

IPA 示例 英语中的相同或近似发音
西班牙 拉美
b[1] bestia, embuste, vaca, envidia about
β bebé, viva, curva, obtuso, fútbol, apto[2] about, 但嘴唇未完全闭合
d[1] dedo, cuando, aldaba today
ð diva, arder, admirar, juventud, atmósfera[2] this
f[3] fase, afgano face
ɡ[1] gato, guerra, lengua again
ɣ trigo, amargo, signo, doctor[2] again, 但舌头不要接触上颚
ʝ[1][4] ayuno you
ɟʝ[1][4] yermo, cónyuge jeep
k caña, quise, kilo scan
l lino lean
m[5] madre, campo mother
ɱ[5] anfibio comfort
n[5] nido, sin, álbum need
ɲ[5] ñandú, cónyuge canyon
ŋ[5] cinco, tengo sing
p pozo spouse
r[6] rumbo, carro, honra, subrayar run (蘇格蘭英語), 颤音r
ɾ[6] caro, bravo, partir atom (闪音)
s[3][7][8] saco, espita, xenón 介于 sip ship 之间 (清齒齦擦音; 西班牙), sip (拉美)
θ[3][8] s[3][7][8] cereal, zorro, jazmín, juzgar thing (西班牙), sip (拉美)
ʃ[9] show, Rocher, xocoatole shack
t tamiz stand
chubasco choose
x[10] jamón, general, México,[11] hámster[12] Scottish loch
ʎ[1][4] llave, pollo million
IPA 示例 英语中的相同或近似发音
a mal father
e es berry
i di, y see
o sol more
u su cool
IPA 示例 英语中的相同或近似发音
j ciudad, rey yet
w[14] cuatro, Huila, auto, pingüino wine
IPA 示例 英语中的相同或近似发音
ˈ ciudad [θjuˈðað] domain
. o [ˈmi.o] Leo


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 /b, d, ɡ, ɟʝ/ are pronounced as fricatives or approximants [β, ð, ɣ, ʝ] in all places except after a pause, /n/ or /m/, or in the case of /d/ and /ɟʝ/, after /l/. In the latter environments, they are stops [b, d, ɡ, ɟʝ] like English b, d, g, j, but are fully voiced in all positions, unlike in English. When it is distinct from /ʝ/, /ʎ/ is realized as an approximant [ʎ] in all positions (Martínez-Celdrán, Fernández-Planas & Carrera-Sabaté 2003,第257-8頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFMartínez-CeldránFernández-PlanasCarrera-Sabaté2003 (help).
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 The distinction between /p, t, k/ and /b, d, ɡ/ is lost in word-internal syllable-final positions. The resulting realization varies from [p, t, k] to [b, d, ɡ] to [β, ð, ɣ], with the latter being the usual form in conversational style (Hualde 2005,第146頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFHualde2005 (help).
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 When preceding a voiced consonant, /s, θ, f/ may be voiced ([z, θ̬, v]), but since this is variable (Campos-Astorkiza 2018,第174頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFCampos-Astorkiza2018 (help), /s, θ, f/ are always transcribed with ⟨s, θ, f⟩ in this system.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Most speakers no longer distinguish /ʎ/ from /ʝ/; the actual realization depends on dialect, however. See yeísmo and Martínez-Celdrán, Fernández-Planas & Carrera-Sabaté (2003:258頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFMartínez-CeldránFernández-PlanasCarrera-Sabaté2003 (help) for more information.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Nasals always assimilate their place of articulation to that of the following consonant. Before velars, they are [ŋ], and before labials, they are [m]. The labiodental [ɱ] appears before /f/.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 The rhotic consonants, [r] and [ɾ], only contrast word-medially between vowels, where they are usually spelled rr and r, respectively. Otherwise, they are in complementary distribution: Word-initially, stem-initially, and after /l, n, s/, only [r] is found; before a consonant or pause, the two are interchangeable, but [ɾ] is more common (hence so represented here). Elsewhere, only [ɾ] is found. When two rhotics occur consecutively across a word or prefix boundary they result in one long trill, which is transcribed with ⟨ɾr⟩ in this key: dar rocas [daɾ ˈrokas], super-rápido [supeɾˈrapiðo] (Hualde 2005,第184頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFHualde2005 (help).
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 In much of Hispanic America and in the southern half of Spain, /s/ in syllable-final positions is either pronounced as [h] or not pronounced at all. In transcriptions linked to this key, however, it is always represented by ⟨s⟩.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Northern and Central Spain distinguish between s (/s/) and soft c or z (/θ/). Almost all other dialects treat the two as identical, either pronouncing them as /s/ (seseo) in Latin America and some parts of Andalusia, or as /θ/ (ceceo) in most of Andalusia. In areas with the distinction, the alveolar sibilant is typically more retracted (often perceived as closer to the sound represented by sh in ship) than in areas with seseo. Contrary to yeísmo, seseo and ceceo are not phonemic mergers but the outcome of a different evolution of sibilants in southern Spain in comparison with northern and central dialects. See phonological history of Spanish coronal fricatives and Martínez-Celdrán, Fernández-Planas & Carrera-Sabaté (2003:258頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFMartínez-CeldránFernández-PlanasCarrera-Sabaté2003 (help) for more information.
  9. ^ /ʃ/ is used only in loanwords and certain proper nouns. It is nonexistent in many dialects, being realized as [] or [s]; e.g. show [tʃow]~[sow].
  10. ^ /x/ is pronounced as [h] in many accents such as those in the Caribbean, Central America, Colombia, Andalusia, and the Canary Islands (Hualde 2005,第156頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFHualde2005 (help). It is pronounced as [χ] in northern Peninsular Spanish (Coloma 2012,第3; 17頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFColoma2012 (help).
  11. ^ The letter x represents /x/ only in certain proper names like Ximena and some placenames in current or former Mexico (e.g. Oaxaca and Texas).
  12. ^ The letter h represents /x/ only in loanwords; in native words it is always silent.
  13. ^ [j, w] are allophones of /i, u/ that manifest when unstressed and adjacent to another vowel. Mid vowels /e, o/ may also be realized as semivowels, as in [ˈpo̯eta, ˈmae̯stɾo] (poeta, maestro). Semivocalic realizations of /e, o/ may in addition be raised to [j, w], as in [ˈpweta, ˈmajstɾo], which is common in Latin America, but stigmatized in Spain (Hualde, Simonet & Torreira 2008,第1911頁) harv error: no target: CITEREFHualdeSimonetTorreira2008 (help). Since both these phenomena are optional and predictable, they are not reflected in transcription ([poˈeta, maˈestɾo]).
  14. ^ Some speakers may pronounce word-initial [w] with an epenthetic [ɡ] (e.g. Huila [ˈɡwila]~[ˈwila]).
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