckenaer, 1847 (type) — Chile
  • S. tropicus (Mello-Leitão, 1936) — Brazil
  • S. utriformis (Butler, 1877) — Ecuador (Galapagos)
  • S. vallenato Cala-Riquelme, Gutiérrez-Estrada, Flórez-Daza & Agnarsson, 2017 — Colombia
  • S. yurensis Strand, 1908 — Peru, Chile


  1. ^ "Family: Sicariidae Keyserling,1880". World Spider Catalog Version 20.0. Natural History Museum Bern. 2021. doi:10.24436/2. Retrieved 2021-01-25.
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Extant Araneae families
Suborder Mesothelae
  • Liphistiidae (segmented spiders)
  • Heptathelidae (segmented spiders)
Suborder Opisthothelae
  • Actinopodidae (mouse spiders and relatives)
  • Antrodiaetidae (folding trapdoor spiders)
  • Atracidae (Australian funnel-web spiders)
  • Atypidae (atypical tarantulas or purseweb spiders)
  • Barychelidae (brushed trapdoor spiders)
  • Ctenizidae (cork-lid trapdoor spiders)
  • Cyrtaucheniidae (wafer trapdoor spiders)
  • Dipluridae (funnel-web tarantulas)
  • Euctenizidae
  • Halonoproctidae
  • Hexathelidae (funnel-webs or venomous funnel-web tarantulas)
  • Idiopidae
  • Macrothelidae
  • Mecicobothriidae (dwarf tarantulas)
  • Microstigmatidae
  • Migidae (tree trapdoor spiders)
  • Nemesiidae (funnel-web tarantulas)
  • Paratropididae (bald-legged spiders)
  • Porrhothelidae
  • Theraphosidae (true tarantulas)
  • Archaeidae (pelican spiders)
  • Austrochilidae
  • Caponiidae
  • Diguetidae (coneweb spiders)
  • Drymusidae (false violin spiders)
  • Dysderidae (woodlouse hunters)
  • Filistatidae (crevice weaver spiders)
  • Gradungulidae (large-clawed spiders)
  • Huttoniidae
  • Hypochilidae (lampshade spiders)
  • Leptonetidae
  • Mecysmaucheniidae
  • Ochyroceratidae (midget ground weavers)
  • Oonopidae (goblin spiders)
  • Orsolobidae
  • Pacullidae
  • Palpimanidae (palp-footed spiders)
  • Periegopidae
  • Pholcidae (cellar spiders)
  • Plectreuridae
  • Scytodidae (spitting spiders)
  • Segestriidae (tube-dwelling spiders)
  • Sicariidae (violin spiders, assassin spiders)
  • Stenochilidae
  • Telemidae (long-legged cave spiders)
  • Tetrablemmidae (armored spiders)
  • Trogloraptoridae (Trogloraptor marchingtoni)