List of members of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium, 2014–2019

This is a list of members of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives during the 54th legislature (2014–2019), arranged alphabetically.

The government majority during this legislature is formed by a coalition of N-VA, CD&V, Open Vld and MR, forming the Michel Government.

Election results (25 May 2014)

New Flemish Alliance1,366,39720.26+2.8633+6
Parti Socialiste787,05811.67–2.0323–3
Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams783,04011.61+0.7618+1
Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten659,5719.78+1.1414+1
Mouvement Réformateur650,2609.64+0.3620+2
Socialistische Partij Anders595,4668.83–0.41130
Centre démocrate humaniste336,1844.98–0.5490
Vlaams Belang247,7383.67–4.093–9
Parti du Travail de Belgique-GO !132,9431.97New2New
Francophone Democratic Federalists121,3841.80New2New
Partij van de Arbeid+118,3331.75+0.9400
People's Party102,5811.52+0.2310
Debout Les Belges!58,0430.86New0New
Libertair, Direct, Democratisch28,4140.42–1.890–1
La Droite26,0350.39New0New
Pirate Party23,1690.34New0New
Faire place Nette15,4670.23New0New
Belgian Union12,1030.18–0.1400
Wallonie d'Abord11,2210.17–0.3900
Rassemblement Wallonie France7,3940.11–0.4400
Mouvement de Gauche4,5290.07New0New
Lutte Ouvrière3,5390.05New0New
PP Partipensionnes3,1780.05–0.0600
Front Wallon3,0800.05New0New
New Alternative Wallonia2,7850.04New0New
Sociaal Democraten & Progressieven2,2980.03New0New
Valeurs Libérales Citoyennes2,0280.03New0New
Walloon Rally1,5980.02New0New
Gauches Communes1,4450.02New0New
Vox Populi Belgica1,2800.02New0New
Égalitaires !9530.01New0New
Partij Voor Gehandicapten en Welzijn9320.01New0New
Parti Libertarien7500.01New0New
Agora Erasmus3820.01New0New
Valid votes6,744,54794.23
Invalid/blank votes412,9515.77
Total votes7,157,498100.00
Registered voters/turnout8,008,77689.37
Source: IBZ
Seats by electoral district and by party
Party /
Electoral district
N-VA CD&V Open Vld sp.a Groen Vlaams Belang PVDA+ / PTB-GO! PS MR cdH Ecolo FDF Parti Populaire Total
Antwerp 11 4 2 3 2 2 0 24
East Flanders 5 4 4 3 2 1 0 20
West Flanders 6 4 2 3 1 0 0 16
Limburg 5 3 2 2 0 0 0 12
Flemish Brabant 5 3 4 2 1 0 0 15
Brussels 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 2 2 2 0 15
Hainaut 1 9 5 2 1 0 0 18
Liège 1 5 5 2 1 0 1 15
Namur 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 6
Walloon Brabant 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 5
Luxembourg 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 4
Total 33 18 14 13 6 3 2 23 20 9 6 2 1 150



Office Senator Party
President Siegfried Bracke N-VA
1st Vicepresident André Flahaut PS
2nd Vicepresident Françoise Schepmans MR
3rd Vicepresident Sonja Becq CD&V

College of Quaestors

Office Senator Party
1st Quaestor Sarah Smeyers N-VA
2nd Quaestor Colette Burgeon PS
3rd Quaestor Olivier Maingain FDF
4th Quaestor Gerald Kindermans CD&V

Group leaders

Office Senator Party
N-VA Floor leader Peter De Roover (since January 2016) N-VA
PS Floor leader Laurette Onkelinx PS

