Timeline of the New Zealand environment

This is a timeline of environmental history of New Zealand. It includes notable events affecting the natural environment of New Zealand as a result of human activity.

Pre 1700s

14th century-

  • Arrival of Māori who brought with them the kiore rat.

16th century

  • Final extinction of all eleven species of moa.


  • Tasman is first European to reach New Zealand.



  • New Zealand mapped by James Cook, and the Norway rat believed to have arrived in New Zealand aboard his ship, the Endeavour.[1] Feral pigs – called "Captain Cookers" in New Zealand – possibly arrived with Cook in the course of visits to New Zealand (1773-1774) during his second voyage (1772-1775).



  • Gorse introduced as hedging plant.
  • Rabbits introduced.[2]
  • Sheep and cattle introduced.



  • Australian brush-tailed possum introduced.




  • Ship rat spreads throughout North Island.



  • The Protection of Certain Animals Act passed - legislated that: "No Deer of any kind, Hare, Swan, Partridge, English Plover, Rook, Starling, Thrush or Blackbird" could be shot for the rest of the decade.[3]


  • Wild Birds Protection Act - legislated that: "No Wild Duck, Paradise Duck, or Pigeon indigenous in the colony shall be hunted, taken, or killed except during the months of April, May, June, and July in any year".[3]


  • Trout and Salmon Protection Act passed - made provision for "the preservation and propagation of Salmon and Trout in this Colony".[3]




  • Seal hunting restricted to a short annual season.[3]


  • Rabbit Nuisance Act passed.[3]


  • Ferrets introduced to control rabbits even after warnings were made of their effects on bird life.



  • Small Birds Nuisance Act passed.[3]


  • One hundred stoat and weasel were caught in Lincolnshire, England for shipment to New Zealand. The passage is expected to take 45 days and 1,500 live pigeons were also shipped for their consumption.[4]


  • Stoats and weasels are liberated as a misguided attempt to control rabbits.




  • An area of land, that will become the Trounson Kauri Park, is set aside by the Government. [2]


  • Rainbow trout successfully introduced by the Auckland Acclimatisation Society.






  • Noxious Weeds Act passed



  • Scenery Preservation Commission appointed.



  • Population reached one million.[5]



  • Herbert Guthrie-Smiths Tutira: The Story of a New Zealand Sheep Station is published.
  • Animals Protection and Game Act 1921-22







  • Soil and Rivers Control Act was enforced. This was the first piece of coordinated environmental legislation in New Zealand.












  • Hydro dam proposed at Tuapeka River mouth is opposed by local residents.


  • Rudd is illegally introduced into New Zealand.[7]







  • Government decides to put South Island beech forests up for tender for chipping.
  • Population reaches three million.[5]



  • 4 July — The Maruia Declaration, calling for protection of native forests, is signed. It attracted 341,160 signatures by the time it was presented to Parliament in 1977.
  • An import ban on all whale products is announced by government.
  • Friends of the Earth New Zealand is formed.
  • The Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 is passed in Government and the Waitangi Tribunal is established.



  • The "Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act" is passed.[11]
  • Queen Elizabeth II National Trust Act set up to encourage the protection of private land from development.
  • 20 July — The Maruia Declaration with a 341,159 signature petition is presented to Government.
  • 23 December — The Reserves Act is passed (includes provision for Wilderness Areas).[12]
  • 23 December — The Wild Animal Control Act is passed.[13]


  • Tree top protest in Pureora Forest to halt the logging of native forest.
  • 1 April — The Reserves Act 1977 comes into force.





  • The approval of the water rights necessary for the high Clyde Dam is overturned on appeal in Gilmore v. National Water and Soil Conservation Authority (1982)[15]
  • The National Government enacts the Clutha Development (Clyde Dam Empowering) Act 1982 to overturn the High Court case refusing water rights.[15]




  • 10 July — Bombing of Rainbow Warrior by French secret agents.

















