Lista psychologicznych czasopism naukowych

Wykaz psychologicznych czasopism naukowych podlegających recenzji naukowej[1][2].


  • Acta Psychologica[3]
  • Adaptive Behavior
  • American Behavioral
  • Scientist American Journal of Psychology
  • American Psychologist
  • Annual Review of Psychology
  • Applied Psychological Measurement
  • Archives of Scientific Psychology
  • Archives of Sexual Behavior
  • Archives of Suicide Research
  • Asian Journal of Social Psychology
  • Athletic Insight: The Online Journal of Sport Psychology
  • Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics


  • Basic and Applied Social Psychology
  • Behavior Therapy
  • Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  • British Journal of Clinical Psychology
  • British Journal of Development Psychology
  • British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
  • British Journal of Psychology
  • British Journal of Social Psychology
  • British Journal of Sports Medicine


  • Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
  • Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
  • Canadian Psychology
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • Clinical Psychological Science
  • Cognition Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research
  • Couple and Family Psychology
  • Cultic Studies Review
  • Current Directions in Psychological Science


  • Developmental Psychology[4]


  • Ecological Psychology
  • Emotion
  • European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
  • European Psychologist
  • Evolution and Human Behavior
  • Evolutionary Psychology


  • Health Psychology


  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Intellectica
  • The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
  • The International Journal of Aviation Psychology
  • The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
  • International Journal of Psychology
  • International Journal of Transgenderism


  • Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
  • Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
  • Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Journal of Applied Social Psychology
  • Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
  • Journal of Consciousness Studies
  • Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  • Journal of European Psychology Students
  • Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
  • Journal of Health Psychology
  • Journal of Homosexuality
  • Journal of Mind and Behavior
  • Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
  • Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
  • Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • The Journal of Psychology
  • Journal of Research in Personality
  • Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
  • Journal of Sex Research
  • Journal of Social & Psychological Sciences
  • Journal of Vision


  • Mind & Language
  • Music Perception


  • Perception
  • Perceptual and Motor Skills
  • Personal Relationships
  • Personality and Individual Differences
  • Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
  • Personality and Social Psychology Review
  • Perspectives on Psychological Science
  • Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
  • Psyche
  • Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
  • Psychological Bulletin
  • Psychological Medicine
  • Psychological Reports
  • Psychological Review
  • Psychological Science
  • Psychological Science in the Public Interest
  • Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
  • Psychology of Music
  • Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
  • Psychometrika
  • Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
  • Psycoloqy


  • Quality & Quantity


  • Review of General Psychology
  • Review of Philosophy and Psychology


  • Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior


  • Trends in Cognitive Sciences


  • Universitas Psychologica


  • Vision Research
  • Visual Cognition
  • Visual Neuroscience


  • Work & Stress


  1. Psychological Experiments on the Internet [online], [dostęp 2016-07-28] .
  2. Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego [online], [dostęp 2016-07-28] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2016-07-28] .
  3. Acta Psychologica - Journal - Elsevier [online], [dostęp 2016-07-28] .
  4. Developmental Psychology [online], [dostęp 2016-07-28] .

Linki zewnętrzne

  • Electronic journals and periodicals in psychology and related fields
  • The DOAJ list of psychology open access journals