Núcleos da rafe

Localização dos núcleos da rafe no crânio (a verde)

Os núcleos da rafe são núcleos encontrados no tronco cerebral. Sua principal função é a secreção de serotonina para o resto do cérebro.[1]

Há diversos núcleos da rafe:[2]

  • Núcleo escuro da rafe
  • Núcleo pálido da rafe
  • Núcleo magno da rafe
  • Núcleo pontino da rafe
  • Núcleo médio da rafe
  • Núcleo dorsal da rafe
  • Núcleo caudal linear


  1. George J. Siegel, ed. (1999). «Understanding the neuroanatomical organization of serotonergic cells in brain provides insight into the functions of this neurotransmitter». Basic Neurochemistry. Bernard W. Agranoff, Stephen K. Fisher, R. Wayne Albers, Michael D. Uhler Sixth ed. [S.l.]: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISBN 0-397-51820-X. In 1964, Dahlstrom and Fuxe (discussed in [2]), using the Falck-Hillarp technique of histofluorescence, observed that the majority of serotonergic soma are found in cell body groups, which previously had been designated as the raphe nuclei. 
  2. Törk I (1990). «Anatomy of the serotonergic system». Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 600 (1): 9–34; discussion 34–5. Bibcode:1990NYASA.600....9T. PMID 2252340. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1990.tb16870.x 
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  • Wd: Q2061493
  • JSTOR: raphe-nuclei
  • FMA: 84017
  • MeSH: D011903
  • MeSH: A08.
  • NCIt: C97335
  • NeuroLex: nlx_anat_20090205
  • TA: A14.1.04.257
  • Uberon: 0004684
  • UMLS: C0034671