List of representatives

Representative Group Electoral district Language group Comments
Meyrem Almaci Ecolo/Groen Antwerp Dutch
Rita Bellens N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Kristof Calvo Ecolo/Groen Antwerp Dutch
Monica De Coninck sp.a Antwerp Dutch
Zuhal Demir N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Peter De Roover N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Maya Detiège sp.a Antwerp Dutch
Bart De Wever N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Filip Dewinter Vlaams Belang Antwerp Dutch
Sophie De Wit N-VA Antwerp Dutch
David Geerts sp.a Antwerp Dutch
Johan Klaps N-VA Antwerp Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Jan Jambon, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Nahima Lanjri CD&V Antwerp Dutch
Koen Metsu N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Jan Penris Vlaams Belang Antwerp Dutch since 19 June 2014, replacing Marijke Dillen
Griet Smaers CD&V Antwerp Dutch
Annemie Turtelboom Open Vld Antwerp Dutch was replaced by Frank Wilrycx from 25 July 2014 until 29 April 2016, when she was Minister in the Bourgeois Government
Yoleen Van Camp N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Rob Van de Velde N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Jef Van den Bergh CD&V Antwerp Dutch
Dirk Van Mechelen Open Vld Antwerp Dutch
Valerie Van Peel N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Servais Verherstraeten CD&V Antwerp Dutch
Bert Wollants N-VA Antwerp Dutch
Siegfried Bracke N-VA East Flanders Dutch President
Peter Buysrogge N-VA East Flanders Dutch
Sarah Claerhout CD&V East Flanders Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Pieter De Crem, who became Secretary of State in the Michel Government
Peter Dedecker N-VA East Flanders Dutch
Christoph D'Haese N-VA East Flanders Dutch
Leen Dierick CD&V East Flanders Dutch
Katja Gabriëls Open Vld East Flanders Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Alexander De Croo, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Egbert Lachaert Open Vld East Flanders Dutch
Barbara Pas Vlaams Belang East Flanders Dutch
Fatma Pehlivan sp.a East Flanders Dutch
Sarah Smeyers N-VA East Flanders Dutch
Ine Somers Open Vld East Flanders Dutch
Karin Temmerman sp.a East Flanders Dutch
Goedele Uyttersprot N-VA East Flanders Dutch
Carina Van Cauter Open Vld East Flanders Dutch
Dirk Van der Maelen sp.a East Flanders Dutch
Stefaan Van Hecke Ecolo/Groen East Flanders Dutch
Stefaan Vercamer CD&V East Flanders Dutch
Evita Willaert Ecolo/Groen East Flanders Dutch
Veli Yüksel CD&V East Flanders Dutch
Philippe Blanchart PS Hainaut French
Christian Brotcorne cdH Hainaut French
Olivier Chastel MR Hainaut French
Paul-Olivier Delannois PS Hainaut French
Laurent Devin PS Hainaut French
Elio Di Rupo PS Hainaut French
Denis Ducarme MR Hainaut French
Jean-Jacques Flahaux MR Hainaut French
Catherine Fonck cdH Hainaut French
Benoît Friart MR Hainaut French
Eric Massin PS Hainaut French
Richard Miller MR Hainaut French since 11 October 2014, replacing Marie-Christine Marghem, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Jean-Marc Nollet Ecolo/Groen Hainaut French
Özlem Özen PS Hainaut French
Daniel Senesael PS Hainaut French
Eric Thiébaut PS Hainaut French
Marco Van Hees PTB-go! Hainaut French
Fabienne Winckel PS Hainaut French
Hendrik Bogaert CD&V West Flanders Dutch
An Capoen N-VA West Flanders Dutch
Koenraad Degroote N-VA West Flanders Dutch
Franky Demon CD&V West Flanders Dutch
Roel Deseyn CD&V West Flanders Dutch
Wouter De Vriendt Ecolo/Groen West Flanders Dutch
Daphné Dumery N-VA West Flanders Dutch
Rita Gantois N-VA West Flanders Dutch
Sabien Lahaye-Battheu Open Vld West Flanders Dutch
Nathalie Muylle CD&V West Flanders Dutch
Alain Top sp.a West Flanders Dutch
Johan Vande Lanotte sp.a West Flanders Dutch
Ann Vanheste sp.a West Flanders Dutch
Vincent Van Quickenborne Open Vld West Flanders Dutch
Jan Vercammen N-VA West Flanders Dutch
Brecht Vermeulen N-VA West Flanders Dutch
Nawal Ben Hamou PS Brussels French
Véronique Caprasse FDF Brussels French
Georges Dallemagne cdH Brussels French since 22 July 2014, replacing Céline Fremault, who became Minister in the Brussels Vervoort II Government
Francis Delpérée cdH Brussels French
Benoit Hellings Ecolo/Groen Brussels French
Emir Kir PS Brussels French
Gilles Vanden Burre Ecolo/Groen Brussels French since 28 May 2015, replacing Zakia Khattabi, who became party co-leader of Ecolo
Ahmed Laaouej PS Brussels French
Karine Lalieux PS Brussels French
Olivier Maingain FDF Brussels French
Laurette Onkelinx PS Brussels French
Philippe Pivin MR Brussels French
Françoise Schepmans MR Brussels French
Damien Thiéry MR Brussels French
