Replay Professional

Replay Professional was a sound sampling product for the Atari ST. This was released in 1988. It consisted of a cartridge which interfaced an analog to digital converter (with 10, 12 and 14 bit variants) and software.

It included a suite of offline DSP functions Fast Fourier transform, a range of filters, so called fast (IRR) and slow (FIR) filters], MIDI sequencing and a drum machine.

Compact discs were a relatively new consumer product at that time, and the front cover used CD-like artwork, although no CD media was included and the programs themselves came on three 3.5 inch floppy disks.

  • AVR (Audio Visual Research) sound format at the Wayback Machine (archived March 9, 2007) - the file format used for the samples
  • Atari ST Replay 16: Atari Mania
  • Back cover
    Back cover
  • Installation discs
    Installation discs
  • Manuals