
PDBオルソログ検索: RCSB PDBe PDBj

1KLA, 1KLC, 1KLD, 3KFD, 4KV5

記号TGFB1, CED, DPD1, LAP, TGFB, TGFbeta, transforming growth factor beta 1, IBDIMDE, TGF-beta1
外部IDOMIM: 190180 MGI: 98725 HomoloGene: 540 GeneCards: TGFB1
遺伝子の位置 (ヒト)
19番染色体 (ヒト)
染色体19番染色体 (ヒト)[1]
19番染色体 (ヒト)
バンドデータ無し開始点41,301,587 bp[1]
終点41,353,922 bp[1]
遺伝子の位置 (マウス)
7番染色体 (マウス)
染色体7番染色体 (マウス)[2]
7番染色体 (マウス)
バンドデータ無し開始点25,386,427 bp[2]
終点25,404,502 bp[2]

分子機能 type II transforming growth factor beta receptor binding
protein N-terminus binding
cytokine activity
growth factor activity
type I transforming growth factor beta receptor binding
protein homodimerization activity
protein serine/threonine kinase activator activity
protein heterodimerization activity
type III transforming growth factor beta receptor binding
transforming growth factor beta receptor binding
identical protein binding
細胞の構成要素 細胞質
cell surface
blood microparticle
secretory granule
neuronal cell body
Golgi lumen
platelet alpha granule lumen
生物学的プロセス positive regulation of histone deacetylation
positive regulation of transcription regulatory region DNA binding
ureteric bud development
tolerance induction to self antigen
positive regulation of protein phosphorylation
response to cholesterol
positive regulation of MAP kinase activity
regulation of sodium ion transport
response to progesterone
negative regulation of cell cycle
T cell homeostasis
negative regulation of ossification
negative regulation of hyaluronan biosynthetic process
T cell differentiation
positive regulation of vascular permeability
animal organ regeneration
positive regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration
negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation
regulation of binding
inner ear development
negative regulation of macrophage cytokine production
transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
face morphogenesis
negative regulation of cell population proliferation
positive regulation of receptor clustering
regulation of apoptotic process
positive regulation of collagen biosynthetic process
cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus
pathway-restricted SMAD protein phosphorylation
regulation of DNA binding
regulation of actin cytoskeleton reorganization
negative regulation of fat cell differentiation
positive regulation of protein metabolic process
cell-cell junction organization
negative regulation of myoblast differentiation
positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling
common-partner SMAD protein phosphorylation
positive regulation of branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis
SMAD protein signal transduction
epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway
macrophage derived foam cell differentiation
negative regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell migration
positive regulation of protein dephosphorylation
extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
negative regulation of extracellular matrix disassembly
mitotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling
positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation
negative regulation of cell differentiation
regulation of branching involved in mammary gland duct morphogenesis
positive regulation of exit from mitosis
negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
morphogenesis of a branching structure
regulation of SMAD protein signal transduction
positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation
cell activation
negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation
positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
negative regulation of T cell proliferation
response to wounding
negative regulation of cell growth
positive regulation of chemotaxis
protein export from nucleus
regulation of protein import into nucleus
positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
positive regulation of protein import into nucleus
positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell differentiation
oligodendrocyte development
positive regulation of interleukin-17 production
negative regulation of interleukin-17 production
T cell activation
negative regulation of protein phosphorylation
regulation of blood vessel remodeling
SMAD protein complex assembly
regulation of striated muscle tissue development
response to vitamin D
chondrocyte differentiation
regulatory T cell differentiation
regulation of cartilage development
branch elongation involved in mammary gland duct branching
positive regulation of bone mineralization
positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation
female pregnancy
cellular response to organic cyclic compound
positive regulation of extracellular matrix assembly
cellular calcium ion homeostasis
negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
response to glucose
positive regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition
negative regulation of production of miRNAs involved in gene silencing by miRNA
mitigation of host defenses by virus
lens fiber cell differentiation
positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity
extracellular matrix assembly
ATP biosynthetic process
hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation
regulation of interleukin-23 production
positive regulation of protein secretion
frontal suture morphogenesis
adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains
negative regulation of release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol
response to radiation
mononuclear cell proliferation
negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
negative regulation of T cell activation
positive regulation of odontogenesis
positive regulation of protein localization to nucleus
regulation of cell migration
hyaluronan catabolic process
negative regulation of phagocytosis
positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly
negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion
negative regulation of gene silencing by miRNA
positive regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation
cellular response to growth factor stimulus
positive regulation of pathway-restricted SMAD protein phosphorylation
mammary gland branching involved in thelarche
response to laminar fluid shear stress
regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation
platelet degranulation
negative regulation of DNA replication
myeloid dendritic cell differentiation
salivary gland morphogenesis
receptor catabolic process
MAPK cascade
positive regulation of histone acetylation
regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway
positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity
negative regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
positive regulation of NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase activity
negative regulation of immune response
regulation of cell population proliferation
negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development
positive regulation of peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation
positive regulation of smooth muscle cell differentiation
positive regulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes
connective tissue replacement involved in inflammatory response wound healing
ossification involved in bone remodeling
positive regulation of apoptotic process
positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production
positive regulation of superoxide anion generation
positive regulation of fibroblast migration
positive regulation of cell division
germ cell migration
positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle
positive regulation of SMAD protein signal transduction
positive regulation of pri-miRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II
positive regulation of gene expression
positive regulation of cell population proliferation
liver regeneration
regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation
positive regulation of mononuclear cell migration
cellular response to insulin-like growth factor stimulus
positive regulation of cell migration
response to immobilization stress
cellular response to mechanical stimulus
cellular response to ionizing radiation
neural tube closure
heart valve morphogenesis
membrane protein intracellular domain proteolysis
leukocyte migration
ventricular cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis
positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade
transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway involved in heart development
embryonic liver development
BMP signaling pathway
regulation of pri-miRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II
positive regulation of production of miRNAs involved in gene silencing by miRNA
regulation of signaling receptor activity
出典:Amigo / QuickGO















Chr 19: 41.3 – 41.35 MbChr 19: 25.39 – 25.4 Mb
閲覧/編集 ヒト閲覧/編集 マウス

TGF-β1(transforming growth factor beta 1)は、TGF-βスーパーファミリーに属するサイトカインの1つであり、細胞成長、細胞増殖、細胞分化アポトーシスの制御など、多くの細胞機能を発揮する分泌タンパク質である。ヒトでは、TGF-β1はTGFB1遺伝子にコードされる[5][6]




TGF-β1は、ヒトの血小板において創傷治癒に関与している可能性のある25 kDaのタンパク質として最初に同定された[8][9]。その後、大きな前駆体タンパク質(390アミノ酸)がタンパク質切断によって112アミノ酸の成熟ペプチドへとプロセシングされたものであることが明らかにされた[10]











  • デコリン(英語版)[20][21][22]
  • EIF3I(英語版)[23]
  • LTBP1(英語版)[24]
  • TGFBR1(英語版)[25][26]
  • YWHAE(英語版)[27]


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  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000002603 - Ensembl, May 2017
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  4. ^ Mouse PubMed Reference:
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  • Overview of all the structural information available in the PDB for UniProt: P01137 (Transforming growth factor beta-1) at the PDBe-KB.