The Thirty-Nine Steps

The Thirty-Nine Steps
korice 1. izdanja
Autor(i)John Buchan
Država Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
SerijaRichard Hannay
IzdavačWilliam Blackwood & Sons
Datum izdanja1915
Vrsta medijaštampa (tvrdi i meki uvez)
Prethodi: Slijedi:

The Thirty-Nine Steps (sh. Trideset devet stepenica) je pustolovni roman škotskog pisca ] Johna Buchana, originalno objavljen 1915. godine i najpoznatiji kao prvi iz serije o Richardu Hannayu. Radnja se događa u proljeće 1914. godine, odnosno netom pred izbijanje prvog svjetskog rata. Protagonist je škotski inženjer koji se iz Rodezije vratio u Britaniju prije nego što postaje optužen za ubistva, prisiljen na bijeg, odnosno nastoji raskrinkati prave ubice iz reda njemačkih špijuna. Buchanova knjiga je doživjela veliki uspjeh, te je tokom sljedećih godina napisao nekoliko nastavaka. Kritičari su ga kasnije proglasili jednim od prvih koji je koristio motiv "običnog čovjeka u neobičnoj situaciji", a koji če postati posebno popularan među autorima filmskih trilera.

The Thiry-Nine Steps je poznata po nekoliko ekranizacija, od kojih je skoro svaka doživjela veliki uspjeh kod publike i kod kritike. Najpoznatija je verzija iz 1935. godine koju je režirao Alfred Hitchcock. Godine 1959. je snimljena još jedna verzija sa Kennethom Moreom, a 1978. verzija sa Robertom Powellom koja se smatra najvjernijom predlošku. Godine 1995. je postavljena i kazališna verzija, a 2008. emitiran TV-film u kome je glavnu ulogu tumačio Rupert Penry-Jones.


Vanjske veze

  • Besplatna e-knjiga: The Thirty-nine Steps na Projektu Gutenberg
  • A review of the book from
  • Free audio book of The Thirty-Nine Steps from
  • p
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John Buchan
Romani o Richardu Hannayu
  • The Thirty-Nine Steps (1915)
  • Greenmantle (1916)
  • Mr Standfast (1919)
  • The Three Hostages (1924)
  • The Courts of the Morning (1929)
  • The Island of Sheep (1936)
Romani o Edwardu Leithenu
  • The Power-House (1916)
  • John Macnab (1925)
  • The Dancing Floor (1926)
  • The Gap in the Curtain (1932)
  • Sick Heart River (1941)
Trilogija o Dicksonu McCunnu
  • Huntingtower (1922)
  • Castle Gay (1930)
  • The House of the Four Winds (1935)
Ostala fikcija
  • Sir Quixote of the Moors (1895)
  • John Burnet of Barns (1898)
  • A Lost Lady of Old Years (1899)
  • The Half-Hearted (1900)
  • A Lodge in the Wilderness (1906)
  • Prester John (1910)
  • The Moon Endureth (1912)
  • Salute to Adventurers (1915)
  • The Path of the King (1921)
  • Midwinter (1923)
  • Witch Wood (1927)
  • The Runagates Club (1928)
  • The Blanket of the Dark (1931)
  • The Magic Walking Stick (1932)
  • A Prince of the Captivity (1933)
  • The Free Fishers (1934)
  • The Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy (1984)
  • Sandy Arbuthnot
  • John S. Blenkiron
  • Sir Walter Bullivant
  • Hilda von Einem
  • Richard Hannay
  • Charles Lamancha
  • Edward Leithen
  • Dickson McCunn
  • John Palliser-Yeates
  • Peter Pienaar
  • Archie Roylance
  • Montrose (1928)
  • Memory Hold-the-Door (1940)
  • The Battles of Coronel and Falkland Islands (1927)
  • Huntingtower (1927)
  • The 39 Steps (1935)
  • The 39 Steps (1959)
  • The Three Hostages (1977) (TV-film)
  • The Thirty Nine Steps (1978)
  • The 39 Steps (2008) (TV movie)
  • The Three Hostages (1952)
  • Witch Wood (1954)
  • John Macnab (1976)
  • Huntingtower (1978)
  • Hannay (1988-89)
  • The 39 Steps (play)
  • Susan Charlotte Grosvenor
  • John Buchan
  • William Buchan
  • Alastair Francis Buchan
  • Anna Masterton Buchan
  • Djela
  • p
  • r
  • u
John Buchan
Romani o Richardu Hannayu
  • The Thirty-Nine Steps (1915)
  • Greenmantle (1916)
  • Mr Standfast (1919)
  • The Three Hostages (1924)
  • The Courts of the Morning (1929)
  • The Island of Sheep (1936)
Romani o Edwardu Leithenu
  • The Power-House (1916)
  • John Macnab (1925)
  • The Dancing Floor (1926)
  • The Gap in the Curtain (1932)
  • Sick Heart River (1941)
Trilogija o Dicksonu McCunnu
  • Huntingtower (1922)
  • Castle Gay (1930)
  • The House of the Four Winds (1935)
Ostala fikcija
  • Sir Quixote of the Moors (1895)
  • John Burnet of Barns (1898)
  • A Lost Lady of Old Years (1899)
  • The Half-Hearted (1900)
  • A Lodge in the Wilderness (1906)
  • Prester John (1910)
  • The Moon Endureth (1912)
  • Salute to Adventurers (1915)
  • The Path of the King (1921)
  • Midwinter (1923)
  • Witch Wood (1927)
  • The Runagates Club (1928)
  • The Blanket of the Dark (1931)
  • The Magic Walking Stick (1932)
  • A Prince of the Captivity (1933)
  • The Free Fishers (1934)
  • The Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy (1984)
  • Sandy Arbuthnot
  • John S. Blenkiron
  • Sir Walter Bullivant
  • Hilda von Einem
  • Richard Hannay
  • Charles Lamancha
  • Edward Leithen
  • Dickson McCunn
  • John Palliser-Yeates
  • Peter Pienaar
  • Archie Roylance
  • Montrose (1928)
  • Memory Hold-the-Door (1940)
  • The Battles of Coronel and Falkland Islands (1927)
  • Huntingtower (1927)
  • The 39 Steps (1935)
  • The 39 Steps (1959)
  • The Three Hostages (1977) (TV-film)
  • The Thirty Nine Steps (1978)
  • The 39 Steps (2008) (TV movie)
  • The Three Hostages (1952)
  • Witch Wood (1954)
  • John Macnab (1976)
  • Huntingtower (1978)
  • Hannay (1988-89)
  • The 39 Steps (play)
  • Susan Charlotte Grosvenor
  • John Buchan
  • William Buchan
  • Alastair Francis Buchan
  • Anna Masterton Buchan
  • Djela
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