Ketakutan Merah

"Ketakutan Merah" (bahasa Inggris: Red Scare) adalah promosi perebakan ketakutan oleh masyarakat atau negara tentang kebangkitan potensial komunisme, anarkisme atau sayap kiri radikal. Istilah tersebut paling sering dipakai untuk merujuk dua periode dalam sejarah Amerika Serikat dengan nama ini. Ketakutan Merah Pertama (bahasa Inggris: First Red Scare), terjadi tak lama setelah Perang Dunia I, melibatkan tentang sebuah ancaman dari gerakan buruh Amerika, revolusi anarkis dan radikalisme politik. Ketakutan Merah Kedua (bahasa Inggris: Second Red Scare), yang terjadi tak lama setelah Perang Dunia II, menyikapi para komunis dalam atau luar negeri dengan menginfiltrasi atau mensubversikan masyarakat AS atau pemerintah federal.

Catatan kaki

Referensi dan bacaan tambahan

  • K.A. Cuordileone, "The Torment of Secrecy: Reckoning With Communism and Anti-Communism After Venona," Diplomatic History, vol. 35, no. 4 (Sept. 2001), pp. 615–642.
  • Albert Fried, McCarthyism, The Great American Red Scare: A Documentary History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
  • Joy Hakim, War, Peace, and All That Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
  • John Earl Haynes, Red Scare or Red Menace?: American Communism and Anti Communism in the Cold War Era. Ivan R. Dee, 2000.
  • John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America. Cambridge, MA: Yale University Press, 2000.
  • Regin Schmidt (2000). Red Scare: FBI and the Origins of Anticommunism in the United States, 1919-1943. Museum Tusculanum Press. hlm. 1–391. ISBN 978-8772895819. OCLC 963460662. 
  • Murray B. Levin, Political Hysteria in America: The Democratic Capacity for Repression. New York: Basic Books, 1972.
  • Rodger McDaniel, Dying for Joe McCarthy's Sins. Cody, Wyo.: WordsWorth, 2013. ISBN 978-0983027591
  • Ted Morgan, Reds: McCarthyism in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Random House, 2004.
  • Robert K. Murray, Red Scare a Study in National Hysteria, 1919–1920. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 1964.
  • Richard Gid Powers, Not Without Honor: A History of American Anti-Communism. New York: Free Press, 1997.
  • Ellen Schrecker, Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1998.
  • Landon R.Y. Storrs, The Second Red Scare and the Unmaking of the New Deal Left. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012.
  • William M. Wiecek, "The Legal Foundations of Domestic Anticommunism: The Background of Dennis v. United States," Supreme Court Review, vol. 2001 (2001), pp. 375–434. In JSTOR

Pranala luar

  • "Political Tests for Professors: Academic Freedom during the McCarthy Years" by Ellen Schrecker, The University Loyalty Oath, October 7, 1999.
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  • Gar Alperovitz
  • Thomas A. Bailey
  • Michael Beschloss
  • Archie Brown
  • Warren H. Carroll
  • Adrian Cioroianu
  • John Costello
  • Michael Cox
  • Nicholas J. Cull
  • Willem Drees
  • Robert D. English
  • Herbert Feis
  • Robert Hugh Ferrell
  • André Fontaine
  • Anneli Ute Gabanyi
  • John Lewis Gaddis
  • Lloyd Gardner
  • Timothy Garton Ash
  • Gabriel Gorodetsky
  • Fred Halliday
  • Jussi Hanhimäki
  • John Earl Haynes
  • Patrick J. Hearden
  • Tvrtko Jakovina
  • Tony Judt
  • Harvey Klehr
  • Gabriel Kolko
  • Walter LaFeber
  • Walter Laqueur
  • Melvyn Leffler
  • Geir Lundestad
  • Mary Elise Sarotte
  • Vojtech Mastny
  • Jack F. Matlock Jr.
  • Thomas J. McCormick
  • Timothy Naftali
  • Marius Oprea
  • David S. Painter
  • William B. Pickett
  • Ronald E. Powaski
  • Yakov M. Rabkin
  • Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
  • Ellen Schrecker
  • Giles Scott-Smith
  • Shen Zhihua
  • Athan Theoharis
  • Andrew Thorpe
  • Vladimir Tismăneanu
  • Patrick Vaughan
  • Alex von Tunzelmann
  • Odd Arne Westad
  • William Appleman Williams
  • Jonathan Reed Winkler
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