Vo slavu velikim!

Vo slavu velikim!
아르코나스튜디오 음반
아르코나 연표
Lepta Vo slavu velikim! Zhizn Vo Slavu

Vo slavu velikim!》는 2005년에 발매된 아르코나의 음반이다.

곡 목록

#제목Original Russian titles재생 시간
1.Intro (Kolymiyka)"Интро (Коломийка)"1:31
2.Skvoz Tuman Vekov (Through the Mist of Ages)"Сквозь туман веков"5:10
3.Rus Iznachalnaya (Primordial Rus)"Русь изначальная"5:43
4.Vo Slavu Velikim! (For Glory of the Great)"Во славу великим!"5:37
5.Po Syroi Zemle (On the Moist Earth)"По сырой земле"7:39
6.Tuman Yarom (Ukrainian folk song)"Туман Яром"2:50
7.Zov Bitvy (Call of the Battle)"Зов битвы"4:08
8.Vedy Proshlovo (Vedas of the Past)"Веды прошлого"5:21
9.Velikden (Great Day)"Великдень"0:56
10.Gnev Vremen (The Wrath of Times)"Гнев времен"5:11
11.Na Svarogovoi Doroge (On a Svarog's Road)"На Свароговой дороге"5:09
12.Vyidi, Vyidi Ivanku... (Russian folk song)"Выйди, выйди Иванку..."1:12
13.Vosstaniye Roda (Rod's Uprising)"Восстание Рода"5:27
14.Sila Slavnykh (By Virtue of the Glorious)"Сила Славных"5:32


전문가 평가
평가 점수
Sonic Seducer[1]very favourable


  1. Eck, Markus (2008). “Arkona – Vo Slavu Velikim”. 《Sonic Seducer》 (독일어). 12호. 2013년 2월 12일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 7월 29일에 확인함. Mit diesem zeitlos schönen Geniestreich offenbart sich, dass diese russische Gruppe zum Allerbesten und auch Ästhetischsten gehört, was der gesamte internationale Pagan Folk Metal überhaupt zu bieten hat. [This agelessly beautiful stroke of genius reveals that this Russian band belongs among the very best and the most aesthetic that the entire range of international pagan folk metal has to offer.]