Arthur R. M. Lower

Arthur R. M. Lower (12. avgust 1889. – 7. januar 1988) je bio kanadski istoričar i liberalni nacionalista čiji je poseban predmet proučavanja bila ekonomska istorija Kanade i kanadsko-američki odnosi.

Studirao je na Univerzitetu u Torontu i Harvard univerzitetu na kojem je doktorirao. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata je bio oficir britanske kraljevske mornarice.

Njegovo najznačajnije delo je bilo „Colony to nation“ (Od kolonije do nacije), prvi put objavljeno 1946, kojim je uticao na odnos stanovnika Kanade engleskog porekla prema dualitetu kanadske nacije.


Delomična lista dela:

  • Documents relating to Canadian currency, exchange and finance during the French period (Ottawa, 1925)
  • Select documents in Canadian economic history 1783-1885 (Toronto, 1933) edited with economic historian Harold Innis
  • The North American assault on the Canadian forest : a history of the lumber trade between Canada and the United States (New Haven, 1938)
  • "Two nations or two nationalities", in Culture 4 (1943), 470-481.
  • Two ways of life : the primary antithesis of Canadian history (Ottawa, 1943)
  • Colony to Nation : a history of Canada (Toronto, 1946) 2nd ed., 1949; 3rd ed., 1957; 4th ed., 1964; 5th ed., 1977.
  • This Most Famous Stream : the liberal democratic way of life (Toronto, 1954)
  • Canadians in the Making : a social history of Canada (Toronto, 1958)
  • My first seventy-five years (Toronto, 1967)
  • Great Britain's Woodyard : British America and the timber trade 1763-1867 (Montreal, 1973)
  • A pattern for history (Toronto, 1978)
Normativna kontrola Uredi na Wikidati
  • WorldCat identiteti
  • VIAF: 108898752
  • LCCN: n50044988
  • ISNI: 0000 0001 2214 3449
  • GND: 122879775
  • SUDOC: 075022516
  • BIBSYS: 2038659
  • NKC: vse2014824539