Gautier Calomne MR Brussels French since 22 September 2015, replacing Sophie Wilmès, who became Minister in the Michel Government. Wilmès had since 11 October 2014 replaced Didier Reynders, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Aldo Carcaci Parti Populaire Liège French
Caroline Cassart-Mailleux MR Liège French
Frédéric Daerden PS Liège French
Willy Demeyer PS Liège French
Julie Fernandez-Fernandez PS Liège French
Gilles Foret MR Liège French
André Frédéric PS Liège French
Muriel Gerkens Ecolo/Groen Liège French
Philippe Goffin MR Liège French
Luc Gustin MR Liège French since 11 October 2014, replacing Daniel Bacquelaine, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Raoul Hedebouw PTB-go! Liège French
Kattrin Jadin MR Liège French Jadin is leader of PFF, the German-speaking chapter of MR, but there is no German language group in the Chamber (all Walloon representatives are automatically part of the French language group)
Alain Mathot PS Liège French
Michel de Lamotte cdH Liège French since 19 April 2015, replacing Melchior Wathelet, who left national politics
Vanessa Matz cdH Liège French
Sonja Becq CD&V Flemish Brabant Dutch
Hans Bonte sp.a Flemish Brabant Dutch
Patricia Ceysens Open Vld Flemish Brabant Dutch
Inez De Coninck N-VA Flemish Brabant Dutch
Anne Dedry Ecolo/Groen Flemish Brabant Dutch
Renate Hufkens N-VA Flemish Brabant Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Theo Francken, who became Secretary of State in the Michel Government
Dirk Janssens Open Vld Flemish Brabant Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Maggie De Block, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Karine Jiroflée sp.a Flemish Brabant Dutch
Jan Spooren N-VA Flemish Brabant Dutch
Luk Van Biesen Open Vld Flemish Brabant Dutch
Tim Vandenput Open Vld Flemish Brabant Dutch
Els Van Hoof CD&V Flemish Brabant Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Koen Geens, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Eric Van Rompuy CD&V Flemish Brabant Dutch
Kristien Van Vaerenbergh N-VA Flemish Brabant Dutch
Hendrik Vuye N-VA Flemish Brabant Dutch quit the party on 21 September 2016, remained independent member of parliament
Wouter Beke CD&V Limburg Dutch
Patrick Dewael Open Vld Limburg Dutch
Karolien Grosemans N-VA Limburg Dutch
Veerle Heeren CD&V Limburg Dutch
Werner Janssen N-VA Limburg Dutch
Meryame Kitir sp.a Limburg Dutch
Nele Lijnen Open Vld Limburg Dutch
Peter Luykx N-VA Limburg Dutch
Wouter Raskin N-VA Limburg Dutch since 11 October 2014, replacing Steven Vandeput, who became Minister in the Michel Government
Raf Terwingen CD&V Limburg Dutch
Peter Vanvelthoven sp.a Limburg Dutch
Veerle Wouters N-VA Limburg Dutch quit the party on 21 September 2016, remained independent member of parliament
David Clarinval MR Namur French
Jean-Marc Delizée PS Namur French
Benoît Dispa cdH Namur French
Georges Gilkinet Ecolo/Groen Namur French
Gwenaëlle Grovonius PS Namur French
Stéphanie Thoron MR Namur French
Emmanuel Burton MR Walloon Brabant French
Marcel Cheron Ecolo/Groen Walloon Brabant French
Sybille de Coster-Bauchau MR Walloon Brabant French
Stéphane Crusnière PS Walloon Brabant French since 22 July 2014, replacing André Flahaut, who became Minister in the Demotte III Government of the French Community
Vincent Scourneau MR Walloon Brabant French since 11 October 2014, replacing Charles Michel, who became Prime Minister in the Michel Government
Benoît Lutgen cdH Luxembourg French
Benoît Piedboeuf MR Luxembourg French
Sébastian Pirlot PS Luxembourg French
Isabelle Poncelet cdH Luxembourg French


  • "De kamerleden" (in Dutch). The Belgian Chamber of Representatives. Archived from the original on 2012-03-06. Retrieved 2010-07-18.
  • "Les députés" (in French). The Belgian Chamber of Representatives. Archived from the original on 2008-11-11. Retrieved 2008-02-22.
  • "Bureau van de Kamer - College van Quaestoren" (PDF) (in Dutch). The Belgian Chamber of Representatives. 2008-01-17. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-06. Retrieved 2008-02-22.
  • "Bureau de la Chambre - College dès Questeurs" (PDF) (in French). The Belgian Chamber of Representatives. 2008-01-17. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-06. Retrieved 2008-02-22.
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Lists of members of Belgian Parliaments
(upper house of the Belgian Federal Parliament)
Flag of Belgium
Chamber of Representatives
(lower house of the Belgian Federal Parliament)Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region
Flemish Parliament
Parliament of Wallonia
Parliament of the French Community
  • 1995–1999
  • 1999–2004
  • 2004–2009
  • 2009–2014
  • 2014–2019
  • 2019–2024
  • current representatives
Parliament of the German-speaking Community