Louis-Alexandre Berthier

Infobox orangLouis-Alexandre Berthier

Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Kelahiran20 November 1753 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Versailles Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Kematian1r Juni 1815 Edit nilai pada Wikidata (61 tahun)
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Pekerjaanpemahat, personel militer, politikus, insinyur Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Periode aktif1764 Edit nilai pada Wikidata –
Cabang militerAngkatan Bersenjata Perancis Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Pangkat militerMarshal of the Empire (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada Wikidata
KonflikPeperangan era Napoleon Edit nilai pada Wikidata
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Pasangan nikahDuchess Maria Elisabeth in Bavaria (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada Wikidata
AnakNapoléon Alexandre Berthier (en) Terjemahkan, Caroline Josephine Berthier de Wagram (en) Terjemahkan, Anne Berthier de Wagram (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Orang tuaJean Baptiste Berthier (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada WikidataMarie Françoise L'Huillier de La Serre (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada Wikidata
SaudaraLéopold Berthier (en) Terjemahkan Edit nilai pada Wikidata
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Tanda tangan
[[Berkas: Edit nilai pada Wikidata|220x250px|alt=]]

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Portrait of Berthier, yang dilukis pada 1808

Louis-Alexandre Berthier (20 November 1753 – 1 Juni 1815) Pangeran Wagram ke-1, Pangeran Berdaulat Neuchâtel, adalah seorang Marsekal dan Wakil Konsultan Kekaisaran Prancis, dan Kepala Staf di bawah kepemimpinan Napoleon.

Kehidupan awal

Ia lahir pada 20 November 1753 di Versailles[1] dari pasangan Letnan-Kolonel Jean-Baptiste Berthier (1721 – 1804), seorang perwira dalam Korps Insinyur Topografi, dan istri pertamanya (menikah pada 1746) Marie Françoise L'Huillier de La Serre. Ia adalah anak sulung dari lima bersaudara, dengan tiga saudaranya juga bertugas dalam Angkatan Darat Prancis, dua menjadi jenderal pada Perang Napoleon.[2]

Lihat pula


  1. ^ Chisholm 1911, hlm. 812.
  2. ^ Watson 1957, hlm. 13.


  • Watson, S.J. (1957), By Command of the Emperor: A Life of Marshal Berthier, London: The Bodley Head 

 Artikel ini menyertakan teks dari suatu terbitan yang sekarang berada pada ranah publik: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Berthier, Louis Alexandre". Encyclopædia Britannica. 3 (edisi ke-11). Cambridge University Press. hlm. 812. 

Bacaan tambahan

  • Bukhari, Emir Napoleon's Marshals Osprey Publishing, 1979, ISBN 0-85045-305-4.
  • Chandler, David Napoleon's Marshals Macmillan Pub Co, 1987, ISBN 0-02-905930-5.
  • Connelly, Owen, Blundering to Glory: Napoleon's Military Campaigns SR Books, 1999, ISBN 0-8420-2780-7.
  • Elting, John R. Swords around a Throne: Napoleon's Grande Armée Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997, ISBN 0-02-909501-8.
  • Haythornthwaite, Philip Napoleon's Commanders (2): c.1809-15 Osprey Publishing, 2002, ISBN 1-84176-345-4.
  • Hittle, James Donald the Military Staff: Its History and Development Military Service Publishing, 1952.
  • Macdonell, A. G. Napoleon and His Marshals Prion, 1997, ISBN 1-85375-222-3.
  • Pawly, Ronald Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (1): Organization and Personnel Osprey Publishing, 2004, ISBN 1-84176-793-X.
  • Pawly, Ronald Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (2): On campaign Osprey Publishing, 2004, ISBN 1-84176-794-8.
  • Watson, S.J. By Command of the Emperor: A Life of Marshal Berthier. Ken Trotman Ltd, ISBN 0-946879-46-X.