  • Rakiura National Park established.
  • Labour led government abolishes logging of native trees on public land.
  • Waste Strategy released by the Ministry for the Environment.[28]
  • Ferrets no longer able to be legally bred, sold or distributed.
  • 25 JanuaryNew Zealand Environment magazine launched.
  • 22 December — New Zealand ratifies the Kyoto Protocol.


  • Govt3, a sustainability programme for government department, is established
  • YHA NZ started a Young Environmentalist programme.
  • The WWF Living Planet report ranks New Zealand fourteenth largest per capita ecological footprint.[29]
  • 24 April — New Zealand population is estimated to top 4,000,000.[5]
  • 26 MayCampbell Island declared rat free.[30]
  • 26 May — Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry for the Environment, and Fonterra sign the Dairying and Clean Streams Accord.[31]
  • June — Consultation is sought on an Agricultural emissions research levy (commonly called the "flatulence tax" or "fart tax").
  • 5 SeptemberNew Zealand Environment magazine discontinued.
  • 11 September — Environment Minister addresses pollution in the Rotorua lakes.[32]
  • 31 October — Businessman jailed for clearing native bush (this has set a legal precedent)[33]



  • Non-toxic shot only is to be used for waterfowl hunting from the 2005 season onwards.[41]
  • 14 March — Application lodged for mining black sands off the west coast of the North Island.[42][43][44]
  • 1 April - The Income Tax Act 2004, which makes it easier to claim environmental expenditure, comes into force.[45][46][47]
  • 22 April — Landsborough Station purchased.[48]
  • 1 MayPesticides blamed for killing native frogs.
  • 26 May — Environment Court rules in favour of Solid Energy for the Cypress mine.[49][50][51]
  • 1 JulyMolesworth Station transferred from LINZ to DoC.[52]
  • 28 July — First criminal conviction for killing a fur seal is handed down.
  • SeptemberRock snot found in the Buller River.[53]
  • November — Last remaining use of reusable glass milk bottles will end.
  • 18 November — Cavers protest about potential damage to Te Tahi Cave when used for adventure racing.
  • 20 December — A tunnel is proposed to link Queenstown and the Milford Sound road.[54]



  • JanuaryDoC considers that almost half of the native plants and animals are threatened.[57]
  • 20 FebruaryWa$ted!, a programme investigating household sustainability, begins a two-season run on New Zealand television.
  • 23 March — Prime Minister Helen Clark puts forward aspirations for New Zealand to be the first sustainable country.
  • 4 April — The OECD releases a report on the performance of the New Zealand Government.[58]
  • 4 AprilBottom trawling is prohibited in selected areas.[59]
  • 30 May — Government gives $9.88 million to clean up the Tui mine tailings site.[60]
  • 30 November — The orange roughy fishery is closed to allow stocks of the fish to recover.[61]
  • 13 December — The proposed tunnel linking Queenstown and Milford Sound is blocked by the New Zealand Conservation Authority.


  • The Waste Minimisation Act 2008 is passed.
  • 31 JanuaryEnvironment New Zealand 2007, a State of the Environment report, is released.
  • 10 February — The Green Party leak Chapter 13 of Environment New Zealand 2007 State of the environment report, which slates the dairy industry and the high level of consumption in New Zealand.
  • 20 February — A survey shows that 53% of New Zealanders' are deeply concerned that we are not doing enough to protect the environment.[62]
  • 4 March — The World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report rates New Zealand at 24 out of 130 countries for environmental sustainability.[63]
  • April — Greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand are 26% higher than 1990 levels, the required level for the Kyoto Protocol.[64]
  • 10 September — The Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading) Amendment Act 2008 is passed, establishing the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme.


