Benteng Lahore

Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO
Bagian dariBenteng dan Taman Shalamar di LahoreKriteriaBudaya: i, ii, iiiNomor identifikasi171-001Pengukuhan1981 (Sesi ke-5)

Benteng Lahore (Punjabi dan bahasa Urdu: شاہی قلعہ: Shahi Qila, atau "Benteng Kerajaan"), adalah sebuah puri di kota Lahore, Pakistan.[1] Benteng tersebut terletak di ujung utara Kota Tembok Lahore, dan memiliki luas lebih dari 20 hektar.[2]

Catatan kaki


  1. ^ Google maps. "Location of Lahore Fort". Google maps. Diakses tanggal 23 September 2013. 
  2. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Unesco


  • Agha Hussain Hamadani. The Frontier Policy of the Delhi Sultans. Atlantic Publishers. ISBN 9694150035. 
  • Muhammad Ishtiaq Khan. Lahore Fort. Department of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Pakistan, 1974. 
  • Catherine Blanshard Asher (1992). Architecture of Mughal India. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521267281. 
  • Nazir Ahmad Chaudhry. Lahore Fort: A Witness to History. Sang-e-Meel Publications. ISBN 9789693510409. 
  • A. S. Bhalla. Monuments, Power and Poverty in India: From Ashoka to the Raj. I.B.Tauris. ISBN 9781784530877. 
  • Ebba Koch (1991). Mughal Architecture: An Outline of Its History and Development. Prestel. ISBN 3-7913-1070-4. 
  • Ahmed Nabi Khan. Studies in Islamic Archaeology of Pakistan. Sang-e-Meel Publications. ISBN 969-35-0717-7. 
  • Pran Neville. Lahore : A Sentimental Journey. Penguin Books. ISBN 9780143061977. 

Pranala luar

  • Coloured drawings of paintings, mosaics, tiles and other architectural features in Lahore Fort in Cambridge Digital Library. These were prepared ca 1890 for a publication entitled Preservation of national monuments in India as part of the Archaeological Survey of India.
  • Complete compendium of Qila e Lahore
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