Proximal operator

In mathematical optimization, the proximal operator is an operator associated with a proper,[note 1] lower semi-continuous convex function f {\displaystyle f} from a Hilbert space X {\displaystyle {\mathcal {X}}} to [ , + ] {\displaystyle [-\infty ,+\infty ]} , and is defined by: [1]

prox f ( v ) = arg min x X ( f ( x ) + 1 2 x v X 2 ) . {\displaystyle \operatorname {prox} _{f}(v)=\arg \min _{x\in {\mathcal {X}}}\left(f(x)+{\frac {1}{2}}\|x-v\|_{\mathcal {X}}^{2}\right).}

For any function in this class, the minimizer of the right-hand side above is unique, hence making the proximal operator well-defined. The proximal operator is used in proximal gradient methods, which is frequently used in optimization algorithms associated with non-differentiable optimization problems such as total variation denoising.


The prox {\displaystyle {\text{prox}}} of a proper, lower semi-continuous convex function f {\displaystyle f} enjoys several useful properties for optimization.

  • Fixed points of prox f {\displaystyle {\text{prox}}_{f}} are minimizers of f {\displaystyle f} : { x X   |   prox f x = x } = arg min f {\displaystyle \{x\in {\mathcal {X}}\ |\ {\text{prox}}_{f}x=x\}=\arg \min f} .
  • Global convergence to a minimizer is defined as follows: If arg min f {\displaystyle \arg \min f\neq \varnothing } , then for any initial point x 0 X {\displaystyle x_{0}\in {\mathcal {X}}} , the recursion ( n N ) x n + 1 = prox f x n {\displaystyle (\forall n\in \mathbb {N} )\quad x_{n+1}={\text{prox}}_{f}x_{n}} yields convergence x n x arg min f {\displaystyle x_{n}\to x\in \arg \min f} as n + {\displaystyle n\to +\infty } . This convergence may be weak if X {\displaystyle {\mathcal {X}}} is infinite dimensional.[2]
  • The proximal operator can be seen as a generalization of the projection operator. Indeed, in the specific case where f {\displaystyle f} is the 0- {\displaystyle \infty } indicator function ι C {\displaystyle \iota _{C}} of a nonempty, closed, convex set C {\displaystyle C} we have that
prox ι C ( x ) = argmin y { 1 2 x y 2 2 if  y C + if  y C = argmin y C 1 2 x y 2 2 {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\operatorname {prox} _{\iota _{C}}(x)&=\operatorname {argmin} \limits _{y}{\begin{cases}{\frac {1}{2}}\left\|x-y\right\|_{2}^{2}&{\text{if }}y\in C\\+\infty &{\text{if }}y\notin C\end{cases}}\\&=\operatorname {argmin} \limits _{y\in C}{\frac {1}{2}}\left\|x-y\right\|_{2}^{2}\end{aligned}}}
showing that the proximity operator is indeed a generalisation of the projection operator.
  • A function is firmly non-expansive if ( ( x , y ) X 2 ) prox f x prox f y 2 x y   |   prox f x prox f y {\displaystyle (\forall (x,y)\in {\mathcal {X}}^{2})\quad \|{\text{prox}}_{f}x-{\text{prox}}_{f}y\|^{2}\leq \langle x-y\ |\ {\text{prox}}_{f}x-{\text{prox}}_{f}y\rangle } .
  • The proximal operator of a function is related to the gradient of the Moreau envelope M λ f {\displaystyle M_{\lambda f}} of a function λ f {\displaystyle \lambda f} by the following identity: M λ f ( x ) = 1 λ ( x p r o x λ f ( x ) ) {\displaystyle \nabla M_{\lambda f}(x)={\frac {1}{\lambda }}(x-\mathrm {prox} _{\lambda f}(x))} .
  • The proximity operator of f {\displaystyle f} is characterized by inclusion p = prox f ( x ) x p f ( p ) {\displaystyle p=\operatorname {prox} _{f}(x)\Leftrightarrow x-p\in \partial f(p)} , where f {\displaystyle \partial f} is the subdifferential of f {\displaystyle f} , given by
f ( x ) = { u R N y R N , ( y x ) T u + f ( x ) f ( y ) } {\displaystyle \partial f(x)=\{u\in \mathbb {R} ^{N}\mid \forall y\in \mathbb {R} ^{N},(y-x)^{\mathrm {T} }u+f(x)\leq f(y)\}} In particular, If f {\displaystyle f} is differentiable then the above equation reduces to p = prox f ( x ) x p = f ( p ) {\displaystyle p=\operatorname {prox} _{f}(x)\Leftrightarrow x-p=\nabla f(p)} .


  1. ^ An (extended) real-valued function f on a Hilbert space is said to be proper if it is not identically equal to + {\displaystyle +\infty } , and {\displaystyle -\infty } is not in its image.


  1. ^ Neal Parikh and Stephen Boyd (2013). "Proximal Algorithms" (PDF). Foundations and Trends in Optimization. 1 (3): 123–231. Retrieved 2019-01-29.
  2. ^ Bauschke, Heinz H.; Combettes, Patrick L. (2017). Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces. CMS Books in Mathematics. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48311-5. ISBN 978-3-319-48310-8.

See also

  • Proximal gradient method
  • The Proximity Operator repository: a collection of proximity operators implemented in Matlab and Python.
  • ProximalOperators.jl: a Julia package implementing proximal operators.
  • ODL: a Python library for inverse problems that utilizes proximal operators.