  • June — The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment recommends against a moratorium on 1080, citing the ensuing damage to native forests and animals if such a ban went ahead.
  • 1 July — the Environmental Protection Authority begins operation.
  • 5 October — the container ship Rena runs aground on Astrolabe Reef, 12 nautical miles off Tauranga, resulting in New Zealand's worst oil spill.[65]


  • Department of Conservation publishes findings raising concerns about the impact of introduced trout on native fish.[66]


  • West Coast Wind-blown Timber (Conservation Lands) Act 2014 passed

See also


  1. ^ Introduced Animals Archived 24 November 2005 at the Wayback Machine, Christchurch Library.
  2. ^ Rabbits Archived 17 August 2005 at the Wayback Machine Christchurch Library.
  3. ^ a b c d e f "MfE State of Environment Report, 1997". mfe.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 19 October 2013. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  4. ^ "Exportation of Stoats and Weasels". The Cornishman. No. 302. 1 May 1884. p. 6.
  5. ^ a b c d Pink, Brian (16 April 2003). "New Zealand Population To Reach 4 Million (April 2003)". Statistics New Zealand. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 18 March 2012.
  6. ^ "Te-Urewera-National-Park-Management-Plan". doc.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 6 September 2004. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  7. ^ Rudd facts Archived 16 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine DOC website, retrieved 16 September 2007.
  8. ^ History of EDS Archived 4 June 2004 at the Wayback Machine EDS web site.
  9. ^ a b About ECO Archived 15 October 2004 at the Wayback Machine ECO website.
  10. ^ "Greenpeace NZ website FAQ". greenpeace.org.nz. Archived from the original on 13 October 2004. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  11. ^ "New Zealand Legislation". Archived from the original on 7 February 2012. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  12. ^ a b "New Zealand Legislation". www.legislation.govt.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  13. ^ "NZ Govt. Legislation". legislation.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 30 April 2005. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  14. ^ Native Forest Restoration Trust
  15. ^ a b Wheen, N. (2002) A history of New Zealand environmental law. pp 261-274, In Environmental histories of New Zealand, edited by Pawson, E. and Brooking,T. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, page 268.
  16. ^ "New Zealand Legislation". www.legislation.govt.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  17. ^ a b c "UNESCO". unesco.org. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  18. ^ "Greens history". greens.org.nz. Archived from the original on 10 October 2008. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  19. ^ "Green Ribbon Award". mfe.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 27 March 2014. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  20. ^ The Press — 24 August 2004
  21. ^ NZ Justice Department
  22. ^ people, This site represents a collaboration of works from many. "Native Forest Action New Zealand - Defending New Zealand's native forests from logging by SOE Timberlands West Coast". www.converge.org.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  23. ^ "Wild Greens". greens.org.nz. Archived from the original on 26 September 2007. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  24. ^ "Zero Waste New Zealand Ltd". www.zerowaste.org.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  25. ^ (DOC), corporatename = New Zealand Department of Conservation. "Nature" (PDF). www.doc.govt.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  26. ^ Varroa FAQ at Biosecurity New Zealand
  27. ^ "Restoring bird life to the Kapiti Coast". Archived from the original on 13 October 2004. Retrieved 2 October 2004.
  28. ^ "Waste Strategy". mfe.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 25 July 2013. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  29. ^ "Ecological footprint" (PDF). panda.org. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  30. ^ "Campbell Island conservation sanctuary rat free". New Zealand Government. 27 May 2003. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  31. ^ "Clean Streams Accord" (PDF). ew.govt.nz. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 March 2006. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  32. ^ "Minister approves moves on Rotorua lakes". New Zealand Government. 11 September 2003. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  33. ^ "NZ Herald: New Zealand's Latest News, Business, Sport, Weather, Entertainment, Politics". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 19 April 2018.[permanent dead link]
  34. ^ Didymo
  35. ^ "Home". Environment Canterbury. Retrieved 19 April 2018.[permanent dead link]
