List of assemblies called Sejm

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The Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Polish pronunciation: [ˈsɛjm] ; Polish: Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) is the lower house of the Polish parliament. Its name comes from what was once a generic Polish word for a political gathering. It is also used to refer to historical diets or assemblies.

Pre-partition sejms

Types of sessions

  • Confederated sejm (sejm skonfederowany), a form of sejm where decisions were made by the majority of deputy votes cast
  • Convocation sejm (sejm konwokacyjny), part of the process of royal elections in which candidates were put forward and rules of election established
  • Coronation sejm (sejm koronacyjny), the first sejm convened by a newly crowned king
  • Election sejm (sejm elekcyjny), the election of the king by the nobility
  • Pacification sejm (Sejm pacyfikacyjny), held after a period of conflict, usually a disputed royal election, to bring peace and unity to the country

Specific sessions

In chronological order:

  • Convocation Sejm (1764)
  • Election Sejm of 1632
  • Silent Sejm (Sejm Niemy), 1717
  • Repnin Sejm (Sejm Repninowski), 1767–1768
  • Partition Sejm (Sejm Rozbiorowy), 1773–1775
  • Great Sejm (Sejm Wielki), 1788–1792
  • Grodno Sejm (Sejm Grodzieński), 1793

Post-partition sejms

In chronological order:

  • Galician Sejm (Sejm Galicyjski, Sejm Krajowy), or Diet of Galicia and Lodomeria, 1861–1918
  • Silesian Sejm, or Silesian Parliament (Sejm Śląski), legislature of the Autonomous Silesian Voivodeship, 1920–1939
  • Sejm of the Republic of Central Lithuania (Sejm Litwy Środkowej), 1922
  • Contract Sejm (sejm kontraktowy), 1989–1991

See also

  • Saeima, the parliament of Latvia
  • Seimas, the parliament of Lithuania
  • Seym River, a river in Russia and Ukraine spelled "Sejm" in Polish
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Index of articles associated with the same name
This article includes a list of related items that share the same name (or similar names).