Pranala luar

  • Alex. Berthier, Relation of the Battle of Marengo Diarsipkan 2018-02-17 di Wayback Machine.
  • Spencer Napoleonica Collection Diarsipkan 2012-12-05 di Archive.is at Newberry Library
  • Karya Alexandre Berthier di Project Gutenberg
  • Karya oleh/tentang Louis Alexandre Berthier di Internet Archive (pencarian dioptimalkan untuk situs non-Beta)
  • Louis-Alexandre Berthier Collection Handcolored, topographical, manuscript maps (111 of them), created by Louis-Alexandre Berthier
  • l
  • b
  • s
Peristiwa sipil dan politik yang signifikan menurut tahun
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  • Assembly of Vizille (21 Jul 1788)
  • What Is the Third Estate? (Jan 1789)
  • Réveillon riots (28 Apr 1789)
  • Convocation of the Estates-General (5 May 1789)
  • Death of the Dauphin (4 June 1789)
  • National Assembly (17 Jun – 9 Jul 1790)
  • Tennis Court Oath (20 Jun 1789)
  • National Constituent Assembly (9 Jul – 30 Sep 1791)
  • Storming of the Bastille (14 Jul 1789)
  • Great Fear (20 Jul – 5 Aug 1789)
  • Abolition of Feudalism (4-11 Aug 1789)
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (27 Aug 1789)
  • Women's March on Versailles (5 Oct 1789)
  • Abolition of the Parlements (Feb–Jul 1790)
  • Abolition of the Nobility (19 Jun 1790)
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy (12 Jul 1790)
  • Fête de la Fédération (14 Jul 1790)
  • Flight to Varennes (20–21 Jun 1791)
  • Champ de Mars Massacre (17 Jul 1791)
  • Declaration of Pillnitz (27 Aug 1791)
  • The Constitution of 1791 (3 Sep 1791)
  • Legislative Assembly (1 Oct 1791 – Sep 1792)
  • France declares war (20 Apr 1792)
  • Brunswick Manifesto (25 Jul 1792)
  • Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary (Jun 1792)
  • 10th of August (10 Aug 1792)
  • September Massacres (Sep 1792)
  • National Convention (20 Sep 1792 – 26 Oct 1795)
  • First republic declared (22 Sep 1792)
  • Execution of Louis XVI (21 Jan 1793)
  • Revolutionary Tribunal (9 Mar 1793 – 31 May 1795)
  • Reign of Terror (27 Jun 1793 – 27 Jul 1794)
    • Committee of Public Safety
    • Committee of General Security
  • Fall of the Girondists (2 Jun 1793)
  • Assassination of Marat (13 Jul 1793)
  • Levée en masse (23 Aug 1793)
  • The Death of Marat (painting)
  • Law of Suspects (17 Sep 1793)
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  • Anti-clerical laws (throughout the year)
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  • Law of 22 Prairial (10 Jun 1794)
  • Thermidorian Reaction (27 Jul 1794)
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  • White Terror (Fall 1794)
  • Closing of the Jacobin Club (11 Nov 1794)
  • Constitution of the Year III (22 Aug 1795)
  • Conspiracy of the Equals (Nov 1795)
  • Directoire (1795–99)
    • Council of Five Hundred
    • Council of Ancients
  • 13 Vendémiaire 5 Oct 1795
  • Coup of 18 Fructidor (4 Sep 1797)
  • Second Congress of Rastatt (Dec 1797)
  • Coup of 30 Prairial VII (18 Jun 1799)
  • Coup of 18 Brumaire (9 Nov 1799)
  • Constitution of the Year VIII (24 Dec 1799)
  • Consulate
Operasi militer revolusioner
  • Verdun
  • Thionville
  • Valmy
  • Royalist Revolts
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    • Vendée
    • Dauphiné
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  • Battle of Neerwinden)
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  • Expédition de Sardaigne (21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793)
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  • Siege of Mainz
  • Battle of Wattignies
  • Battle of Hondschoote
  • Siege of Bellegarde
  • Battle of Peyrestortes (Pyrenees)
  • Siege of Toulon (18 Sep – 18 Dec 1793)
  • First Battle of Wissembourg (13 Oct 1793)
  • Battle of Truillas (Pyrenees)
  • Second Battle of Wissembourg (26–27 Dec 1793)
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  • Battle of Boulou (Pyrenees) (30 Apr – 1 May 1794)
  • Battle of Tourcoing (18 May 1794)
  • Battle of Tournay (22 May 1794)
  • Battle of Fleurus (26 Jun 1794)
  • Chouannerie
  • Battle of Aldenhoven (2 Oct 1794)
  • Peace of Basel
  • Battle of Lonato (3–4 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Castiglione (5 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Theiningen
  • Battle of Neresheim (11 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Amberg (24 Aug 1796)
  • Battle of Würzburg (3 Sep 1796)
  • Battle of Rovereto (4 Sep 1796)
  • First Battle of Bassano (8 Sep 1796)
  • Battle of Emmendingen (19 Oct 1796)
  • Battle of Schliengen (26 Oct 1796)
  • Second Battle of Bassano (6 Nov 1796)
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  • Treaty of Florence (18 Mar 1801)
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Pemimpin militer
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  • Maximilian Baillet de Latour (Walloon)
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  • Rudolf Ritter von Otto (Saxon)
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  • Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich
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dan Enragés
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