Richmal Crompton

Richmal Crompton
Jaiotzako izen-deiturakRichmal Crompton Lamburn
JaiotzaBury (Manchester Handia), 1890eko azaroaren 15a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
 Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua  1927ko apirilaren 12a)
HeriotzaFarnborough, 1969ko urtarrilaren 11 (78 urte)
  • John Battersby Crompton Lamburn (en) Itzuli
HeziketaRoyal Holloway, University of London (en) Itzuli 1914) Artean graduatu : Klasiko
St Elphin's School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakidazlea, eleberrigilea, haur literaturaren idazlea, umorista eta ipuingilea
Lan nabarmenak
  • Just William (en) Itzuli
Izengoitia(k)Richmal Crompton

IMDB: nm0188654 Allmovie: p316885
Musicbrainz: 82fb48c5-eebe-4637-8181-97c529d50036 Discogs: 590485 Find a Grave: 14757280 Edit the value on Wikidata

Richmal Crompton Lamburn (Bury, 1890eko azaroaren 15a - Bromley, 1969ko urtarrilaren 11) ingeles eleberrigilea izan zen. Haur literaturan nabarmendu zen, Just William saila, umorezko ipuinak eta helduentzako eleberriren bat idatzi zituen.

Irakasle aritu zen hainbat eskolatan, ez zen ezkondu eta ez zuen seme-alabarik izan. Bere liburuen arrakastari esker, amarekin bizitzeko etxe bat erosi ahal izan zuen, irakaskuntzatik erretiratu ondoren.


Just William istorio labur bildumak

  • Just William, 1922
  • More William, 1922
  • William Again, 1923
  • William the Fourth, 1924
  • Still William, 1925
  • William The Conqueror, 1926
  • William the Outlaw, 1927
  • William in Trouble, 1927
  • William the Good, 1928
  • William, 1929
  • William the Bad, 1930
  • William's Happy Days, 1930
  • William's Crowded Hours, 1931
  • William the Pirate, 1932
  • William the Rebel, 1933
  • William the Gangster, 1934
  • William the Detective, 1935
  • Sweet William, 1936
  • William the Showman, 1937
  • William the Dictator, 1938
  • William and Air Raid Precautions, 1939 (also published as William's Bad Resolution, 1956)
  • William and the Evacuees, 1940 (also published as William and the Film Star, 1956)
  • William Does His Bit, 1941
  • William Carries On, 1942
  • William and The Brains Trust, 1945
  • Just William's Luck, 1948
  • William the Bold, 1950
  • William and the Tramp, 1952
  • William and the Moon Rocket, 1954
  • William and the Artist's Model, 1956
  • William and the Space Animal, 1956
  • William's Television Show, 1958
  • William the Explorer, 1960
  • William's Treasure Trove, 1962
  • William and the Witch, 1964
  • William and the Pop Singers, 1965
  • William and the Masked Ranger, 1966
  • William the Superman, 1968
  • William the Lawless, 1970

Just William antzezlanak

  • William and the Artist's Model, 1956
  • William the Terrible, BBC Radio Plays volume 1, 2008, published by David Schutte
  • William the Lionheart, BBC Radio Plays volume 2, 2008, published by David Schutte
  • William the Peacemaker, BBC Radio Plays volume 3, 2009, published by David Schutte
  • William the Avenger, BBC Radio Plays volume 4, 2009, published by David Schutte
  • William the Smuggler, BBC Radio Plays volume 5, 2010, published by David Schutte
  • William's Secret Society, BBC Radio Plays volume 6, 2010, published by David Schutte

William liburuak

  • Enter – Patricia, 1927
  • Jimmy, 1949
  • Jimmy Again, 1951
  • Jimmy the Third, a compilation of stories from Jimmy and Jimmy Again, 1965

Beste luburu batzuk

  • The Innermost Room, 1923
  • The Hidden Light, 1924
  • Anne Morrison, 1925
  • The Wildings, 1925
  • David Wilding, 1926
  • The House, 1926 (also published as Dread Dwelling)
  • Kathleen and I, and, of Course, Veronica, 1926 (short stories)
  • Millicent Dorrington, 1927
  • A Monstrous Regiment, 1927 (short stories)
  • Leadon Hill, 1927
  • The Thorn Bush, 1928
  • Roofs Off!, 1928
  • The Middle Things, 1928 (short stories)
  • Felicity Stands By, 1928 (short stories)
  • Sugar and Spice and Other Stories, 1928 (short stories)
  • Mist and Other Stories, 1928 (short stories), republished in May 2015 by Sundial Press as "MIST And Other Ghost Stories"
  • The Four Graces, 1929
  • Abbot's End, 1929
  • Ladies First, 1929 (short stories)
  • Blue Flames, 1930
  • Naomi Godstone, 1930
  • The Silver Birch and Other Stories, 1931 (short stories)
  • Portrait of a Family, 1931
  • The Odyssey of Euphemia Tracy, 1932
  • Marriage of Hermione, 1932
  • The Holiday, 1933
  • Chedsy Place, 1934
  • The Old Man's Birthday, 1934
  • Quartet, 1935
  • Caroline, 1936
  • The First Morning, 1936 (short stories)
  • There Are Four Seasons, 1937
  • Journeying Wave, 1938
  • Merlin Bay, 1939
  • Steffan Green, 1940
  • Narcissa, 1941
  • Mrs Frensham Describes a Circle, 1942
  • Weatherly Parade, 1944
  • Westover, 1946
  • The Ridleys, 1947
  • Family Roundabout, 1948, republished in 2001 by Persephone Books
  • Frost at Morning, 1950
  • Linden Rise, 1952
  • The Gypsy's Baby, 1954
  • Four in Exile, 1954
  • Matty and the Dearingroydes, 1956
  • Blind Man's Buff, 1957
  • Wiseman's Folly, 1959
  • The Inheritor, 1960
  • ‘’The House in the Wood - and other stories’’, 2022

Beste istorio labur batzuk

  • Half-an-Hour. Adelaide Observer, 23 December 1922

Kanpo estekak

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wd Datuak: Q2402392