Paycheck (povestire)

„Paycheck (povestire)”
AutorPhilip K. Dick  Modificați la Wikidata
Titlu originalPaycheck
Țara primei aparițiiStatele Unite ale Americii  Modificați la Wikidata
Limbăengleza americană  Modificați la Wikidata
Genștiințifico-fantastic  Modificați la Wikidata
Modifică date / text Consultați documentația formatului

Paycheck este o povestire științifico-fantastică scrisă de Philip K. Dick la 31 iulie 1952. A fost publicată în 1953 în numărul din iunie al revistei Imagination.


Jennings, un inginer electronic talentat, acceptă un contract secret cu Rethrick Construction. Condițiile contractului impun ca acesta să lucreze timp de doi ani la un proiect secret, după care i se va șterge memoria în schimbul unei sume mari de bani. Dar când se trezește, peste cei doi ani din care nu mai știe nimic, descoperă că America a devenit un stat polițist. Jennings este prins de poliția secretă care dorește să afle cu ce se ocupă Rethrick Construction.


Povesirea a fost ecranizată în 2003 ca Cecul sau viața (regia John Woo, cu Ben Affleck ca inginerul Michael Jennings).

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Lucrări de Philip K. Dick
  • A Handful of Darkness (1955)
  • The Variable Man (1956)
  • The Preserving Machine (1969)
  • The Book of Philip K. Dick (1973)
  • The Best of Philip K. Dick (1977)
  • The Golden Man (1980)
  • Robots, Androids, and Mechanical Oddities (1984)
  • I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (1985)
  • The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick (1987)
  • Beyond Lies the Wub (1988)
  • The Dark Haired Girl (1989)
  • The Father-Thing (1989)
  • Second Variety (1989)
  • The Days of Perky Pat (1990)
  • The Little Black Box (1990)
  • The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford (1990)
  • We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (1990)
  • Furnica electrică (1991)
  • Second Variety (1991)
  • The Eye of the Sibyl (1992)
  • The Philip K. Dick Reader (1997)
  • Minority Report (2002)
  • Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick (2002)
  • Paycheck (2004)
  • Vintage PKD (2006)
  • The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick (2011)
  • "Dincolo zace wubul" (1952)
  • "The Gun" (1952)
  • "The Skull" (1952)
  • "The Little Movement" (1952)
  • "The Defenders" (1953)
  • "Mr. Spaceship" (1953)
  • "Piper in the Woods" (1953)
  • "Roog" (1953)
  • "The Infinites" (1953)
  • "Varietatea a doua" (1953)
  • "Colony" (1953)
  • "The Cookie Lady" (1953)
  • "Impostorul" (1953)
  • "Paycheck" (1953)
  • "The Preserving Machine" (1953)
  • "Expendable" (1953)
  • "The Indefatigable Frog" (1953)
  • "The Commuter" (1953)
  • "Out in the Garden" (1953)
  • "The Great C" (1953)
  • "The King of the Elves" (1953)
  • "The Trouble with Bubbles" (1953)
  • "The Variable Man" (1953)
  • "The Impossible Planet" (1953)
  • "Planet for Transients" (1953)
  • "The Builder" (1953)
  • "Tony and the Beetles" (1953)
  • "The Hanging Stranger" (1953)
  • "Prize Ship" (1954)
  • "Beyond the Door" (1954)
  • "The Crystal Crypt" (1954)
  • "The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford" (1954)
  • "The Golden Man" (1954)
  • "Sales Pitch" (1954)
  • "Breakfast at Twilight" (1954)
  • "The Crawlers" (1954)
  • "Exhibit Piece" (1954)
  • "Adjustment Team" (1954)
  • "Shell Game" (1954)
  • "Meddler" (1954)
  • "A World of Talent" (1954)
  • "The Last of the Masters" (1954)
  • "Upon the Dull Earth" (1954)
  • "The Father-thing" (1954)
  • "Strange Eden" (1954)
  • "The Turning Wheel" (1954)
  • "The Hood Maker" (1954)
  • "Foster, ești mort!" (1955)
  • "Human Is" (1955)
  • "War Veteran" (1955)
  • "Captive Market" (1955)
  • "Nanny" (1955)
  • "The Chromium Fence" (1955)
  • "Service Call" (1955)
  • "The Mold of Yancy" (1955)
  • "Autofac" (1955)
  • "Psi-man Heal My Child!" (1955)
  • "The Hood Maker" (1955)
  • "Raport minoritar" (1956)
  • "Pay for the Printer" (1956)
  • "A Glass of Darkness" (1956)
  • "The Unreconstructed M" (1957)
  • "Null-O" (1958)
  • "Explorers We" (1959)
  • "Recall Mechanism" (1959)
  • "Fair Game" (1959)
  • "Un joc de război" (1959)
  • "All We Marsmen" (1963)
  • "What'll We Do with Ragland Park?" (1963)
  • "The Days of Perky Pat" (1963)
  • "If There Were No Benny Cemoli" (1963)
  • "Waterspider" (1964)
  • "Novelty Act" (1964)
  • "Ah, să fii gelat!..." (1964)
  • "The War with the Fnools" (1964)
  • "Ce spun morții" (1964)
  • "Orpheus with Clay Feet" (1964)
  • "Cantata 140" (1964)
  • "The Unteleported Man" (1964)
  • "The Little Black Box" (1964)
  • "Retreat Syndrome" (1965)
  • "Project Plowshare (later "The Zap Gun")" (1965)
  • "Amintiri garantate" (1966)
  • "Holy Quarrel" (1966)
  • "Faith of Our Fathers" (1967)
  • "Not by Its Cover" (1968)
  • "Furnica electrică " (1969)
  • "A. Lincoln, Simulacrum" (1969)
  • "The Pre-persons" (1974)
  • "A Little Something for Us Tempunauts" (1974)
  • "The Exit Door Leads In" (1979)
  • "Rautavaara's Case" (1980)
  • "I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon" (1980)
  • "The Eye of the Sibyl" (1987)
  • "Stability" (1987)
Seriale TV