Frederic Remington

Frederic Remington

Irudi gehiago
JaiotzaCanton (en) Itzuli, 1861eko urriaren 4a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Talde etnikoaestatubatuar zuria
HeriotzaRidgefield, 1909ko abenduaren 26a (48 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaEvergreen Cemetery (en) Itzuli
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: Peritonitisa
HeziketaYale Unibertsitatea
Art Students League of New York (en) Itzuli
Amon Carter Museum of American Art (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakeskultorea, margolaria, ilustratzailea eta idazlea
Lantokia(k)Kansas City
New Rochelle (New York)
New York
Arizona eta Montana
Lan nabarmenak
  • The Bronco Buster (en) Itzuli
    A Dash for the Timber (en) Itzuli
KidetzaAmeriketako Estatu Batuetako Arte eta Letren Akademia
MugimenduaHudson Ibaiaren Eskola
Genero artistikoapaisaia margolaritza

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Frederic Sackrider Remington (Canton, New York, 1861eko urriaren 4a -Ridgefield, Connecticut, 1909ko abenduaren 26a) estatubatuar margolari, eskultore, ilustratzaile eta idazlea izan zen. Hudson Ibaiaren Eskolako kidea izan zen. Mendebaldeko Estatu Batuetako margolanengatik ezaguna da. Cowboyak, inditar amerikarrak eta zalditeria amerikarra erretratatu zituen. Aitaren familia jatorri alsaziarrekoa zen, eta amarena, berriz, jatorri euskalduna. Yaleko Unibertsitateko Arte Eskolan ikasi zuen eta unibertsitateko futbol amerikarra taldean jolastu zuen. 19 urterekin joan zen lehen aldiz mendebaldera eta bere lehen margoak saltzen hasi zen. Zenbait lanbide eta negozio saiatu ondoren, azkenean margolaritzatik bizi izan zen.


  • A Dash for the Timber, 1889
    A Dash for the Timber, 1889
  • The Gendarme (1889)
    The Gendarme (1889)
  • The Hussar (1893)
    The Hussar (1893)
  • Arizona cow-boy (1901)
    Arizona cow-boy (1901)
  • Aiding a Comrade, 1890
    Aiding a Comrade, 1890
  • The Blanket Signal, 1894/1898
    The Blanket Signal, 1894/1898
  • The Hunters' Supper
    The Hunters' Supper
  • The Outlier
    The Outlier
  • Coronado Sets Out to the North
    Coronado Sets Out to the North
  • The Parley
    The Parley
  • Fight for the Waterhole
    Fight for the Waterhole
  • Indians Simulating Buffalo
    Indians Simulating Buffalo
  • The Old Stage-Coach of the Plains, 1901
    The Old Stage-Coach of the Plains, 1901
  • The Scout: Friends or Foes?, 1902–1905, oil on canvas, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts
    The Scout: Friends or Foes?, 1902–1905, oil on canvas, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts
  • His First Lesson, 1903
    His First Lesson, 1903
  • A Cold Morning on the Range, c. 1904, Oil on canvas, American Museum of Western Art, Denver, Colorado
    A Cold Morning on the Range, c. 1904, Oil on canvas, American Museum of Western Art, Denver, Colorado
  • Ridden Down (1905–1906)
    Ridden Down (1905–1906)
  • Shotgun Hospitality, 1908, oil on canvas, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
    Shotgun Hospitality, 1908, oil on canvas, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
  • Episode of the Buffalo Gun
    Episode of the Buffalo Gun
  • Mounted Indian Scout
    Mounted Indian Scout
  • Uhlan
  • Scouts Climbing a Mountain
    Scouts Climbing a Mountain
  • A Map in the Sand
    A Map in the Sand
  • The Stampede; Horse Thieves, 1909. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    The Stampede; Horse Thieves, 1909. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • The Call for Help
    The Call for Help
  • Buffalo Runners-Big Horn Basin, 1909, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
    Buffalo Runners-Big Horn Basin, 1909, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (
  • The Love Call, 1909, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum
    The Love Call, 1909, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum
  • The Luckless Hunter, 1909, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum
    The Luckless Hunter, 1909, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum
  • The Sentinel, 1889, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum
    The Sentinel, 1889, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum
  • Cowboy, 1908, in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Cowboy, 1908, in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • The Lookout
    The Lookout
  • A New Year on the Cimarron, 1903, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    A New Year on the Cimarron, 1903, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • The Mier Expedition- The Drawing of the Black Bean, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    The Mier Expedition- The Drawing of the Black Bean, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • The Smoke Signal; 1905; Oil on canvas; Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, Amon G. Carter Collection; 1961.250
    The Smoke Signal; 1905; Oil on canvas; Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, Amon G. Carter Collection; 1961.250
  • The Emigrants
    The Emigrants
  • A Taint on the Wind, 1906, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
    A Taint on the Wind, 1906, Oil on canvas, Sid Richardson Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
  • The Flight
    The Flight
  • The Broncho Buster, 1895, brontze, limited edition
    The Broncho Buster, 1895, brontze, limited edition
  • Off the Range (Coming Through the Rye), model 1902, cast 1903,National Gallery of Art
    Off the Range (Coming Through the Rye), model 1902, cast 1903,National Gallery of Art
Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q560787
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Frederic Remington / Q560787

  • Wd Datuak: Q560787
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Frederic Remington / Q560787