  36. ^ "Home". Environment Canterbury. Archived from the original on 27 September 2004. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  37. ^ "Home". Environment Canterbury. Archived from the original on 7 September 2004. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  38. ^ "Million dollar conservation project restores Raoul". New Zealand Government. 24 September 2004.
  39. ^ "Right Decision on Mt Burnett's Endangered Species - Scoop News". www.scoop.co.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  40. ^ "Project Aqua". meridianenergy.co.nz. Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  41. ^ "Hunting in New Zealand". Archived from the original on 21 June 2009. Retrieved 28 April 2009.
  42. ^ "Latest News". KASM - Kiwis against Seabed Mining. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  43. ^ "West Coast Iron Sand Mining 2005". www.option4.co.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  44. ^ O'Sullivan, Fran (14 March 2005). "Chinese explorer eyes NZ gas fields". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  45. ^ "New Zealand Legislation". Archived from the original on 10 February 2012. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  46. ^ [1][permanent dead link]
  47. ^ "Business and environment-friendly tax changes - Ministry for the Environment". www.mfe.govt.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  48. ^ "DOC Media Release". Archived from the original on 16 February 2006. Retrieved 29 April 2005.
  49. ^ "Solid Energy New Zealand Ltd : Premium Export Coal : Export Coals of New Zealand : New Zealand Coal Mining". Archived from the original on 5 November 2006. Retrieved 27 May 2005.
  50. ^ "Welcome to Forest and Bird". Archived from the original on 27 August 2006. Retrieved 27 May 2005.
  51. ^ "Cypress mine shows shortsighted 'dig-it-up' attitude - Green Party". Archived from the original on 19 May 2006. Retrieved 27 May 2005.
  52. ^ "Molesworth Station to become high country park". New Zealand Government. 19 December 2003. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  53. ^ Industries, Ministry for Primary. "Home". MPI. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  54. ^ "Media Release — Milford Dart". Archived from the original on 11 January 2007. Retrieved 30 January 2006.
  55. ^ "Environmental Performance Index: Redirect". yale.edu. Archived from the original on 17 June 2007. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  56. ^ "Pipe bomb explodes outside conservationist's home". The New Zealand Herald. 10 April 2006. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  57. ^ "New threatened species list: Media release". doc.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 14 October 2008. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  58. ^ Wikinews:OECD releases report on New Zealand's environmental performance
  59. ^ "Bottom trawling and dredging banned around NZ". New Zealand Herald. 4 April 2007. Retrieved 12 October 2021.
  60. ^ "Beehive - Abandoned Tui mine to be cleaned up". beehive.govt.nz. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  61. ^ "Beehive - NZ and Australia close orange roughy fishery". beehive.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 16 October 2008. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  62. ^ "Beehive - Research on New Zealanders' environmental actions". beehive.govt.nz. Archived from the original on 17 October 2008. Retrieved 19 April 2018.
  63. ^ "Table 2: The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index: Regulatory framework" (PDF). World Economic Forum. 2008.
  64. ^ New Zealand's Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2006: An Overview. Ministry for the Environment (New Zealand). April 2008. ISBN 978-0-478-30222-6.
  65. ^ "Rena grounding NZ's worst maritime disaster". Radio New Zealand. 11 October 2011. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  66. ^ Woodford, Darragh J.; McIntosh, Angus R. "Effects of introduced trout predation on non-diadromous galaxiid fish populations across invaded riverscapes" (PDF). www.doc.govt.nz. New Zealand Department of Conservation.

Further reading

  • Bührs, T. and Bartlett, R.V.; (1993) Environmental policy in New Zealand: The politics of clean & green?. Auckland: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-558284-5
  • Cant, Garth and Kirkpatrick, Russell (eds.); (2001) Rural Canterbury: Celebrating its History. Wellington: Daphne Brasell Associates Ltd. ISBN 0-909049-34-3
  • King, Carolyn; (1984) Immigrant Killers. Auckland: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-558121-0
  • Knight, Catherine (2014) Ravaged Beauty: An Environmental History of the Manawatu. Auckland: Dunmore Press. ISBN 978-1-927212-13-4
  • Knight, Catherine (2016) New Zealand's Rivers: An Environmental History. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press. ISBN 978-1-927145-76-0
  • Pawson, Eric and Booking, Tom (eds.); (2002) Environmental Histories of New Zealand. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-558421-X
  • Young, David; (2004) Our Islands, Our Selves. Dunedin: University of Otago Press. ISBN 1-877276-94-4