People's Reporter

People's Reporter (A forum of current affairs) (established in 1988)[5] is a semi-monthly[1] newspaper published from Mumbai, especially on events covering Ecumenism and Interfaith dialogue, both nationally and internationally.

  • Journalism portal

Though the newspaper is available in print edition, it is also made available in pdf format through many other web sites which host it, namely, SlideShare,[7] Dockoc,[8],[9] Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India,[10] the National Council of Churches in India,[11] Radicalizing reformation.[12] and the Social Sciences Institute of the Evangelical Church in Germany.[13]


  1. ^ a b c d People's Reporter, Volume 30, Issue 2, 25 January – 10 February 2017.[1]
  2. ^ Press in India Part 2, Office of the Registrar of Newspapers, New Delhi, 1969, p.484.[2]
  3. ^ People's Reporter, Volume 30, Issue 16, 25 August – 10 September 2017.[3]
  4. ^ Senate of Serampore College (University), List of the Recipients of the Degree of Doctor of Divinity (Honoris Causa) - 2016.[4]
  5. ^ a b Registrar of Newspapers for India, Registration Record by State on "Maharashtra/People's Reporter".[5]
  6. ^ Registrar of Newspapers for India, Registration Data Search on "45550".[6]
  7. ^ SlideShare[7]
  8. ^ Dockoc
  9. ^[8]
  10. ^ Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India. [9]
  11. ^ National Council of Churches in India [10]
  12. ^ Radicalizing reformation
  13. ^ Social Sciences Institute of the Evangelical Church in Germany. [11]